Consciousness Flashcards
Freud’s Level of consciousness
- conscious
- preconscious – not in consciousness, but can be recalled into consciousness with effort
- unconscious
Stream of consciousness
consciousness = streams of ever-changing thoughts, feelings, perceptions and desires
function of consciousness
- restrict attention
- combine processes (e.g., memory + sensation = perception)
- creation and manipulation (e.g., past and future)
2 key criteria in consciousness
- awakeness (alertness)
- awareness (of internal and external experiences)
tools measuring consicousness
- mental rotation task
- binocular rivalry task (perceptual switching)
- imagine - EEG, PET, CT, MRI, fMRI
altered state of consciousness
- day-dreaming = awareness shift inwards
- hypnosis = decrease awakeness, increase suggestibility
- meditation = focus on internal
- psychoactive drugs
Types of psychoactive drugs and effects.
- hallucinogens = create hallucination (Cannabis; Marijuana)
- Depressant = increase relaxation (Alcohol)
- Stimulant = increase excitation (Agonist of Dopamine)
- Opiates - pain-releasing
- distortion of the reward system
- physical == tolerance (same amount of drug no longer causing effect)
- psychological == withdrawal (removal of drugs causing great discomfort)
sleep cycle
- circadian cycle = melatonin = 24 hours
REM and Non-REM
- brain wave similar to awake state
- eyelid movement
- dream occur
- 3 stages: Alpha; Theta (k-complex, sudden arousal occur); Delta (< 3Hz, decreased heartrate)
sleep = 4-6 full circle of REM + Non-REM, each cycle 90 minutes
Freuds’ Theory of Dreams
Dreams are
- meaningful
- fulfill unconscious desires
Significant/Recency Events hypothesis
dreams reflect recent events
Activation-Synthesis Theory
- dreams are the random neural activities from the process of trying to make sense of the world.
Sleep disorder
- Insomnia = inability to fall asleep quickly + frequency arousal
- Apnea = trouble breathing while sleeping
- Narcolepsy = loss of muscle control
- Parasomnias
undesirable motor activity while sleeping, e.g., sleep-walk