COM 215 Entire Course New Flashcards
COM 215 Entire Course NEW
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COM 215 Entire Course NEW
COM 215 Week 1 DQs
COM 215 Week 1 Grammar Exercise 1
COM 215 Week 2 Assignment: Business Solutions
COM 215 Week 2 CheckPoint: Communication Strategies
COM 215 Week 3 DQs
COM 215 Week 3 Grammar Exercise 2
COM 215 Week 4 Assignment: Informative, Positive, Negative, and Persuasive Messages
COM 215 Week 4 CheckPoint: Organizing Information in Messages
COM 215 Week 5 DQs
COM 215 Week 5 Grammar Exercise 3
COM 215 Week 6 Assignment: Cultural Communication
COM 215 Week 6 CheckPoint: Nonverbal and Verbal Communication
COM 215 Week 7 DQs
COM 215 Week 7 Grammar Exercise 4
COM 215 Week 8 CheckPoint: Final Grammar Quiz
COM 215 Week 8 CheckPoint: Job-Search Management
COM 215 Week 8 Assignment: Resumes and Job-Application Letters PART 1 to 4
COM 215 Capstone Discussion Question
COM 215 Final
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COM 215 Week 1 DQs NEW
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COM 215 Week 1 DQs NEW
Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [post to the Main forum]
Post your response to these questions: How does business writing differ from academic writing? What qualities make any form of written communication effective?
5. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [post to the Main forum]
Post your response to this question: Using what you have learned this week, how would you, as a writer, build goodwill with your readers?
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COM 215 Week 1 Grammar Exercise 1 NEW
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COM 215 Week 1 Grammar Exercise 1 NEW
Grammar Exercise 1
Resource: Review the information regarding inclusive language at the BAC Web site.
Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]
Complete the grammar exercises provided by your instructor.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 9 COM 215
Link to Business Communication Handbook on BAC Web Site
Location of Grammar Rules and Examples in Business Communication Handbook
Appendix B Reading
Appendix B, pp. 117-120
Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist
Appendix B, pp. 120-121
Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonracist and Nonagist
Appendix B, p. 121
Inclusive Language—Talking about People with Disabilities and Diseases
Appendix B, p. 122
Inclusive Language—Quoting from Biased Material
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COM 215 Week 2 Assignment Business Solutions NEW
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COM 215 Week 2 Assignment Business Solutions NEW
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 12 COM 215
Use the information in the table you created for the Week Two CheckPoint as you formulate a solution that takes into account audience characteristics, requirements, and expectations.
Resources: Appendix B; Chapter 2 (pp. 34-46), Chapter 3 (pp. 66-79), Chapter 4 (pp. 87-108), and Appendix A (pp. 572-589) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); and Ch. 2-3 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( and )
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Follow the steps listed below to complete this assignment:
Select one of the scenarios in the Week Two CheckPoint.
Determine what form to use (an email, a memo, or a letter) in order to suggest a solution to the communication problem described in the scenario.
Decide to whom the solution should be written and why.
Write a business solution of at least 350 words addressing one of the business communication problems described in the scenarios for the Week Two CheckPoint.
Submit the assignment as an attachment
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COM 215 Week 2 CheckPoint Communication Strategies NEW
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COM 215 Week 2 CheckPoint Communication Strategies NEW
In order for written business communication to be effective, the writer must take the audience into consideration by focusing on readability level, style, and elements that build goodwill (Locker, 2006). Think about the information below as you formulate your answers to this CheckPoint.
Scenario 1:
Readability Formula: As the text suggests, writers will want to make the content easy to read by simplifying ideas, organizing them logically, and laying out the document in an appealing way. Refer to the Gunning Fog Index and the Flesch Reading Ease Scale to calculate readability formulas. In addition to the course text, search the Internet for information regarding readability formulas.
Good Style: This scenario deals with bad news (a negative message). Not only will classmates be missing out on the trip to Mexico, but they will also lose their deposits. While it is important to be honest, the structure of the message is important. Building Goodwill: The writer of this message is merely the messenger; the situation is out of his/her hands. Although reimbursing classmates would be ideal, the bus company is filing for bankruptcy and may not have much to offer. What other alternatives might be possible?
