Corticospinal Flashcards
___________ movements are carried out by means of the corticospinal tract for the body and corticobulbar (corticonuclear) tracts for the cranial nerve motor nuclei that innervate muscles of the______.
The corticospinal tract and corticobulbar tracts (pathways) arise in the cerebral cortex; descend through the _____________ to end in ___________________ or the ventral horn of the spinal cord.
internal capsule
brainstem motor nuclei
Most of the fibers descending to the spinal cord cross in the ___________________ at the _____________ decussation. The remainder of the fibers descend ipsilaterally to individual segments and then cross.
lower medulla
This organization describes how volitional movement on the left side of the body is controlled by the ____________________; and the right side of the body to be controlled by the ______________________.
right side of the brain
left side of the brain
REMEMBER, the sensory information from the left side of the body crossed and ascended to end in the right side of the brain; and all of the information from the right side of the body crossed and ascended to end in the left side of the brain. Makes for a pretty efficiently organized system!!
REMEMBER, the sensory information from the left side of the body crossed and ascended to end in the right side of the brain; and all of the information from the right side of the body crossed and ascended to end in the left side of the brain. Makes for a pretty efficiently organized system!!
Corticospinal tract =
voluntary motor pathway for the body
Primary cells of origin are located in the _____________ (primary motor cortex; area 4). There are also neurons found in area 6 (________________________________________________), area 8 (____________) and also to a lesser extent in the ______________________ (areas 3,1, 2) whose axons travel in the corticospinal tract.
precentral gyrus
premotor region; lateral premotor and supplementary motor
frontal eye fields
primary somatosensory cortex
The fibers that make up the corticospinal tract exit the gray matter of the cortex and travel through the __________________ (the fiber bundles underlying the cortex).
medullary white matter
List some of the structures that the fibers travel through in the medullary white matter:
(in sequence):
- corona radiata
- posterior limb of the internal capsule
- cerebral peduncles
- corticospinal fibers in the ventral pons
- pyramids.
At the lower end of the medulla, ____of the fibers cross at the pyramidal decussation and continue their descent as the _____________________________ (located in the lateral funiculus).
lateral corticospinal tract
The remaining fibers that do not cross descend as the ______________________________ (located in the anterior funiculus). These latter fibers then cross at the __________ level where they innervate the _______________________________
anterior corticospinal tract
lower motor neuronal pool.
The organization of the fibers as they descend is __________________ arranged.
The termination of the corticospinal tract fibers is primarily on ____________________ (97%).
The majority of the corticospinal fibers terminate in the _________________ (55%) and lesser numbers in the _______________ (20%) and _____________ (25%) regions.
cervical region
thoracic region
It is the ____________ that then excite or inhibit the lower motor neurons (neurons in the ventral horn that make up the ventral root) to influence the activity of a given motor unit.
Lower motor neurons that are responsible for activation of extrafusal muscle fibers (volitional movements) are termed ___________ neurons and are the final _______________________ to the muscle or effecter organ.
alpha () motor
common pathway
___________________ neurons are also lower motor neurons. They innervate the _______________ muscle fibers of the muscle spindle. (Think about this distribution and what parts of the body have the most delicate and fine motor movements.)
Gamma () motor
Corticoreticulospinal pathway runs __________ to the corticospinal tract.
The cells giving rise to these fibers are located in the ______________________________________ areas.
supplementary motor and lateral premotor
The axons descend along with the corticospinal fibers to the level of the ___________________________________, where they synapse bilaterally. Reticulospinal fibers then descend into the spinal cord where they synapse in the __________________ on the lower motor neuron pool; primarily interneurons.
pontine and medullary reticular formation
ventral horn
Functionally, this system has a dual purpose. The premotor and secondary motor areas provide the information to primary motor cortex for ______________ movement.
The information from primary motor cortex then descends for fine motor control distally on the extremities, i.e., the fingers. This precise individual movement is termed __________________ movement.