Corticobulbar Pathway Flashcards
what is the pathway of the corticobulbar tract?
pre-central gyrus motor cortex —–> corona radiata —–> genu of internal capsule ——> crus cerebri —–> correct cranial nerve nuclei
Cranial nerve V3 has motor innervation to what muscles?
- muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter, med and lateral pterygoids)
- tensor tympani
- tensor veli palatini
- mylohyoid
- anterior belly of digastric
where does a motor signal originate if you clench your jaw or smile? what is the blood supply to this region?
- inferior lateral region of the precentral gyrus
- middle cerebral artery
what is the CN V motor pathway?
UMN: motor cortex —–> internal capsule —–> crus cerebri —-> terminates bilaterally at CN V nuclei in the pons
LMN: motor nuclei of CN V —–> trigeminal ganglion —-> V3 —-> muscle
what are the sensory modalities of CN V?
- proprioception
- touch
- pressure
- vibration
- pain
- temperature
what is the sensory nuclei for proprioception and where is it located?
- mesencephalic nucleus
- midbrain
what is the sensory nuclei for touch, pressure and vibration and where is it located?
- main sensory nucleus
- pons
what is the sensory nuclei for pain and temperature and where is it located?
- spinal nucleus
- pons, medulla and spinal cord
**very long nucleus
what is the basic CN V sensory pathway?
sensory receptors ——> trigeminal ganglion (1st order) —–> mesencephalic/main/spinal nucleus (2nd order) ——> decussation —–> VPM nucleus of thalamus (3rd order) ——> internal capsule ——> post central gyrus
what is the CN V sensory pathway for touch, pressure and vibration?
1st order neuron
- trigeminal ganglion cells
2nd order neuron
- synapse in principal main nucleus (pons)
- fibers cross midline
- trigeminothalmic tract ( trigeminal lemiscus) ascends
3rd order neuron:
- synapse in the VPM of the thalamus
- axons enter internal capsule
- primary somatosensory cortex (post central gyrus)
what is the CN V sensory pathway for pain and temperature?
1st order neuron
- trigeminal ganglion cells enter at pons
- fibers descend in the spinal trigeminal tract
2nd order neuron
- synapse at the spinal nucleus in the medulla
- fibers cross midline
- trigeminothalamic tract (trigeminal lemiscus) ascends
3rd order neuron
- synapse at the VPM of the thalamus
- axons enter internal capsule
- primary somatosensory cortex (post central gyrus
what is the trigeminal pathway for proprioception?
- originates in the muscles of mastication and periodontal ligaments
- the sensory and motor feedback controls bite force
- both motor and sensory cell bodies are in the CNS
- motor nuclei of V (efferent) and mesencephalic nuclei for sensory (afferent)
what would be the result of an upper motor neuron lesion and a lower motor neuron lesion to the proprioception pathway of CN V?
- UMN: hyperactive/ repeating reflex
- LMN: reflex is absent
what are the efferent and afferent limbs of the corneal blink reflex?
touch or irritation to the cornea causes
- afferent limb: ophthalamic division of V for sensory information
- efferent limb: facial nerve motor for muscle that closes the eye (obicularus oculi)
what is the shingles virus mode of action?
- virus within the dorsal root trigeminal ganglion
- unilateral (in ganglion not nucleus)
- hitches a ride with the nerve that innervates a certain dermatome