The writer should also try to determine the audience’s initial reaction, the amount of information required, positive aspects that can be emphasized as well as obstacles that must be overcome, and expectations of the audience.
Scenario 2:
Readability Formula: As the text suggests, writers will want to make the content easy to read by simplifying ideas, organizing them logically, and laying out the document in an appealing way. Refer to the Gunning Fog Index and the Flesch Reading Ease Scale to calculate readability formulas. In addition to the course text, search the Internet for information regarding readability formulas.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 11 COM 215
Good Style: In the business world, busy people do not have time to wade through extraneous details. Think about what resolution would be appropriate, with precise details included.
Building Goodwill: Scenario 2 is both a negative message and a persuasive message. Think about the best way to organize information for these types of messages. Finally, is a continued relationship with the bank important? If it is, that relationship can be a powerful persuader, too.
The writer should also try to determine the audience’s initial reaction, the amount of information required, positive aspects that can be emphasized as well as obstacles that must be overcome, and expectations of the audience.
Reference Locker, K. O. (2006). Business and administrative communication (7th ed.). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill.
• Resources: Appendix B; Chapter 2 (pp. 34-46), Chapter 3 (pp. 66-79), Chapter 4 (pp. 87-108), and the Glossary (pp. 649-658) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); Ch. 1-3 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; ); and Internet
Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum•
Read the following scenarios:•
o Scenario 1: The trip scheduled for Mexico during spring break has been cancelled due to the bankruptcy of the bus company. You must tell 25 of your classmates that the trip has been cancelled and that they have lost their $100 deposit. How will you convey the information and still uphold their goodwill toward you?
o Scenario 2: Your local bank made a mistake on your printed checks. Additionally, the bank charged you for the checks, even though the order was supposed to be complimentary for customers opening a new account. How would you draft a letter that allows your irritation to work for, rather than against, you?
Compare and contrast comm•CheckPoint: Communication Strategies
In order for written business communication to be effective, the writer must take the audience into consideration by focusing on readability level, style, and elements that build goodwill (Locker, 2006). Think about the information below as you formulate your answers to this CheckPoint.
Scenario 1:
Readability Formula: As the text suggests, writers will want to make the content easy to read by simplifying ideas, organizing them logically, and laying out the document in an appealing way. Refer to the Gunning Fog Index and the Flesch Reading Ease Scale to calculate readability formulas. In addition to the course text, search the Internet for information regarding readability formulas.
Good Style: This scenario deals with bad news (a negative message). Not only will classmates be missing out on the trip to Mexico, but they will also lose their deposits. While it is important to be honest, the structure of the message is important. Building Goodwill: The writer of this message is merely the messenger; the situation is out of his/her hands. Although reimbursing classmates would be ideal, the bus company is filing for bankruptcy and may not have much to offer. What other alternatives might be possible?
The writer should also try to determine the audience’s initial reaction, the amount of information required, positive aspects that can be emphasized as well as obstacles that must be overcome, and expectations of the audience.
Scenario 2:
Readability Formula: As the text suggests, writers will want to make the content easy to read by simplifying ideas, organizing them logically, and laying out the document in an appealing way. Refer to the Gunning Fog Index and the Flesch Reading Ease Scale to calculate readability formulas. In addition to the course text, search the Internet for information regarding readability formulas.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 11 COM 215
Good Style: In the business world, busy people do not have time to wade through extraneous details. Think about what resolution would be appropriate, with precise details included.
Building Goodwill: Scenario 2 is both a negative message and a persuasive message. Think about the best way to organize information for these types of messages. Finally, is a continued relationship with the bank important? If it is, that relationship can be a powerful persuader, too.
The writer should also try to determine the audience’s initial reaction, the amount of information required, positive aspects that can be emphasized as well as obstacles that must be overcome, and expectations of the audience.
Reference Locker, K. O. (2006). Business and administrative communication (7th ed.). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill.
