Continental Climate Flashcards
Moderate C: cold winter, hot summers
spring frost in north is Amyndeon
● Central Otago of NZ: sheltered from ocean influences by mountains Southern Alps on all sides is semi-continental
○ dry 360mm rainfall: irrigation necessary, reduced risks of fungal diseases - good conditions for organic/biodynamic
○ warm dry summers, long daylight hours, high UV levels: canopies carefully managed withgrapes shaded on west facing side to
protect from sunburn
○ most sites > 300m alt, shelter from maritime influence: high diurnal range to preserveacidity, delicate fruit/floral aromas
○ cold nights - spring frost: helicopters to mix colder and warmer bands of air to prevent frostdamage
○ gravel to clay, with schist as the parent rock, low in organic matter: compost and covercrops widely used to improve nutrient
levels and soil structure
● NZ: South Island - Marlborough
○ 2410 sunshine hours per year, cool continental, moderaely warm summers and mildwinters, protected from rains by mountain
ranges, 650mm rainfall, free draining alluviasoils - irrigation important and underground aquifers providing the main source ->grapes onvine well into autumn -> intensely flavored fruit with long dry growing season less fungaldisease pressure
○ Chablis - cool continental
■ uncertainty about ripening
■ vintage variations [Chard - early ripening being an advantage]
■ 670mm annual rainfall throughout the year -> high threat fungal diseases and difficulties leading to harvest (threat of rot)
■ region vulnerable to spring frosts and hail storms
○ Cote d’Or - moderate continental:
■ cold winter, warm summer, short summers make early ripening Chardonnay and Pinot Noir suitable varieties moderated by the protection of the Morvan hills to the west
700mm rainfall
■ Early autumn is typically dry, rain can be a threat at harvest
■ climate of the Mâconnais is typically slightly drier and hotter than Côte d’Or
● Northern Rhone: moderate continental: cold winters, warm summers, adequate rainfall in autumn and wintercold Mistral wind from north:reduces fungal disease, vine vigor -> lower yields, higher concentrationin wines at lower production; better ripening in the southern part
○ Croze-Hermitatge:
■ north sector of AOC: steep slopes, continental climate with marked Alpine influences: extremelycold in winter, with
strong influence from Mistral, long growing season, high diurnal range,moderate sugar accumulation, retained acidity
■ southern sector: more temperate, heavy rainfall in late autumn and through winter, flattervineyards used to be dominated by orchards and farmsteads, soils deeper more
fertile than inHermitage thus lower concentration
moderate continental: slightly warmer than rest of Burgundy adequate rainfall 740mm, Saone River as a moderator of extreme
temps, subjected to cold Mistral winds affecting flowering in cold damp spring weather -> damage leaves and grapes towards end of ripening when Gamay’s naturally thin skins most vulnerable <- vine orientation and training low to the ground important to reduce;
○ northern part hilly (Crus and Villages AOCs) at 200-500m with fast draining granite,schist, and sandy soils;
○ south and southeast facing slopes for max sun exposure -> harvest usu earlier thanBeaujolais AOC from flatter southern part where richer soils
○ Pic Saint-Loup AOC: more continental than elsewhere in Languedoc: cold winters, warm summers,high rain per year
rainfall: ~northern Rhone; Syrah does well here: min >= 50%; red/rose only
cool to moderate, semi-continental
○ continental climate with cold winters and warm, sunny summer, Westerly winds carry rain clouds but much of the rain falls on the
western side of the Vosges Mountains -> 600mm rainfall (august, sep, oct -> issues at flowering and fruit set,less so harvest) - less
than half on the other side -> summer drought [irrigation is not permitted for AOC wines]
○ high sunshine hours, important to ripen grapes at this northerly latitude
