COM 130 Entire Course New Flashcards
COM 130 Entire Course NEW
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COM 130 Entire Course NEW
COM 130 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2
COM 130 Week 1 Checkpoint Legal Considerations
COM 130 Week 2 Assignment Writing for an Audience
COM 130 Week 2 CheckPoint Collaborative and Individual Writing Processes
COM 130 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2
COM 130 Week 4 Assignment Creating Surveys
COM 130 Week 4 CheckPoint Using the Library to Research
COM 130 Week 5 CheckPoint APA Guidelines
COM 130 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2
COM 130 Week 6 Assignment Writing Instructions
COM 130 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2
COM 130 Week 8 Assignment The Rough Draft
COM 130 Week 8 CheckPoint Journals and Scientific Documents
COM 130 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question
COM 130 Week 9 Final Project Your Career as an IT Professional
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COM 130 Week 1 Checkpoint Legal Considerations NEW
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COM 130 Week 1 Checkpoint Legal Considerations NEW
Find a professional technical document, such as an instruction manual or a product tag.
Argue whether or not the writer and company included legal considerations when writing.
For example, does the document appear to respect copyright law? Why or why not? Did
the company break trademark, contract, or liability law? How? Think as though you are a
lawyer and examine every potential legal part of the document. If you believe changes
should be made to the document, include your suggestions.
• Summarize your opinion in 200 to 300 words.
• Post your summary as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
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COM 130 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
Discussion Question 1
• Post your response to the following: Describe the skills of a successful technical writer.
Provide at least three examples and explain their importance to the technical writing
process. If you were a technical writer, which skills would you consider most vital to your
position and why?
Discussion Question 2
• Post your response to the following: Based on Ch. 1, identify two ethical principles that
should guide technical communications. Explain each of the principles you chose and
provide an example of why each is important.
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COM 130 Week 2 Assignment Writing for an Audience NEW
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COM 130 Week 2 Assignment Writing for an Audience NEW
Assignment: Writing for an Audience
• Resource: Ch. 2 of Professional and Technical Writing Strategies
• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
• Imagine you have been asked to communicate to several clients regarding a delay in the
production of widgets your company produces. Your clients are both local and
international. They have diverse backgrounds, technical experience, and understanding.
1. Choose and utilize a prewriting technique to gather your thoughts.
2. Create a draft of the document that will deliver the news to your company’s clients;
consider a letter format for the document.
3. Use post writing steps to ensure your document is ready to be sent to your manager
for approval.
• Remember what you have learned about audience and how to convey both positive and
negative news.
• Include all parts of the writing process for your instructor to see.
• Write 1,050 to 1,400 words.
• Post your assignment as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 2 CheckPoint Collaborative and Individual Writing Processes NEW
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COM 130 Week 2 CheckPoint Collaborative and Individual Writing Processes NEW
- Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
- Identify and explain at least three advantages and three disadvantages of the
collaborative writing process in 200 to 300 words. In what situations might an individual
writing process be preferable?
• Post your summary as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
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COM 130 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
Discussion Question 1
• Post your response to the following: Describe some of the benefits of utilizing graphic
design or visual elements in a technical document. Identify at least three types of graphic
or visual elements that can be added to technical communications. What must a technical
writer consider in order to use these elements effectively?
- Discussion Question 2
• Post your response to the following: Provide an example of a presentation you viewed
but felt was ineffective (the presentation could have been a TV commercial, a speech, an
instructor’s lecture, or another type of presentation). What would have made the
presentation more powerful? What are some key elements you will consider whendesigning a presentation to give in front of a future boss or manager?
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COM 130 Week 4 Assignment Creating Surveys NEW
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COM 130 Week 4 Assignment Creating Surveys NEW
- Resources: Appendix B and Ch. 5 of Professional and Technical Writing Strategies
- Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
- Follow the instructions below to create and utilize a survey:
- Using a Microsoft® Word document, create a short survey based on a topic related to
careers in general, careers in IT, or another occupational topic. (See Appendix B for
further instruction and for examples.)
- Include a disclaimer in your survey that indicates the project is for school, no name is
needed from the individual, and the results are confidential.
- Use the checklist on pp. 191-192 to ensure your survey is complete and makes
- When you are finished with the survey, give it to at least four people you know (at
least 18 years of age).
- When you receive your four completed surveys, analyze the data. It is important to
display the results verbally and visually (graphically) to best communicate meaning of
your results.
- Write a 500- to 1,000-word summary of the results.
- Design a graphic display of the results.
- Insert the summary, graphic, and original survey in one Microsoft® Word document.
- Post the document as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 5 CheckPoint APA Guidelines NEW
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COM 130 Week 5 CheckPoint APA Guidelines NEW
- Resources: Appendix C and Ch. 2 of the Writing Style Handbook
- Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
- Open Appendix C and save it to your computer. Using APA guidelines, put the
information into proper format.
• Post the corrected document as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 4 CheckPoint Using the Library to Research NEW
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COM 130 Week 4 CheckPoint Using the Library to Research NEW
• Resources: Appendix A and Ch. 5 of Professional and Technical Writing Strategies
• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
• Conduct a search on your IT career choice to write about for your final project using the
University Library (
• Select one periodical article to review (either a newspaper or magazine).
