antiseptics characteristics
how do biocides activate multidrug resistance?
disinfectant characteristics
what are the mechanisms of action of alcohols
ethanol, isopropanol
denature proteins
dissolve lipids in membrane
practical use is 60-70% EtOH for 10-15 minute
what are the mechanisms of action of phenolics
and phenol derivatives (triclosan, lysol) disrupt cell membrane and denatures proteins
what are the mechanisms of action of aldehydes
glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde
highly reactive, crosslink with nucleic acid and proteins to inactivate them
very toxic
what are the mechanisms of action of halogens
Cl-O-H is hypochlorous acid
what are gaseous ways of microbial control
sterilants and disinfectant
gas sterilants and disinfectant characteristics
what are modern approaches to surface contaminations
self sterilizing surfaces
- copper and other antibacterial material coated surfaces
- nanopillar mediated killing of bacteria
what are mechanical methods of microbial control?
air filtration and liquid filtration
both sterilise
liquid filtration system characteristics
air filtration system characteristics
why does antimicrobial control fail?
what are biofilms?