○ drying influence is the Föhn wind - a warm wind that both raises the temperature andreduces the incidence of fungal diseases
○ marked diurnal temperature difference esp on higher sites -> retain acidity
● Central vineyards of Loire (except Nantais): cool continental ○ Touraine (continental, not as extreme as central vineyards) 700mm ○ Central vineyards: continenal high rainfall 750mm spring frosts, summer hailstorms; long growing season day lengths [vs Bordeaux, Marlborough] with low light intensity, low heat -> restrained flavors
○ continental, high rainfall at 1100mm per year during growing
season (exacerbated by heavy claysoil) -> threat to flowering and
fruit set -> reduce yield;
○ extra work to control weeds and combatfungal diseases; spring
frost; hail; vineyards on west-facing slopes;
○ altitude 250-400;
○ soils mainly clay and marl, limestone someplaces grassed
between rows to reduce erosion and limit herbicide use (such that
herbicides can belimited to the ground immediately below the
vines) mostly replacement-cane pruned at some height above the
ground to mitigate frost risk;
○ VSP to encourge air flow to reduce fungal diseases machine
harvest more popular except steep slopes
○ Ontario and inland British Columbia: extreme continental climate
-> most Canadian vineyards around planted near lakes which
moderate temperatures [Winter: the lake effect reduces the risk of
winter freeze. Spring: the waterheats up slowly delaying
budbreakusually until after the risk of spring frosts has passed
(though occasional frosts late in thespring cansometimes be an
issue). It then retains summer warmth into the autumn,extending
the growing season.]
○ Snow from moisture from lakes evaporating/meeting ambient cold
air -> protect vines and insulate from cold air, tho in coldest areas
eg Prince Edward County, winter freeze is aconcern
○ climate change -> unpredictable winters, sometimes minimal
protective snow cover
○ lakes: higher levels of humidity -> risk of fungal disease
○ drought a regular concern in inland regions of BC in rain shadow
of two mountain ranges,could be an issue in hotter drier years in
○ 41-51N, northerly limit for viticulture: northerly lat esp in BC
makes for a shorter growingseason but compensated for by
longer daylight hours in summer than more southerly wineregions
eg US
○ Ontario: vineyards mainly planted on or near the shores of two of
the Great Lakes - Erie and Ontario
■ moderating the extreme continental climate, further away
from the lake would be too coldfor vinifera to survive
■ Soils: clay, sand, less of gravel and rocks, areas around the
lakes have a high concentrationof limestone
■ Niagara Peninsula
■ largest wine producing region in Ontario >= 80% of
■ major influence from Lake Ontario and Niagara
Escarpment: (Ontario thedeepest of the Great Lakes
thus takes longer to cool down in autumn) aid
aircirculation; during winter land away from lake cools
quickly, cold air flowsdown slopes of escarpment,
warm air from lake rises and flows inland
thuswarming air flow in winter and cooling air flow in
summer -> prolong growingseason, reduce risks of
fungal disease and frosts
■ escarpment also protects from southwesterlu winds
■ on top of escarpment, climate more continental with
warm summer temp andcold winters
○ British Columbia: Okanagan Valley:
■ wide range of climates from cool northern end to hot desert
south, most soils are glacial deposit esp loams, increasingly
sandy in south thus irrigation essential
■ a chain of lakes moderate hot summer and cold winter
temp, most important the deep Okanagan Lake the northern
half of vineyard area much smaller than the Great Lakes in
Ontario thus smaller moderating effect
■ lakes also provide water for irrigation essential as annual
rainfall 300mm south400mm north tho dry conditions
reduces pest/disease pressure thus organicviticulture on the
■ Extreme continental climate: cold winter not so cold to bury
vines, spring frost aconcern thus vineyards on mid-level