• Summarize the article in your own words. Be sure to acknowledge all necessary
information pertaining to where you located the article (such as the article’s author, title,
and publication name). The summary should be 200 to 300 words.
• Post your summary as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
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COM 130 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
Discussion Question 1
• Post your response to the following questions: Why is documentation important in the
technical writing process? What positive and negative occurrences have you run into
while using different documentation styles?
Discussion Question 2
• Post your response to the following: Identify the four most widely accepted style
conventions for professional paper documentation. What purpose does each of these
conventions serve, and which is most appropriate for technical writing? Explain why.
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COM 130 Week 6 Assignment Writing Instructions NEW
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COM 130 Week 6 Assignment Writing Instructions NEW
Understanding your audience and being clear and concise when writing instructions is crucial
to the receiver’s ability to successfully follow the instructions. When the writer does have not
a clear vision of the intended audience, he or she should design the instructions for the most
basic reader.
• Resources: Appendix D and Ch. 7, 9, & 10 of Professional and Technical Writing
- Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
- Create a set of instructions explaining how to save a Microsoft® Word document on a
computer running a Windows-based operating system to a computer disc. Ensure the
instructions are clear and concise, and include all steps that would be relevant to the
most basic of audiences. Include a screen shot. (See Appendix D.)
• Use at least one term in the document that would require a definition. Write the definition
appropriately. (See Ch. 7 of Professional and Technical Writing Strategies.)
• Explain briefly in a summary at the end of the instruction how these directions would vary
if you knew specifically who your audience was.
- Write 500 to 700 words
- Post your instructions as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
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COM 130 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 NEW
Discussion Question 1
• Post your response to the following:
o Describe a scenario in which you were asked to provide a report. Include a
description of the intended receiver of the report. Describe the different types of
reports you could have used, and why the report you chose was most appropriate for
this audience.
o Discuss what a technical writer must consider when using reports to present
information (audience and organization, for example).
- Discussion Question 2
• Post your response to the following:
o Describe a hypothetical scenario in which you would write a proposal. How would this
differ from a situation in which a standard report would be more appropriate? How do
these two report types differ in purpose and structure?
oAnalyze your peers’ scenarios. Do you agree that the chosen report would be correct
for that situation? Why or why not? (Use information from Ch. 15, if necessary, to
back up your opinion.)
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COM 130 Week 8 Assignment The Rough Draft NEW
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COM 130 Week 8 Assignment The Rough Draft NEW
• Resource: Appendix A
• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
• Prepare a rough draft of your final project. Organize the draft so it flows and makes
sense. At this point, your draft should be 80% complete and include properly cited
references that follow APA guidelines.
• Post the rough draft as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 8 CheckPoint Journals and Scientific Documents NEW
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COM 130 Week 8 CheckPoint Journals and Scientific Documents NEW
• Resources: Appendix A and Ch. 17 of Professional and Technical Writing Strategies
• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
• Write three separate paragraphs on the following:
1. Discuss the purpose of journals and professional papers.
2. Discuss the organization of a technical scientific paper.
3. Use the University Library (
to find a scholarly journal article related to your final project. Read and write a brief
summary of the article. Be sure to document it according to APA guidelines.
• Save your three paragraphs in one document.
• Post your document as an attachment.
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COM 130 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question NEW
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COM 130 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question NEW
- Due Date: Day 3 [Main] forum
- Post your response to the following: How will what you have learned in this class help
with your future IT classes and your future as an IT professional? Provide specific
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COM 130 Week 9 Final Project Your Career as an IT Professional NEW
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COM 130 Week 9 Final Project Your Career as an IT Professional NEW
• Resources: Appendix A and Ch. 1 - 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, & 19 of Professional and
Technical Writing Strategies
• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
• Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word research project detailing one of the following career
o Web developer or administrator
o Project manager
o Database administrator
o Computer programmer
o Network and computer systems administrator
o Computer engineer (software or hardware)
Your research should provide insight into this career field for a population of high school
seniors. Your research will potentially be published in an online careers magazine.
Ensure your research includes the following elements:
o A short proposal that includes:
• What you are proposing to write about
• Your background and how it has led you to pursue this type of career
• The specific elements of the career you will focus on in your final project (This
may include salary, job requirements, physical labor, and other characteristics of
the job.)
• The benefits of having this job
• Anything you hope to learn more about through your research
o An abstract (See Ch. 15.)
o The Microsoft® Visio or ConceptDraw™ diagram (even if it is hypothetical) that you
wrote in Week Three
o The results of your survey from Week Four
COM 130 Business Research and Writing for the IT Professional
Course Syllabus Page 21
o A graphic (such as an image, a diagram, or a screen shot)
o A short summary of how you would present the information if you could give a
presentation to a live audience (keep in mind your audience’s age)
o At least three outside sources, including a Web site, a journal, and a magazine or
newspaper (cited properly in APA format)
o A set of instructions of the steps to take to get into the career
o Good use of design, white space, and other visual elements
• Post your final project as an attachment.
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