Resources: Appendix B; Chapter 2 (pp. 34-46), Chapter 3 (pp. 66-79), Chapter 4 (pp. 87-108), and the Glossary (pp. 649-658) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); Ch. 1-3 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; ); and Internet
Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum
Read the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: The trip scheduled for Mexico during spring break has been cancelled due to the bankruptcy of the bus company. You must tell 25 of your classmates that the trip has been cancelled and that they have lost their $100 deposit. How will you convey the information and still uphold their goodwill toward you?
Scenario 2: Your local bank made a mistake on your printed checks. Additionally, the bank charged you for the checks, even though the order was supposed to be complimentary for customers opening a new account. How would you draft a letter that allows your irritation to work for, rather than against, you?
Compare and contrast comm
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COM 215 Week 3 DQs NEW
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COM 215 Week 3 DQs NEW
Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
Post a response to these questions: What kinds of unwanted reactions might you get from readers of your messages? What steps would you take to ensure that the purpose of your message (whether informative, negative, or persuasive) is conveyed to your readers?
3. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum
Post your response to this question: Discuss how you would approach creating a negative message for a superior (such as a manager at work or an instructor) versus creating a message for a colleague, subordinate, or fellow student.
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COM 215 Week 3 Grammar Exercise 2 NEW
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COM 215 Week 3 Grammar Exercise 2 NEW
Grammar Exercise 2
Resource: Review the information regarding dangling modifiers and predication errors at the BAC Web site.
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
Complete the grammar exercises provided by your instructor.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 14 COM 215
Link to Business Communication Handbook on BAC Web Site
Location of Grammar Rules and Examples in Business Communication Handbook
Appendix A Reading
Appendix A, p. 104
Dangling Modifiers
Appendix A, p. 105
Predication Errors
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COM 215 Week 4 Assignment Informative, Positive, Negative, and Persuasive Messages NEW
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COM 215 Week 4 Assignment Informative, Positive, Negative, and Persuasive Messages NEW
Resources: Appendix C; Chapter 7 (pp. 150-168), Chapter 8 (pp. 182-199), Chapter 9 (pp. 212-240), and Appendix A (pp. 572-589) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); Ch. 2-4 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; and ); and Letter and Résumé Templates at the BAC Web site ( )
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Compose an informative message for Scenario 1, a Positive Message for Scenario 2, a Negative Message for Scenario 3, and a Persuasive Message for Scenario 4. You may use the templates on the BAC Web site to write the messages. The minimum word count for each message is 150 words.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 16 COM 215
Scenario 1: Write an informative message that tells one of your colleagues at work or one of your friends how to enroll at Axia College.
Scenario 2: Write a positive message to the supervisor of someone who went above and beyond the call of duty to help you.
Scenario 3: Write a negative message to the phone company about charges that should not have been on your last month’s bill.
Scenario 4: Write a persuasive message to your boss explaining why you should get a raise, OR write a persuasive message to your landlord explaining why your rent should not be raised.
Post the messages as attachments.
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COM 215 Week 4 CheckPoint Organizing Information in Messages NEW
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COM 215 Week 4 CheckPoint Organizing Information in Messages NEW
Although all business communication shares some common characteristics, differences do exist among informative, positive, negative, and persuasive messages. For example, in order to elicit the most favorable response, it is important to determine how to layer the information in the message, especially if the content is negative. Providing the best possible customer service for both internal and external audiences hinges on good communication. Because writers do not have a second opportunity to create a first impression, planning what to say and how to say it is an essential step in successful business communication.
Resources: Appendix C; Chapter 7 (pp. 150-168), Chapter 8 (pp. 182-199), and Chapter 9 (pp. 212-240) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); and Ch. 2-4 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; and )
Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum
Use the table in Appendix C to record ways you would organize information for informative, positive, negative, and persuasive messages.
Post the table as an attachment
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COM 215 Week 5 DQs NEW
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COM 215 Week 5 DQs NEW
Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
Post your response to this question: Identify a source of miscommunication with which you are familiar. How can this type of miscommunication be effectively addressed or completely avoided?
3. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum
Read the four scenarios under ―Getting Started,‖ on page 311 in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.).
Choose one of the four scenarios.
Post your response to this question: Identify one or more ways that the cultural differences in the scenario you choose may be leading to miscommunication. How would you resolve these differences?
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COM 215 Week 5 Grammar Exercise 3 NEW
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COM 215 Week 5 Grammar Exercise 3 NEW
Grammar Exercise 3
Resource: Review the information regarding punctuating sentences at the BAC Web site.
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
Complete the grammar exercises provided by your instructor.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 18 COM 215
Link to Business Communication Handbook on BAC Web Site
Location of Grammar Rules and Examples in Business Communication Handbook
Appendix A Reading
Appendix A, pages 105-108
Punctuating Sentences
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COM 215 Week 6 Assignment Cultural Communication NEW
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COM 215 Week 6 Assignment Cultural Communication NEW
Resources: Chapter 11 (pp. 292-309) and Appendix A (pp. 582-588) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); Ch. 1-4 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; ; and ); and Letter and Résumé
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 20 COM 215
Templates at the BAC Web site ( )
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Read the following scenario:
Your manager at work has advised you that you and two of your coworkers will be visiting a branch of your company in another country. Select a country that you would like to learn more about. Then, conduct an Internet or library search regarding the nonverbal and verbal communication styles in this country.
Write a memo to the manager in the scenario summarizing your findings and explaining how you would use the information to enhance communication during your visit to this country. You may use the memo template at the BAC Web site to complete this assignment. The minimum word count for this assignment is 350 words.
Post the memo as an attachment.• Assignment: Cultural Communication
Resources: Chapter 11 (pp. 292-309) and Appendix A (pp. 582-588) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); Ch. 1-4 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; ; and ); and Letter and Résumé
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 20 COM 215
Templates at the BAC Web site ( )
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Read the following scenario:
Your manager at work has advised you that you and two of your coworkers will be visiting a branch of your company in another country. Select a country that you would like to learn more about. Then, conduct an Internet or library search regarding the nonverbal and verbal communication styles in this country.
Write a memo to the manager in the scenario summarizing your findings and explaining how you would use the information to enhance communication during your visit to this country. You may use the memo template at the BAC Web site to complete this assignment. The minimum word count for this assignment is 350 words.
Post the memo as an attachment.
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COM 215 Week 6 CheckPoint Nonverbal and Verbal Communication NEW
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COM 215 Week 6 CheckPoint Nonverbal and Verbal Communication NEW
Nonverbal Communication: Listeners glean a large portion of meaning from the facial expressions and body language of a speaker, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. For example, it is difficult for most of us to conceal emotions when delivering an unpleasant message, and it is also easy for listeners to misinterpret our meaning, especially when communication takes place across cultures. Nonverbal cues, personal space, and pacing all take on different meanings for different individuals. It is important to be aware of those meanings, especially in a global business environment.
Verbal Communication: Understanding cultural contrasts is also essential for verbal communication (whether oral or written). Learning to communicate with people in the country in which you are working or doing business goes beyond simply learning the language. It also involves being aware of levels of formality, style, religious and cultural practices and beliefs, and values. In any culture, your personal and professional success depends to a great extent on your ability to communicate.
Resources: Appendix D; Chapter 11 (pp. 292-309) and Chapter 12 (pp. 326-328) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); and Ch. 1-3 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; )
Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum
Using the table in Appendix D, compare and contrast characteristics of nonverbal and verbal communication for different audiences.
Post the table as an attachment
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COM 215 Week 7 DQs NEW
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COM 215 Week 7 DQs NEW
Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
Post your response to this question: What strategies might you use to communicate the use of data effectively in written business reports?
3. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum
Post your response to this question: What qualities of an oral presentation are most important to you as an audience member? Explain your answer.
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COM 215 Week 7 Grammar Exercise 4 NEW
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COM 215 Week 7 Grammar Exercise 4 NEW
Grammar Exercise 4
Resource: Review the information regarding punctuation within sentences at the BAC Web site.