slopes to reduce risks
■ growing season short with long days, hot summers despite
lake effect
■ alt 300-600m cool nights and wide diurnal range
■ northern end of valley where east facing slopes shadede
from afternoon sunconditions more suited to cool climate
varietals eg PN, Chard, PG, Riesling,Gewurztraminer
■ hotter southern area better suited to black varieties
marked continental climates with very cold and arid winters
○ in most regions vines have to be buries as early as Nov to survive
low winter temp and aridconditions as vines underground retain
more water
○ heavy summer rains also affect most regions though in some total
rainfall small
○ very different climates bc vastness
○ Beijing, Heibei - coastal: humid continental warm humid summers
and cold winters with torrential rainin Aug-Sep, overall rainfall low
at 200-300mm per year, cool Pacific breezes moderate the warm
temp and reduce the humidity level
○ Shanzi and Shaanxi: Inland, central: dry continental, <500mm per
year, higher humidity in more southerly Shaanxi - more fungal
○ Ningxia: well inland, arid continental, climate ~200mm per year
with monsoon rains, very windy conditions, exacerbating dryness,
essential irrigation water drawn from Yellow River, best area
considered to be in the Helan Shan (Helan Mountains) where
mountains protectfrom the worst of the northwest desert winds
○ combined influence of altitude and latitude: at low lat, altitude
ensures cool - vineyarads infoothills of Andes in west of country
except Patagonia, 500->1000m above sea level(highest ~3300m),
most vineyards on flat or gently sloped sites
○ key effects of altitude: wide diurnal temp range (>20C in many
places), cooler night time temp extends growing season and allow
grapes to retain acidity/aroma
○ combined effect of low lat and high alt results in intense sunlight,
a relatively high proportion of ultraviolet radiation due to high
altitude -> grapes with higher levels of tannins/anthocyanins
○ majority region: continental climate (tiny number of plantings in
coastal areas)
○ in the rain shadow of Andes -> rainfall very low some places
<200mm/year - desert-like ->irrigation essential; drier air reduces
disease risks
○ zonda blowing down from mountains along the valleys - HOT
DRY POWERFUL WINDin late spring and early summer -
lowering humidity, induce water stress in the vine, affectflowering,
fruit set, or grape damage if strong thus reduce crop <- trees as
○ Rain usu in summer, hail is constant threat, reducing yield in
some years <- netting(expensive), and many growers in Mendoza
own vineyards in different parts of province tomin risk of hail
○ Frost significant problem in some areas of Mendoza usu flat or
bottom of slopes throughoutthe region regardless of alt affected
by El Nino phenomenon every 2-10 years: much higher rainfall,
hailstorms,damaging crop, increasing disease risks, reducing
○ alluvial soils deposited by rivers down from Andes
■ texture varies: larger stones with calcareous deposits
dominate higher alt closer to Andes;
■ middle areas dominated by gravel, sands, silts; lower areas:
deeper loamy-clay soils, richerin nutrients
■ bc dry continental climate: little organic matter from
decomposed flora and fauna -> poorsoils in higher alt,
optimal for naturally low yielding vines and high quality
viticulturewith increased investment, increased interest in
how texture/composition of soil affectswine
■ Deposits of calcareous soils in Gualtallary and Paraje
Altamira in the Uco Valley, the
■ Pedernal Valley in San Juan -> high quality wines
■ mountain shields the Douro region from the worst of the
cooler, damper Atlanticweather -> warm continental - huge
range of microclimates
■ follows Douro river over 100km, start at Spanish
border, ends west of Mesao Frio(100km inland from
■ Douro Superior (Upper Douro east) hot and arid
450mm per annum
■ Cima Corgo (centre) warmer and drier 700mm per
■ Baixo Corgo (west) [western limit marked by Serra do
