Complex Syndromes Flashcards
red cheeks (powder-like), rest of face white, irritability, listlessness, desire to lie w/ body curled up, quiet breathing and voice, thirst w/o desire to drink, or desire to drink warm fluids, body feels hot, dislikes being covered, sore throat w/o redness or swelling, pale urine
t: pale and wet
p: rapid, floating, big, empty
true cold, false heat
dark face, bright eyes w/ spirit, red dry lips, irritability, strong body, cold limbs, loud breathing and voice, thirst w/ desire to drink cold fluids, scanty dark urination, constipation, burning sensation in anus, cold limbs, hot chest
t: red and dry
p: deep, excessive
true heat, false cold
fever w/ aversion to cold, no sweating, headache, stiff neck, body aches, irritability, thirst
p: fine-rapid
cold on exterior, heat on interior
fever, aversion to cold, sore throat, thirst, headache, loose stools, chilliness, profuse pale urine
p: floating-rapid
heat on exterior, cold on interior
thirst, irritability, sour regurgitation, bitter taste, mouth ulcers, loose stools, borborygmus, profuse pale urine
heat above, cold below
sweat (oily, profuse, like pearls), cold body, cold hands and feet, feeble breathing, listlessness, absence of thirst, preference for hot drinks
t: pale and moist
p: thready-deep-minute-fading
yang collapse
sweat (sticky and abundant), feverish body, warm hands and feet, shortness of breath, irritability, restlessness, thirst w/ preference for cold drinks
t: red and dry
p: thready-rapid-weak-floating-empty
yin collapse