concept 2b development Flashcards
widest part of the fallopian tube
where fertilization occurs
sperm binds to the secondary oocyte and releases acrosomal enzymes that enable head of sperm to penetrate though the corona radiata and zone pellucida to penetrate the oocyte
acrosmal apparatus
formed when the sperm comes into direct contact with the secondary oocytes cell membrane
tube like structure
extends to and penetrates the cell membrane
this allows the pronucleus to enter the oocyte once meiosis II is completed
coritcal reaction
release of calcium ions
happens after penetration of sperm thought the cell membrane
calcium ions depolarize the membrane of the ovum
2 purposes: prevents fertilization of ovum by multiple sperm cells and increased calcium concentration increases metabolic rate of newly formed diploid zygote
fertilization membrane
depolarized and impenetrable membrane
formed by the cortical reaction
dizygote twins
fraternal twins
form from fertilization of 2 different eggs released during one ovulatory cycle by 2 different sperm
each zygote will implant in uterine wall and develops own placenta
monozygotic twins
identical twins
form when single zygote splits into 2
have identical genetic make up
if division is incomplete may result in conjoined twins
rapid mitotic cell divisions of the zygote as it moves to uterus for implantation
many rounds of division occur but cell remains the same size
2 types: indeterminate and determinate
indeterminate cleavage
results in cells that can still develop into complete organisms
determinate cleavage
results in cells with fates that are already determined
these cells are committed to differentiating into certain types of cells
embryo has undergone several divisions
solid mass of cells
has about 8 cells
morula undergoes blastulation
a hollow ball of cells with fluid-filled inner cavity called the blastocoel
trophoblast cells surround the blastocoel and give rise to the chorion and later the placenta
inner cell mass protrudes into the blastocoel and give rise to the organism itself
extraembryonic membrane that develops into the placenta
developed from the trophoblastic cells when they implant into the endometrium
chorionic villi
formed from trophoblasts
microscopic fingerlike projections that penetrate the endometrium
umbilical cord
connects the embryo to the placenta
consists of 2 arteries and one vein encased in gelatinous substance