Marao, 1415 m highest]: more
■ Atlantic influence, coolest wettest 900mm per annum
South Africa
○ Breede River Valley Region
■ warm dry region produces the most wine in SA at high
yields, high vol grapes for wine andspirits (distillation
industry), also some high quality estates
■ irrigation with water from Breede River
■ District: Breedekloof
■ upper Breede River, ample rainfall, irrigation not
needed - diff fromWorcester/Robertson
■ Winter/spring snows delay budburst and spring frost
damages buds
■ warm continental: long hang time, later harvest
■ cooling summer southeast winds moderate temp and
reduce fungal diseases
Central Spain
○ Priorat
■ warm continental, protected from cold wind by Serra de
Montsant to north andfrom Mediterranean influence by
Serra de Llaberia to south
■ hot summer, high diurnal range, cold winter spring frost a
■ rainfall 500-600mm mainly heavy storms in winter/spring,
dry summers,irrigation permitted in driest years for newly
established vineyards
■ River Siurana runs through - broad range of alt/aspects,
rugged topographyjust under 2000ha under vine
■ many sites on slopes “costers” 5-60% gradient, narrow
terraces: reduce soilerosion and allow rainwater to better
iinfiltrate soils, reduce surface run-off
■ no machine access
■ old vineyards planted to low density with bush vines, newer
vineyards VSP trellised where terrain makes it possible, but
large areas of high densityplantings rare
■ varied soils largely poor and stony but some outcrops of
■ slate-based llicorella: thin rocky low in nutrient with
mica reflectinglight and heat back onto vines
■ bedrock of slate splits into vertical layers: vines can
grow deep in searchfor water
■ low nutrient and water levels: low yields per vine esp
old vines
○ Monstant
■ more Mediterranean than Priorat bc proximity to coast
despite some shelter from Serra de Llaberia so not as
extreme temps
■ warm dry summers, most rain in winter/spring
■ some vineyards in more mountainous north at higher alt
300-700m cooler tempmix of soils
○ Costers del Segre DO
■ further north, 7 subzones
■ continental climate hot summer, cold winter, annual rainfall
■ alt 200-700m, cooler higher sites for Cava, whites, early
ripening blacks for still wines
■ sandy soils free draining, low annual rainfall: irrigation
needed in most sites
○ North/northeast sheltered somewhat from Atlantic by mountains,
continental, tho some maritime or Mediterranean influences
■ Ribeira Sacra DO
■ further inland, along River Mino and River Sil
■ continental climate, can have maritime influence
■ many sites on deep valley sides at various alt and
■ stony slopes: good drainage, conduct heat during the
day but make viticulture labor intensive
■ Valdeorras DO
■ further up River Sil
■ most easterly of Galician DOs
■ continental climate plentiful rain 700-1000mm
■ sites at 300m
■ known for slate mining, but soils diverse
■ known for very good Godello: citrus, stone, herbal,
wet stone, med+ acid, some $$$$ ferment/agein oak
for texture/toasty/spicy
■ Mencia most important black but little planting cf
■ Monterrei DO
■ south of Ribeira Sacra bordering Portugal
■ inland and sheltered from ocean influence by Sierra
de Larouca mountains: continental climatewith hot
summers, low rainfall
■ most inexpensive but starting to make good quality
Mencia usu riper than Ribeira Sacra
■ some fruity Godello
○ Castilla y León
■ high alt plateau with mountains north/southcontinental, with
maritime influences towards west
■ Toro DO
■ inland, continental, high altitude 620-750m, large
diurnal range, without any moderatinginfluences,
spring frost can be a problem
■ Castilla y Leon VT: northern part protected by mountains
from any Atlantic influence to the north continental
moderated by alt
○ Meseta alt 600-900m, continental, hot days, cool nights
○ Topography: a high plateau tilted from north-east (Pyrenees) to
south-west (Andalucia), withlower ground formed by several major
rivers along which many wine-growing regions
