Components of Python window! Flashcards
What are the components of Python window?
They are: *Title Bar, *Menu Bar, *Script Area, and *Status Bar
What is the title bar?
The title bar is the are that displays the application name, the document, and contains command buttons like maximise, minimise, restore, and close.
What is the menu bar?
The menu bar consists of various menus with different options. The common menus of Python are File, Edit, Shell, Debug, Options, Window and Help.
How to work with the file menu?
This menu is used to work with the options related with the current used file, including sub-options such as open, view recent files, save, close, and exit the app.
How to work with edit menu?
This menu is used to edit the file in use. You can cut, copy, or paste the selected text, search for a particular text or phrase, or replace it with some other text.
How to work with help menu?
This menu is to get help related to any topic of Python, and you can also access it by clicking on the F1 key.
What is the script area?
This is the area where you type your code.
What is the status bar?
The Status bar tells the current status of your control/cursor on the window.