Hilicopter Rescue Swimmer Capabilities
- RS must have the mental capacity, flexibility, mobility, strength, power, agility, endurance, and equipment to function for at least 30 minutes in heavy seas, on unstable platforms, on rugged terrain during severe adverse weather conditions.
- In addtion, the RS shall have the survival training, knowledge, understanding, and experience to survive at sea or on land if left onscene for greater that 24 hours (TQ)
Who certifies in writing to Commandant (CG-711) either by memorandum or electronic mail that all RS members meet eligibility requirements? and when?
Unit Commanding Officers. This certification is due annually in January.
Water Training Facility Requirements
swim training sessions shall be performed in a measured pool of 25 yards or more and should have a depth of 8.5 feet(TQ) or more to allow adequate space and depth for proper procedure execution.
Training Records
All RS training events not tracked in ALMIS shall be documented on the RS Training Record, which can be located on the Rescue Swimmer Standardization Division Portal, or on a locally generated equivalent indicating date of completion. This record shall be maintained at the Unit for a minimum of 18 months.
When the operational tempo allows, the physical/water training sessions should be completed how many times per week?
Physical training - three(3) times per week
Water training - two(2) times per week
(RS) Frequency of Non-Flight Training Requirements
PTA Land Portion: Once per quarter
PTA Water Portion: Once per quarter
Water Training Session: One time per calendar week
Physical Training Session: Two times per calendar week
Lifesaving drills: Once per quarter
Litter Recovery: Every 180 days from last completed
Harness/Parachute Disentang: Every 180 days from last completed
EMT Recurrent Classroom: Three hours per quarter
EMT Recurrent Practical: Three hours per quarter
EMT 24-hour Recurrent Refresher: Prior to exp. of cert.
When a swimming pool is temporarily unavailable or an RS is deployed away from home station without access to a pool, how many times shall they complete the land training session?
three(3) times per calendar week
The land and water portions of the PTA shall be completed within how long?
- Land - Within one(1) hour
- Water - Within one(1) hour
PTA land/water portion rest times?
- five(5) minutes rest after complex.
- no more than two(2) minutes rest after every other exercise.
- no more than five(5) minutes rest allowed after each exercise.
Minimum PTA land standards
Complex: complete sub event, sprint - 27.0 seconds
Body weight row: 12 repetitions
Pushup: 30 repetitions
Side Plank: 65.0 seconds
Dead Hang Pull-up: 5 repetitions
300-Meter Shuttle: 79.0 seconds (Avg.)
Minimum PTA water standards
400-yard gear swim: 6 minutes, 30 seconds yard pool (7 minutes, 10 seconds meter pool) (TQ)
6x50 swim: 37.0 seconds, yard pool (41.0 seconds, meter pool)
4x50 buddy tow: 1 minute, 15 seconds yard pool (1 minute, 24.0 seconds meter pool)
4x50 underwater down swim back: Every 1 minute, 15.0 seconds yard pool (Every 1 minute, 24.0 seconds meter pool)
Commands shall provide sufficient time for rescue swimmers to complete, at a minimum, _____ PT sessions per calendar week
two(2) sessions.
The sessions will require up to 90 minutes to complete.
All continuing education requirements shall be completed within the current ______registraion cycle (______ to _____)
2 year cycle. 1 April to 31 March
EMT continuing education be obtained through with who?
- Flight Surgeons
- Coast Guard Clinics
- Local EMS
EMT Continuing Education Knowledge Requirements
1st Quarter: (Heart, Lung, Head, Spine, Preg, Babies)
- Respiratory, Cardiac Emerg., AED
- Head & Spine injuries
- OB & PED Emerg.
2nd Quarter: (Water related, heat, burns)
- Water related & near drowning
- Heat Emerg.
- Burns & soft tissue (TQ)
3rd Quater: (Mass Casualty, Muscle, Abdomin, Cold)
- Multiple-Casualty/EMS response to terrorism
- Musculoskeletal/accute abdominal emerg.