○ Rioja Alta
■ largest, south of River Ebro, west of city Logrono
continental with some maritime influence
■ area around River Ebro low alt, warm, alluvial soils
northwest corner cooler wetter, calcareous clay southern
higher alt 700m, cool wet, ferrous clay
○ Aragon
■ Somontano DO: at the foot of Pyrenees
■ warm continental climate, rainfall slightly higher than
Carinena, CdBorja, Calatayud, and more evenly
spread over time
■ 350-650m alt, slightly lowering temp large diurnal
range, cold breezes from Pyrenees moderates temp
○ Murcia & Valencia: Mediterranean or continental depending on
exposure to coast: all with hot summers and low rainfall
■ Utiel-Requena DO:
■ inland from northern part of Valencia DO, western
limit bordering La Mancha 34,000 ha
■ continental climate with hot summer days and very
cold winters
■ avg alt relatively high at 750m: cooler summer nights,
risks of spring frostrainfall low at 450mm
■ 95% black, Bobal
■ Jumilia DO
■ warm continental with hot summers, cold winters
■ alt 400-800m with cooling influences and large diurnal
range in highest sites
■ ~25000 ha vine plantings
■ annual rainfall extremely slow between 250-300mm
■ Soil: sand over limestone, aiding retention of ground
water, making grape growing viable andmany
vineyards with no irrigation
■ Yecla DO
■ ~Jumilia more moderation from Mediterranean
■ alt 500-900m a cooling influence
■ rainfall low ar 300mm per year
■ soil similar: mixture of sand with limestone: water
○ Castilla-La Mancha: large south/southeast of Madrid, landlocked
locked on southern part of Spain’s meseta/plateau: extreme
continental climate
■ La Mancha DO: large flat meseta 500-700m alt
■ Climate: continental with extremely hot summers and
max temp up to 45C, winters verycold -20C
■ rainfall low at 300-400mm
■ Limestone and chalk within soils: water retention but
drip irrigation common - ~40% vineyards irrigated
■ planting desities low
■ Valdepenas DO
■ South of La Mancha, similar continental hot dry
■ known as a source of red wines from Cencibel with
ripe red fruit, soft tannins, med acidity,spice from oak,
good quality, inexpensive/mid-price
Other Spain
: Sierra de Gredos
■ mountain range to the west of Madrid
■ no own DOC, wines labelled as, depending on location:
Vinos de Madrid DO, Mentrida DO (within Castilla-La
Mancha), Cebreros DO, Castilla y Leon VT
■ used to produced cheap high vol wines until recently a
number of new producers focuse onquality
■ mostly from old vine Garnacha at high altitudes of 600-1200
■ continental but altitude provides a cooling influence with
high diurnal range -> retainsacidity and fresh fruit
■ Style of Garnacha lighter
Northern Italy
● Inland Italy:
○ Trentino: moderate continental climate with cooling influences -
mountains protect again northern winds, LakeGarda to the south,
wide diurnal range -> retain acidity, prolongs growing season ->
flavors intensify
○ Alto Adige: mild Alpine continental climate
■ protected from cold winds by the mountains to the north,
■ 300–700 m of altitude,
■ warm air currents,
■ 300 days of sunshine a year,
■ large diurnal difference oftemperature -> ripen, retain
acidity, sufficient rainfall throughout the year with a low
amount in winter, can be a concern at harvest soils:
volcanic porphyry, quartz, mica rock, Dolomitic limestone
■ pergola or Guyot: leaf picking to encourage exposed
bunches to ripen (has been practiced for some time) ->
lessnow with global warming to avoid the risk of fruit burn or
drying out
■ Growing zones:
■ Bassa Atesina (south) with warmer climate: all main
varieties grown except Schiava,Muller Thurgau at
high altitude
■ Oltradige including Lade Caldaro area for Schiava,
Cab Sauv and Merlot in valley, PN andwhites at
higher altitude
● Veneto: continental moderate rainfall, cooling influences from altitude,
trunk disease Esca an increasing threat, fertile soils -> high yields esp
plain - where Valpolicella and Soave DOCs extend to; hillside forquality
