Colors of pathology Flashcards
What causes white lesions
Thickened epithelial covering: Hyperkeratosis, Acanthosis, Dysplacia, carcinoma.
Decreased vascularity.
Increased collagen; Submucosal fibrosis
What causes red lesions
Thinned epithelial covering
Increased vascularity
Dissolution of the collagen content of the sub epithelial tissue.
What causes blue lesions
Venous blood collection
Tyndall effect
What causes black lesions
Heavy metals
What causes brown lesions
What causes yellow lesions
Adipose tissue
Sebaceous material
What are the most common abnormally found colors found colors in the oral cavity in order.
White Red Black Blue Yellow
White lesions that can be rubbed off (5)
Pseudomembranous candidiasis White coated tongue Materia alba Burns Tooth paste/rinse overdose
White lesions that do not rub off (9)
Leukoplakia (biopsy) Linea alba Leukoedema Morsicatio tobacco pouch keratosis Nicotine stomatitis Verrcous Carcinoma Lichen planus (steroids) Oral hairy leukoplakia (treat AIDS)