Common Issues in the Elderly Flashcards
When will Medicare pay for skilled rehab care in nursing homes? Which part of medicare pays?
- they will pay for 20 days after at least a 3 day hospital stay
- pt pays copay of $168 per day for day 21-100
How long before the need for nursing home care do a patients assets need to be transferred to family members other than the spouse?
3 years
5 years if in a trust
Treament for lumbar spinal stenosis - surgical or nonsurgical recommended?
Conservative nonsurgical treatments are more appropriate
Which antipsychotic has lowest risk of Extrapyramidal toxicity?
Quetiapine (seroquel)
best choice in elderly if you have to
When should medications for parkinsonism be initiated in the elderly?
When there is functional decline - interference of symptoms with ADLs and gait
What is a common mimic of diarrhea in the elderly?
Fecal impaction where liquid stool passes around a fecolith
What is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in the elderly?
Age related macular degeneration –> loss of central vision which impairs reading, face recognition, driving
How do you diagnose polymyalgia rheumatica?
- bilateral aching/morning stiffness (> 30 min) for at least 1 month
- involves at least two of the following three: neck or torso, shoulder/proximal arms, hips/proximal thighs
- ESR > 40 or elevated CRP
associated with temporal arteritis
Treatment of polymyalgia rheumatica
- Low dose prednisone (15 mg daily)
- high dose prednisone (60 mg) when accompanied by temporal arteritis
- may start steroids before temporal artery biopsy (positive within 1 week after starting steroids)
Definition of osteopenia (t score)
T SCORE -1 to -2.5 SD
Definition of osteoporosis (t score)
T score < -2.5 SD
Definition of severe osteoporosis
T score < -2.5 SD + one or more fractures
Who needs bone mineral density testing according to the USPSTF?
- women age > 65 yo
- women age 50-64 yo based on risk factors
What is the most common site in the spine for osteoporotic fractures?
When screening for secondary causes of osteoporosis, which tests should you obtain?
- albumin/total protein
- alk phos (myeloma, cancer)
- serum creatinine (CKD)
- calcium, phos (hyperparathyroid)
- TSH (hyerthyroidism)
- testosterone (men; hypogonadism)
Who needs treatment for osteoporosis?
Postmenopausal women and men > 50 yo
- hip or vertebral fx
- prior fractures and low bone mass
- T score < -2.5 after appropriate eval for secondary cuases
- T score -1 to -2.5 if high risk (eg glucocorticoid use)
What is the USPSTF recommendation regarding daily supplementation of Vit D and ca for postmenopausal women to prevent fx?
- not recommended
This recommendation does not address women with osteoporosis
What are contraindications to bisphosphonate therapy?
- esophageal strictures, achalasia
- unable to be upright
- renal failure with CrCl < 35
- hypocalcemia (common side effect)
Treatment for osteoporotic bone pain
intranasal calcitonin
- can use up to 6 months
- prescribe Ca and Vit D