production bc better drainage + less fertile soil
● Northwest Italy: Piemonte: moderate continental
○ protected from cold northern winds and excessive rainfall by Alps
to the north and from weathersystems from the Mediterranean by
the Apennines
○ low rainfall June-Sep: allows grapes to ripen and reduces
risks/threats of fungal disease; rainfallincrease in late Sep-Oct:
threat late harvested varieties eg Nebbiolo
○ and other Nebbiolo denominations: often blended with small % of
local vareties in scattered historic denominations innorth of
Piemonte closer to Milan: Gattinara DOCG, Ghemme DOCG:
continentalclimate with greater diurnal variation than Barolo ->
higher acid, south facing sites at300m -> fruit ripen, light body,
intense perfume;
Central Italy
: Marche
○ broadly Mediterranean but inland west of Ancona more
continental with dry summers
○ Verdicchio di Matelica DOC
■ higher zone in foothills of Apennines
■ protected form influence of sea by mountains -> continental
climate - hot days, coldnights -> longer ripening season,
■ higher retained acidity than vines closer to seasoils: mixture
of sandstone with fossils, less clay than in Castelli di Jesi ->
faster draining
● Umbria: warm mildly continental climate:
○ Hot summers -> heat stress for the vines
○ 800mm of rain falls mainly in autumn and winter -> enough water
to be stored in winter to keep vines supplied through the growing
season, lessens the risk of fungal diseases
○ The risk of rain in September and October -> affect the harvest
○ sufficient dry autumns that allow picking for late harvested and
botrytised styles
● Abruzzo:
○ hillside vineyards under high Apennines and the flatter coastal
■ hillsides: continental climate, cold snowy winters, warm
short summers with coolinginfluences from mountains ->
longer season for ripening grapes thus sugar accumulation
isslowed allowing greater time for aromas/flavors
development where risks are late springfrosts and autumn
rains at harvest
■ coastal zone is maritime and Mediterranean: lower risk of
spring frost and rain at harvest,
■ higher temp than hillside soils more fertile, vineyards better
suited to high vol production
■ planting density low 2500 vines per hectare and pergola
typical for training, high yield -> lowconcentration
■ higher quality rose with denser planting, newer training and
lower yields
■ Cordon-trained spur-pruned or Guyot more common in
coastal zone, allowing working withmachines and
mechanical harvesting -> lower prices
■ Hillsides mostly worked by hand, some able to use tractors
to work the land, hand harvest
cool continental
○ north eg Weinviertel influenced by cool northerly winds
○ south eg Steiermark more influence from Adriatic thus warmer
○ east eg Burgenland near Hungarian border, influenced by warmer
Pannonian climate
○ west: on Danube, cool breezes from the Alps
cool continental 49-50 N except Baden [warm dry, spring
frost can still be a problem in its coolareas tho] vineyards along the river
Rhine and its tributaries - rivers radiate heat, moderate
temperature,extned growing season;
○ best sites on steep, south-facing slopes to max sun exposure,
some onextremely steep slopes with gradients >= 70
○ cold winter -> Eiswein, frost being major risk in spring, mitigated
by rivers and planting onslopes; wet summers, avg rainfall
500-800mm mostly in summer -> fungal disease, dilution,heavy
storms, hail
○ long, dry autumn -> allow sugar accumulation; morning mists
along rivers ideal for botrytismountain ranges eg Taunus, Haardt
shelter sites from cold winds and worst of rains; 200m abovesea
level at such high latitudes
○ Franken: further east the most continental climate: warm
summers, shorter growing season with coolerautumns harsh
winters -> spring frost a hazard
- moderate continental:
○ north eastern corner of Hungary, from Tokaj into the foothills of
the Zemplen Mountains towards the Slovakian border
○ sheltered from northerly winds by forested mountain peaks