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
Complete the grammar exercises provided by your instructor.
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 22 COM 215
Link to Business Communication Handbook on BAC Web Site
Location of Grammar Rules and Examples in Business Communication Handbook
Appendix A Reading
Appendix A, pp. 105-107
Punctuation within Sentences—Colon
Appendix A, p. 110
Punctuation within Sentences—Dash
Appendix A, p. 110
Punctuation within Sentences—Hyphen
Appendix A, p. 110
Punctuation within Sentences—Parentheses
Appendix A, p. 112
Punctuation within Sentences—Square Brackets
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COM 215 Week 8 Assignment Resumes and Job-Application Letters PART 1 to 4 NEW
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COM 215 Week 8 Assignment Resumes and Job-Application Letters PART 1 to 4 NEW
Resources: Local newspaper and an online job database, such as or; Chapter 17 (pp. 490-520), Chapter 18 (pp. 524-543), Chapter 19 (pp. 550-568), and Appendix A (pp. 572-583) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.); Ch. 1-3 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( ; ; and ); and Letter and Résumé Templates at the BAC Web site ( )
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Review the job titles and descriptions in the newspaper and database.
Select one job from each source.
Create a résumé you would use for hardcopy distribution and one you would use for online distribution. You may use the résumé template at the BAC Web site for this assignment.
Write a job-application letter to accompany one of the résumés. You may use a letter template at the BAC Web site for this assignment.
Post your response to this question: Provide the job title and description for each job. What are the main differences between your hardcopy and online submissions?
Post the résumés and letter as attachments to your response.
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COM 215 Week 8 CheckPoint Final Grammar Quiz NEW
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COM 215 Week 8 CheckPoint Final Grammar Quiz NEW
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
COM 215 Written Communication
Course Syllabus Page 24 COM 215
Complete the Final Grammar Quiz provided by your instructor.
Submit the quiz to your [Individual] forum.
You will receive the results of the final grammar quiz from your instructor.
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COM 215 Week 8 CheckPoint Job-Search Management NEW
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COM 215 Week 8 CheckPoint Job-Search Management NEW
Finding a job in today’s competitive market takes not only time but also strategic planning. Certain details attract the attention of interviewers, and other aspects of job-search communication routinely disqualify applicants. Savvy applicants know how to highlight strengths and learn how to deal with any difficulties in their work background. It is also important for the applicant to gear résumés and application letters to each specific job description.
Many companies now prefer online résumés, which differ slightly from traditional hardcopy résumés. Job seekers can also use online job boards, such as, to their advantage.
Creating résumés and job-application letters is only half the battle. Applicants also need to manage the interview process, including writing follow-up letters and phone calls, and then they need to determine which position to accept once an offer has been made.
Resources: Microsoft® Word Tutorial: Creating Tables at ; and Chapter 17 (pp. 490-520), Chapter 18 (pp. 524-543), Chapter 19 (550-568), and Appendix A (pp. 572-583) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.).
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
Plan for an interview for a job you would like to have. Consider how you might manage the résumé, job-application letter, follow-up letter, and interview.
Create a table that lays out a day-by-day plan to use as a job aid for your employment search that spans 3 weeks.
Post the table as an attachment.
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COM 215 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question NEW
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COM 215 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question NEW
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COM 215 Week 9 Final Presentation NEW
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COM 215 Week 9 Final Presentation NEW
Assignment: Microsoft PowerPoint® Presentation based on the ETH 125 Final Assignment
Recall the differences between academic and business writing as you use the information from your final project for ETH 125 in order to create a slide presentation for a business audience.
Resources: Appendix A, Chapter 6 (pp. 126-139) and Chapter 16 (pp. 468-483) in Business and Administrative Communication (7th ed.), as well as How to Create PowerPoint Presentations ( ) and Ch. 8-9 in the Business Communication Handbook at the BAC Web site ( and )
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Submit the Microsoft PowerPoint® Presentation based on your final project in ETH 125: Cultural Diversity.
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