Jawaharlal Nehru’ grandfather, Ganga Dhar Nehru, was the kotwal of ______ before the revolt of 1857.
Term Qasbah meaning in history of modern India?
Qasbah is a small town in the countryside, often the seat of a locale notable.
European commercial companies had set up base in different places early during the Mughal era
1. The Portuguese in ________
2. The Dutch in ________
3. The British in _________
4. The French in ________
- The Portuguese in Panaji in 1510.
- The Dutch in Masulipatnam in 1605.
- The British in Madras in 1639.
- The French in Pondicherry in 1673.
The first all India census was attempted in _____.
Is it a valuable source for studying urbanization in India?
- 1872, Thereafter, from 1881, decennial (conducted every 10 years) census became a regular feature.
This collection of data is an invaluable source for studying urbanization in India.
- The introduction of railways in 1853 meant a change in the fortunes of towns. Economic activity 1941 gradually shifted away from traditional towns which were located along old routes and rivers.
- For instance, Mirzapur on the Ganges, which specialised in collecting cotton goods from the Deccan, increased when a railway link was made to Bombay.
- True
- False- For instance, Mirzapur on the Ganges, which specialised in collecting cotton goods from the Deccan, declined when a railway link was made to Bombay.
What is Doric, Ionic and Corinthian in history of modern India?
Ionic was one of the three orders (organizational systems) of Ancient Greek architecture.
The other two being Doric and Corinthian.
One feature that distinguished each other was the style of the capital at the head of the columns.
After the revolt of 1857
1. Civil Lines were set up, White people began to live in the Civil Lines.
2. Cantonments- places where Indian troops under European command were stationed - were also developed as the safe enclaves.
- True
- True.
From the 1860s and 1870s, stringent administrative measures regarding sanitation were implemented and building activity in the Indian towns was regulated. Underground piped water supply and sewerage and drainage systems were also put in place around this time. ________ thus became another way of regulating Indian towns.
Sanitary Vigilance.
How was Simla (present day Shimla) founded?
Was founded during the course of the Gurkha war (1815-16).
Anglo-Maratha war of 1818 led to the British interest in _________; and Darjeeling was wrested from the rulers of Sikkim in ______.
Mount Abu.
Term Sanitariums with respect to history of modern India?
The hill stations were also developed as Sanitariums, i.e, places where soldiers could be sent for rest and recovery from illnesses.
In 1864 the Viceroy _________ officialy moved his council to Simla, setting seal to the practice of shifting capitals during the hot season.
John Lawrence.
She was a pioneering figure in Bengali theatre and was one of the prime movers behind the setting up of the Star theatre (1883) in Calcutta?
Binodini Dasi.
Meaning of tamashas and swangs with respect to history of modern India?
Tamashas (folk theatre)
Swangs (satires).
The Company had first set up its trading activities in the well established port of Surat on the west coast. Subsequently the search for textiles brought British merchants to the east coast. In 1639 they constructed a trading post in Madraspatam. This settlement was locally known as Chenapattanam. The Company had, purchased the right of settlement from the local Telugu lords, __________, who were eager to support trading activity in the region.
The Nayaks of Kalahasti.
Which fort became the nucleus of White Town?
Who was allowed to live within the fort?
Fort St George.
Color and religion determined who was allowed to live within the fort.
The company did not permit any marriages with Indians.
Other than English, the Dutch and Portuguese were allowed to stay here because they were European and Christian.
Term Pet and Puram meaning with respect to history of modern India?
Pet is a tamil word meaning settlement.
Puram is used for a village.
Term ———- area meant for
1. Chintadripet-
2. Washerman-
3. Royapuram- ?
- Chintadripet- area meant for weavers.
- Washerman- colony of dyers and bleachers of cloth.
- Royapuram- settlement for Christian boatmen who worked for the company.
Term dubashes meaning with respect to history of modern India?
Dubashes were Indians who could speak two languages- the local language and English.
Role of dubashes in modern India?
They worked as agents and merchants, acting as intermediaries between Indian society and the British.
They used their privileged position in government to acquire wealth.
Their powerful position in society was established by their charitable works and patronage of temples in the Black town.
Madras settlement
1. Initially jobs with the company were monopolised by the Vellalars, a rural caste who took advantage of the new opportunities provided by British rule.
2. With the spread of English education in the nineteenth century, brahmins started competing for similar positions in the administration.
- True
- True.
Who were Telugu Komatis, Paraaiyars and Vanniyars (modern india)?
- Telugu Komatis were a powerful commercial group that controlled the grain trade in the city. Gujarati bankers had also been present since the eighteenth century.
- Paraiyars and Vanniyars formed the labouring poor.
The Nawab of Arcot settled in nearby Triplicane which became the nucleus of a substantial Muslim settlement. Mylapore Road and, Triplicane were earlier Hindu religious centres that supported a large group of Brahmins. San Thome with its cathedral was the centre for Roman Catholics. All these settlements became part of Madras city.
In 1757, when Sirajudaula was defeated in the battle of Plassey, the East India Company decided to build a new fort, one that could not be easily attacked.
Calcutta has grown from three villages called __________.
Sutanati, Kolkata and Govindapur.
Why a vast open space was left around the new Fort William?
Around the Fort William they left a vast open space which came to be locally known as the Maidan or garer-math.
This was done so that there would be no obstructions to a straight line of fire from the Fort against an advancing enemy army.
What was the “Minute on Calcutta town improvement”?
Governor General Lord Wellesley (1798-1805) began the planning process with his prescriptive ‘Minute on Calcutta’ in 1803 which led to the setting up of the Lottery Committee in 1817— so called because funds for city development were raised through public lotteries.
Who was the Governor General when the Lottery Committee was set up?
Francis Edward Rawdon Hastings– 1st marquess of Hastings was the Governor General of India (1813 to 1823).
Why was Lottery Committee so named?
- Lottery Committee was so named because funds for town improvement were raised through public lotteries.
- Raising funds for the city was still thought to be the responsibility of public minded citizens and not exclusively that of the government.
Cholera started spread from 1817 and in 1896 plague made its appearance.
The cause of these diseases had not yet been established firmly by medical science.
There was a direct correlation between living conditions and the spread of disease. Such views were supported by prominent Indian merchants in the city, such as _______ and _________, who felt that Calcutta needed to be made more healthy.
Dwarkanath Tagore and Rustomjee Cowasjee.
Thatched huts were banned in ______ and tilted roofs made mandatory.
Which city was declared as the Urbs Prima in Indis modern India?
In 1869 the Suez Canal was opened and this further strengthened Bombay government and Indian merchants used this opportunity to declare Bombay Urbs Prima in Indis.
Term chawl meaning with respect to history of modern India?
The lack of space in the city and crowding led to a type of building unique to Bombay the chawl, the multi-storeyed single room apartments with long open corridors built around a courtyard.