Colloquial Catalan Flashcards
Perdona, ets la Rachel?
Excuse me, are you Rachel?
Sí, sóc la Rachel Woodhouse.
Yes, I’m Rachel Woodhouse.
Hola, jo sóc la Sara Font.
Hello, I’m Sara Font.
Delighted. / Pleased to meet you. (female)
Igualment. Benviguda a Barcelona.
So am I. Welcome to Barcelona. (addressing a female)
Thank you.
Bon dia.
Good day. / Good morning.
Vostè és la senyora Garcia?
Are you Mrs. Garcia? (formal)
No, la senyora Garcia és ella.
No, Mrs. Garcia is her.
Jo sóc la senyora Mata.
I am Mrs. Mata.
I vostè qui és?
And who are you? (formal)
Jo sóc el senyor Massip de l’Hotel Central.
I am Mr. Massip from Hotel Central.
Molt de gust.
A great pleasure. / Pleased to meet you.
Qui ets?
Who are you?
Qui sou?
Who are you all?
Som la família Woodhouse.
We are the Woodhouse family.
Qui és ell?
Who is he?
Qui són?
Who are they?
Sóc la Marta.
I am Marta.
És el Joan.
He is Joan.
Són la Maria i el Pere.
They are Maria and Peter.
Welcome! (to a male)
Benvinguda i benvingut!
Welcome! (to a female and a male)
Excuse me, are you Rachel?
Perdona, ets la Rachel?
Yes, I’m Rachel Woodhouse.
Sí, sóc la Rachel Woodhouse.
Hello, I’m Sara Font.
Hola, jo sóc la Sara Font.
Delighted. / Pleased to meet you. (female)
So am I. Welcome to Barcelona. (to a female)
Igualment. Benvinguda a Barcelona.
Thank you.
Good day. / Good morning.
Bon dia.
Are you Mrs. Garcia? (formal)
Vostè és la senyora Garcia?
No, Mrs. Garcia is her.
No, la senyora Garcia és ella.
I am Mrs. Mata.
Jo sóc la senyora Mata.
And who are you? (formal)
I vostè qui és?
I am Mr. Massip from Hotel Central.
Jo sóc el senyor Massip de l’Hotel Central.
A great pleasure. / Pleased to meet you.
Molt de gust.
Who are you?
Qui ets?
Who are you all?
Qui sou?
We are the Woodhouse family.
Som la família Woodhouse.
Who is he?
Qui és ell?
Who are they?
Qui són?
I am Marta.
Sóc la Marta.
He is Joan.
És el Joan.
They are Maria and Peter.
Són la Maria i el Pere.
Welcome! (to a male)
Welcome! (to a female and a male)
Benvinguda i benvingut!
Com es diu?
What is your name? (formal)
Em dic Elena Pérez.
My name is Elena Pérez.
I el segon cognom?
And the second surname?
On viu?
Where do you live? (formal)
Visc a Girona. Al carrer Nord, número set.
I live in Girona. On North Street, number seven.
Té telèfon?
Do you have a telephone? (formal)
Sí, és el nou, set, dos, dos, quatre, set, vuit, vuit, dos.
Yes, it is nine, seven, two, two, four, seven, eight, eight, two.
Moltes gràcies.
Thank you very much.
Com et dius?
What is your name?
I els cognoms?
And the surnames?
Només tinc un cognom.
I only have one surname.
Sóc irlandesa.
I’m Irish. (female)
Tens telèfon?
Do you have a telephone?
Molt bé.
Very well.
De res.
You’re welcome.
Menorca té molts monuments prehistòrics.
Menorca has many prehistoric monuments.
Tarragona té molta influència romana.
Tarragona has a lot of Roman influence.
Tenen moltes cases.
They have a lot of houses.
Mallorca té molts hotels.
Mallorca has many hotels.
El Joan té molts telèfons. Dos mòbils i dos normals.
Joan has many phones. Two mobile phones and two regular phones.
La Rachel té molta disciplina.
Rachel has a lot of discipline.
D’on ets?
Where are you from?
D’on és vostè?
Where are you from? (formal)
Quina nacionalitat té?
What is your nationality? (formal)
Tinc nacionalitat americà.
I have American nationality. (male)
Tinc nacionalitat americana.
I have American nationality. (female)
Quina llengua parles?
What language do you speak? / Which language do you speak?
Parles català?
Do you speak Catalan?
Sí, parlo català.
Yes, I speak Catalan.
Sí, una mica.
Yes, a little.
No parlo català.
I don’t speak Catalan.
Visc al carrer Nord.
I live on North Street.
Viu a Madrid?
Do you live in Madrid? (formal)
Visc a París.
I live in Paris.
On vius?
Where do you live?
Visc a Glasgow.
I live in Glasgow.
Vius al carrer Santa Maria?
Do you live on Santa Maria Street?
Hola. Em dic Silvia Martínez.
Hello. My name is Silvia Martínez.
I vostè? Com es diu?
And you? What is your name? (formal)
Vius a Tarragona o a Girona?
Do you live in Tarragona or in Girona?
I tu?
And you?
Perdona un moment.
Excuse me for a moment.
Tens un número de telèfon de la Maria?
Do you have a phone number for Maria?
On viu vostè?
Where do you live? (formal)
Vostè té telèfon?
Do you have a phone? (formal)
Té un mòbil o és un telèfon convencional?
Do you have a cell phone, or is it a conventional phone? (formal)
Tens el codi territorial de Castelló?
Do you have the area code of Castellón?
Tenim dos telèfons i tenim dos números de telèfon.
We have two phones, and we have two phone numbers.
Jo no tinc telèfon.
I don’t have a phone.
