corsairs and companies Flashcards
New Christians
jews that converted to christianity because in 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella order jews to leave spain or convert to christianity. due to this a great deal of inner marriage occurred between new and old christians so many people were “infected” with new christian blood. after 1530 new christians had no protection from the government . in 1588 people with new christian blood were not allowed to hold military posts or wok at universities. over the 15th and 16th century many flee to brazil.
Dom Sebastiao
in 1578, decides portugal needs to drive the moors out of northern africa, due to this, the portuguese are completely wiped out and sebastiao is lost. this causes a huge crisis because he had no children so there is no heir to the throne.
Dutch West India Company
Formed in 1621 to trade military items, in 1624, they capture the portuguese capital and in 1630 capture pernambuko, then begin expanding until 1654. in 1641 angola is seized to obtain slaves and the dutch supply credit to the portugese and buy their sugar instead of kicking them out
johan Maurtis of Nassau
ruler of Portugal. made peace between the christians, jews and Protestants, allowed religious freedom, but was recalled to the netherlands in 1644. at this time, the west india company calls for the repayment of their loans.
seized by the dutch in 1641 to obtain slaves but is recaptured by the portugese in 1648, causing the dutch to be driven out of portugal.
War of the Devine Liberation
the war to drive the dutch out of portugal. in 1648, the portugese recapture angola and the dutch are driven out in 1654. they then take the plantation based method to the carribbean
the password the portuguese use during the war of the divine liberation
New Amsterdam
present day New York, where 23 portuguese flee
Philip IV
born in 1605, during his rein the Spanish change the caribbean. all of the natives are wiped out due to disease slavery brought. Because the spanish motivations centered around wealth the spanish could not keep the caribbean islands because they were too expensive to settle. Catelona and Portugal have also rebelled against spain. He dies in september 1665 and many people at the time believed was cursed, but today it is believed he died from gull stones.
Charles II
When Philip IV dies, his 4 year old son Charles II takes the throne. Born in 1661, he has many mental issues due to inbreeding. Because Charles II is so young and incapable of ruling properly a committee is formed to rule in his name. Due to this, local power in the new world rises. by the age of 14, charles II takes the throne officially. during this time, spain is in a state of atrophy. Charles II can’t have any children so many political powers are waiting for him to die because they want control of the Americas. Charles II dies in 1701 and writes a will naming Philip of Anjou to the throne.
War of the Spanish Succession
After Charles II death, England and the netherlands immediately go to war against spain and france. They are then joined by austria, dutch and portugal. the war began in 1701 and ended in 1714. The treaty of Utrecht is then signed stating that philip of Anjou is king of spain, but he must renounce his claim to france. It also allows England to acquire Gibraltar, Newfoundland and other small territories.
part of the treaty of Utrecht recognizing the fact that french and british have ownership to parts of the new world, allowing english to sell slaves to the spanish colonies and enter the slave trade.
Became popular when Charles II took the throne and european powers began to move in. they had the royal blessing of the government to attack ships and acquire land and riches. by the end of the 16th century english french and dutch had a foothold in the caribbean due to privateering
Sir Henry Morgan
A famous spanish privateer that many people feared. He gained large amounts of land and wealth in the caribbean
Saint Domingue
the capitol of haiti, in 1606 the spanish moved towards san Domingue to consolidate and by 1785 it was the richest colony in the new world due to the slave trade. besides brazil it was the largest slave area. Slavery in San Domingue was brutal because sugar was the main crop there.