○ mainly planted on south-west/south-east facing slopes: reduce
risks of winter cold and frost damage
○ 48-49 latitude, sunshine hours 1400-1500 hours
○ rainfall 500-600 mm per year, rather low but half during growing
season. Irrigation NOT PERMITTED
○ Rivers Tisza and Bodrog (floods regularly creating shallow
marshes and water meadows -> moist air ->morning fogs in
autumn, ideal for botrytis; warm sunny afternoon control the
development of botrytis,and limit grey rot) meet in the town of
○ Tokaj - warm continental
● Oregon:
○ western part of state inland from Pacific Ocean
○ Coast Range provides some protection from cold ocean currents
and winds from PacificOcean
○ cool to moderate climate: 42-46N latitude (~France’s
Mediterranean coast up to Macon)
○ Long daylight hours in the summer and autumn -> ripening
● Walla Walla Valley: arid continental, hot dry summers
● Washington
○ Cascade Range creates an arid-like area which receives
~150-250mm of rainfall per annum ->irrigation essential <- water
sourced from Columbia River and its tributaries + deep
underground aquifers;
○ DRIP IRRIGATION most common, some overhead spraying
○ continental climate with hot summers, rapid cooling in
autumn/cold winters
○ Latitude 45-50N: daylight during growing season are long (~1
hour longer than CA) -> sugar accumulates rapidly in summer but
much cooler autumn temp allow flavors/tannins to develop
assugar accumulation slows
○ High diurnal range: retain acidity; hot summer temperatures:
climate change is a concern andgrape growers are beginning to
look for cooler sites
● NY Finger Lakes AVA (continental) & Hudson River Region AVA
(continental with warm summers and cold winters: spring frost and
winter freeze -> piling soilsaround the trunks of the vines in the winter;
most vineyards are located within a few miles of it on glacial deposits of
shale, slate, schist and limestone)
○ inland vast Murray-Darling Basic: host continental climate but
most other regions rely oncooling influence from Indian/Southern
○ South Eastern Australian Zone hot continental slight cooling
influence from rivers
○ Northeast Victoria Zone: from warm flat plains of Rutherglen to
cool upper King Valley in the foothill of GDR
○ New South Wales: subtropical climate, moderate/high temp, high
humidity/rainfall all year erratic
■ most other regions protected from tropical by GDR: inland
continental hot dry esp BigRivers Zone - includes Riverina
○ Central Range zone:
■ Mudgee: adjacent to Hunter Valley Zone but diff climate:
lower rainfall, irrigationnecessary , continental with cooling
influence from altitude, wide diurnalrange, intense sunshine,
altitude make spring frost an issue - site selection
○ Western Australia - southwest Australian Zone
■ Margaret River:
■ southwestern corner of Aussie, best known, lat 34S
■ Indian Ocean (north, west; warm - temps do not drop
much at night -> longerripening than regions with
cooler nights -> ripe fruit character typical inMargaret
River wines), Southern Ocean (south) moderate so
that spring frost rare
■ rainfall high >1000m most in winter, dry growing
season at 275mm
■ flat region of gentle hills/valleys 40-90m elevation
■ long ridge through center of region: shelter vineyards
to the east thus slightly warmer conditions
■ free draining gravel soils: irrigation essential (water
from dams from winter rainfall), infertile: reduce vigor
○ Southern New South Wales Zone
■ sheltered by hills and Snowy Mountains, continental
climate, cooling influence from alt
■ Canberra District
■ 500-850m alt, diurnal range, high sunshine intensity
helps ripen
■ winter/spring cold: frost - thus site selection
■ summer dry irrigation necessary
■ mostly blacks - Shiraz mostly planted: deep color, ripe
black cherry, high ripe
■ tannins, high acid Shiraz-Viognier blends common
g/o: $$-$$$$
■ Clonakilla, Ravensworth
■ most imp white: dry Riesling
■ Hilltops
■ recog+++, various alt
■ Shiraz, CS, ChardTumbarumba
■ recog+++, various alt
■ cooler, PN, Chard, still/sparkling