Connective Tissue Flashcards
What are the two kinds of embryonic connective tissue?
1.mesenchyme; 2.mucous
What are the two major kinds of connective tissue?
Embryonic and adult connective tissue
What are the six main functions of connective tissue?
1.binds, supports, and strengthens;; 3.insulation; 4.compartmentalization; 5.transport; of energy reserves; 6.immune responses
What are the three characteristics of connective tissue?
A.cells in an extracellular matrix; B.Common origin; C.degrees of vascularity
What is the stem cell that all connective tissues arise from?
Mesenchymal stem cell or a mesenchymal cell
What are the two parts of the extracellular matrix?
1.protein fibers; 2.ground substance
What are the three types of protein fibers?
A.collagen; B.reticular; C.elastic
What are the three components of ground substance?
A.glycosaminoglycans (GAGs); B.proteoglycans; C.multiadhesive glycoproteins (lamin and fibronectin)
What is the major product, activity or function of a fibroblast, chondroblast, osteoblast, or odontoblast?
Production of fibers and ground substance, and a structural function.
What is the major product, activity or function of a plasma cell?
Production of antibodies and immunologic function
What is the major product, activity or function of a lymphocyte?
Production of immunocompetent cells and immunologic function
What is the major product, activity or function of a eosinophil?
Participation in an allergic and vasoactive reactions, modulation of mast cell activities and the inflammatory response, and immunologic function.
What is the major product, activity or function of a neutrophil?
Phagocytosis of foreign substances, bacteria and has a defense function.
What is the major product, activity or function of a macrophage?
Secretion of cytokines and other molecules, phagocytosis of foreign substances and bacteria, antigen processing and presentation to other cells and the major function is defense.
What is the major product, activity or function of a mast cell, basophil?
LIberation of pharmacologically active molecules (eg histamine) and its major function is defense
What is the major product, activity or function of an adipose cell?
Strorage of neutral fats and thermogenesis
Will active fibroblasts have a more euchromatin or heterochromatin?
There will be more euchromatin
How do collagen fibers stain?
Very eosinophilic
What is a myofibroblast?
This is an elongated cell similar to smooth muscle and fibroblast. There are actin filaments associated with this cell giving it some movement by pulling on the extracellular matrix.
What is the size range of mast cells?
20-30 micrometers, they are large. Several RBCs could line up across one of these cells.
What is the cytoplasm of mast cells mainly composed of?
Very basophilic secretory granules which are 0.3 - 2.0 micrometers in diameter and a nucleus.
What do mast cells contain that play roles in immunity, tissue repair, and allergic response?
Histidine and heparin
What cell does a plasma cell come from?
B lymphocytes
Plasma cells stain very basophilic because of what in the cytoplasm?
All the rough ER.
What cells have nuclei that look like cart wheels or clocks?
plasma cells, they have clumps of heterochromatin around the periphery of they nucleus.
What cell are macrophages derived from?
Macrophages come from monocytes
Macrophages have many what in the cytoplasm?
Describe what a macrophage looks like?
very indistinct PM, almost foamy appearance, and a clearly visible cytoplasm
What are the three types of fibers?
1.collagen; 2.reticular; 3.elastic
What protein are collagen fibers composed of?
Collagen protein
What protein are reticular fibers composed of?
Collagen type three
What protein are elastic fibers composed of?
Elastic protein
Of the three types of fibers which one is the most abundant?
Collagen takes up about what percent of the dry weight of the body?
About 30%
What connective tissue is a large part of the tissue of what body system?
Lymphatic tissue
Silver staining stains reticular fibers what color?
Elastic fibers can be stretched up to what percent of their original length?
Give three types of tissues that elastic fibers can be found in?
Skin, lungs, and blood vessels
What is the endothelium that lines the blood vessels?
Nonkeratinized simple squamous epithelium
What is the basic unit of collagen?
A trimer of alpha chains. Different alpha chains create different fibers.
Starting with alpha chains explain what makes up a collagen fiber?
Alpha chain, collagen molecules, collagen fibrils, and then collagen fibers
Describe the difference of collagen fibers and elastic fibers that you would see together on a light microscopy slide.
Elastic fibers would be thin and branched where the collagen fibers would be thicker and would not branch
On an electron microscope describe what a cross section of an elastic fiber and a collagen fiber would look like.
The elastic fiber would look more simple like a single piece of copper wire was cut where the collagen fiber would look more like braided rope was cut.
What makes up ground substance?
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs); Proteoglycans; and multiadhesive glycoproteins
What is the largest and most common glycosaminoglycan (GAG)?
Hyaluronic acid
Why are GAGs so important?
They bind water
Why can ground tissue support so much pressure?
Because of the water bound by GAGs
What are the five kinds of adult connective tissue proper?
1.loose (areolar); 2.reticular; 3.dense regular; 4.dense irregular; 5.adipose
What are the two kinds of specialized adult connective tissue?
A.blood; and B.supporting connective tissue (cartilage and bone)
What is Wharton’s Jelly?
This is the connective tissue of the umbilical cord
what are the vessels in the umbilical cord?
Two arteries that move deoxygenated blood from the fetus and a vein that moves oxygenated blood to the fetus.
What is the most widely distributed connective tissue?
Loose connective tissue, areolar
What protein fibers are present in loose connective tissue (areolar)?
All three, collagen, reticular and elastic
What is the ratio of ground substance, cells and fibers in areolar tissue?
They are equal 1:1:1
What is areolar, loose connective tissue, considered in the body?
The universal packing material in the body
Is areolar, loose connective tissue vascular or avascular?
Very vascularized
What is the connective tissue that epithelial mucous membranes sits on?
Lamina propria
What is the function of loose connective tissue (areolar)?
Strength, elasticity, and support
What is the main type of collagen associated with loose connective tissue (areolar)?
Type one
What does reticular connective tissue typically look like?
A cherry blossom tree
What is the location of reticular fibers?
Lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen)
Where would one find dense irregular connective tissue?
Tendons, ligaments, aponeuroses
Is dense regular connective tissue vascularized or avascularized?
What is the function of dense irregular connective tissue?
Able to withstand tension in all different directions
Where would one find dense irregular connective tissue?
Dermis of the skin, submucosa of the digestive tract, and fibrous capsules of organs and joints
Dense irregular tissue is primarily what type of collagen
Type one
What are the two types of adipose tissue?
White and brown
What kind of cell is adipose tissue derived from?
What is the difference in nucleus shape between white and brown adipose tissue?
The nucleus is flat in white and round in brown
What is the size of a white adipose cell?
15-150 micrometers
What is the function of white adipose tissue?
Energy storage, insulation, cushioning of vital organs, and secretion of hormones
Where is brown adipose tissue found in adults?
There is very little and it is found in retroperitoneal space, around aorta, neck, mediastinum