- Hypothermia/cold injuries
4th Quater: (body, blood, assessment, emerg.)
- Anatomy/physiology/blood pathogens
- Trauma/Medical assessment
- medical emerg.
The locking hoist hook shall/shall be in the LOCKED position for the following…
- Direct Deployment of RS to Vert. Surf.
- Rescue Litter RECOVERIES
- Rescue Basket deployment/recovery
- Rescue Litter deployment
**The locking hoist hook SHALL be in the UNLOCKED position for bare hook recoveries of the RS**
Hoist Static Discharge (HSD)
- 10-foot wire cable with 245-lb breaking strength
- The HSD should be considered prior to deployment
- ELECTRICAL FIELDS: widespread and low thick ceilings, electrical storms forming nearby, and calm sea states
Litter Recovery
- Connect gray restraint strap under survivor’s arms and over chest (TQ)
- The black strap SHALL be connected last(opposite direction from other bayonete fittings), restraining survivor’s arms under strap.
- Place locking hoist hook in the LOCKED posistion
Once device is clear of water, RS should swim to the helicopter’s 1 to 2 o’clock position, maintaining eye contact with the device and await recovery.
Sling Augmented Double Pickup Recovery
- Chest strap can be secured before or after RS hooks up to locking hoist hook.
PTA Land portion complex protocols
Required Equipment:
- stop watch
- 150-pound barbell
- pull-up bar
- cones, for marking a measured distance of 50 meters
Upon completing dead lifts, and not to exceed 5.0 seconds, the RS under evaluation shall walk over to 50-meter distance and assume a starting position.
Sprint time shall be no more than 27.0 seconds
PTA Body Weight Row
- Shoulders one(1) to two(2) inches off the deck
- Metronome - set to 60 beats-per-minute (BPM)
PTA Push-ups
- Metronome - set 80 beats-per-minute (BPM)
- Hands directly below shoulders, no more than a fist’s distance outside shoulder width
- On the first beat, the RS under evaluation shall lower body to a position with elbows bent to 90-degrees and no closer than 45-degrees to the torso.
PTA Dead Hang Pull-up
- Set to 60 beats per minute (BPM)
- Spacing of the hands may be no greater than one fist’s width outside the shoulder
- On the 5th beat, pull the body upward until the chin is above the bar and lower the body until the arms are fully extended.
PTA 300-Meter Shuttle
- The RS under evaluation will sprint to the 25-meter line, turn, and sprint back to the start line.
- 5-minute rest period in between sprints
PTA 6x50 Swim
- RS under evaluation will be given a 15.0 second rest period.
to receive a GO for this evolution, the average time to complete the evolution shall be 37.0 or less measured in yards (41.0 seconds or less in 25 meters, which averages an additional 4.0 seconds per 50 meters)
PTA 4x50 Buddy Tow
- 180-pound (or heavier) framed person
- (TQ) The RS under evaluation will be given a 20.0 second rest period
- Passing Criteria: 1 minute, 15.0 seconds yard pool (1 minute, 24.0 second meter pool)
Preferred grip when performing a Controlled Cross Chest Carry?
Seatbelt Grip
Preferred grip to use when performing a Physical Grip or Sling Deployment?
Gable Grip
May also be used as an alternate grip when performing a Controlled Cross Chest Carry.
What is the advantage of using the S-grip over the Gable grip?
More pliable, useful when dealing with a large frame survivor and unable to apply Gable grip.
- Appendix A:
- Appendix B:
- Appendix C:
- Appendix D:
Appendix A: Physical Assessment Land Portion Protocols
Appendix B: Physical Assessment Water Portion Protocols
Appendix C: Lifesaving Grips/Techniques
Appendix D: RS Hand Signals
Aircraft Vectoring Commands/Advisories
- Commence right turn
- Commence left turn
- Stop turn
- Continue right/left turn
- Mark, mark, mark
- “I am at your ___o’clock position, apprx, ____miles”