Nosaltres tenim molts telèfons.
We have many phones.
Tenim tres mòbils i un normal.
We have three mobile phones and a normal one.
Només tenen un cognom.
They only have one surname.
Cognom és Smith.
Last name is Smith.
És la senyora García?
Is it Mrs. García?
Tu ets el Jordi Font?
Are you Jordi Font?
Benvingut, senyor Massip.
Welcome, Mr. Massip.
Vostè és el senyor Massip?
Are you Mr. Massip? (formal)
De primer cognom, Font, i de segon, Puig.
First surname, Font, and second, Puig.
I repeat.
Visc al carrer Blanc.
I live on White Street.
What is your name? (formal)
Com es diu?
My name is Elena Pérez.
Em dic Elena Pérez.
And the second surname?
I el segon cognom?
Where do you live? (formal)
On viu?
Do you have a telephone? (formal)
Té telèfon?
Yes, it is nine, seven, two, two, four, seven, eight, eight, two.
Sí, és el nou, set, dos, dos, quatre, set, vuit, vuit, dos.
Thank you very much.
Moltes gràcies.
What is your name?
Com et dius?
And the surnames?
I els cognoms?
I only have one surname.
Només tinc un cognom.
I’m Irish. (female)
Sóc irlandesa.
Do you have a telephone?
Tens telèfon?
Very well.
Molt bé.
I live in Girona. On North Street, number seven.
Visc a Girona. Al carrer Nord, número set.
You’re welcome.
De res.
Menorca has many prehistoric monuments.
Menorca té molts monuments prehistòrics.
Tarragona has a lot of Roman influence.
Tarragona té molta influència romana.
They have a lot of houses.
Tenen moltes cases.
Mallorca has many hotels.
Mallorca té molts hotels.
Joan has many phones. Two mobile phones and two regular phones.
El Joan té molts telèfons. Dos mòbils i dos normals.
Rachel has a lot of discipline.
La Rachel té molta disciplina.
Where are you from? (formal)
D’on és vostè?
What is your nationality? (formal)
Quina nacionalitat té?
I have American nationality. (male)
Tinc nacionalitat americà.
I have American nationality. (female)
Tinc nacionalitat americana.
What language do you speak? / Which language do you speak?
Quina llengua parles?
Do you speak Catalan?
Parles català?
Yes, I speak Catalan.
Sí, parlo català.
Yes, a little.
Sí, una mica.
Where are you from?
D’on ets?
I don’t speak Catalan.
No parlo català.
I live on North Street.
Visc al carrer Nord.
Do you live in Madrid? (formal)
Viu a Madrid?
I live in Paris.
Visc a París.
Where do you live?
On vius?
I live in Glasgow.
Visc a Glasgow.
Do you live on Santa Maria Street?
Vius al carrer Santa Maria?
Hello. My name is Silvia Martínez.
Hola. Em dic Silvia Martínez.
And you? What is your name? (formal)
I vostè? Com es diu?
Do you live in Tarragona or in Girona?
Vius a Tarragona o a Girona?
And you?
I tu?
Excuse me for a moment.
Perdona un moment.
Do you have a phone number for Maria?
Tens un número de telèfon de la Maria?
Where do you live? (formal)
On viu vostè?
Do you have a phone? (formal)
Vostè té telèfon?
Do you have a cell phone, or is it a conventional phone? (formal)
Té un mòbil o és un telèfon convencional?
Do you have the area code of Castellón?
Tens el codi territorial de Castelló?
We have two phones, and we have two phone numbers.
Tenim dos telèfons i tenim dos números de telèfon.
I don’t have a phone.
Jo no tinc telèfon.
We have many phones.
Nosaltres tenim molts telèfons.
We have three mobile phones and a normal one.
Tenim tres mòbils i un normal.
Last name is Smith.
Cognom és Smith.
Is it Mrs. García?
És la senyora García?
Are you Jordi Font?
Tu ets el Jordi Font?
Welcome, Mr. Massip.
Benvingut, senyor Massip.
First surname, Font, and second, Puig.
De primer cognom, Font, i de segon, Puig.
I live on White Street.
Visc al carrer Blanc.
They only have one surname.
Només tenen un cognom.
Are you Mr. Massip? (formal)
Vostè és el senyor Massip?
I repeat.
Un cafè, sisplau.
A coffee, please.
Hola, Miquel, com estàs?
Hello, Miquel, how are you?
Toni! Quina sorpresa! Molt bé. I tu?
Toni! What a surprise! Very well. And you?
Mira, anar fent.
Well, not too bad.
Miquel, et presento una amiga anglesa: es diu Rachel.
Miquel, let me introduce you to an English friend: her name is Rachel.
Molt de gust. Vols prendre alguna cosa?
Nice to meet you. Do you want to have something to drink?
Perdona, pots parlar més a poc a poc, sisplau?
Excuse me, can you speak slower, please?
És clar, vols un cafè?
Of course; do you want a coffee?
Sí, sí, gràcies.
Yes, yes, thank you.
Not well.
Hola, què tal?
Hey, how’s it going?
Jo parlo anglès.
I speak English.
Parles espanyol?
Do you speak Spanish?
La Maria parla francès.
Maria speaks French.
Vostè parla alemany?
Do you speak German? (formal)
Nosaltres parlem català.
We speak Catalan.
Vosaltres parleu italià?
Do you all speak Italian?
Vostès parlen rus?
Do you all speak Russian? (formal)
Ells parlen xinès.
They speak Chinese. (masculine)
Elles parlen japonès.
They speak Japanese. (feminine)
Jo vull menjar paella.
I want to eat paella.
Vols anar al cinema avui?
Do you want to go to the cinema today?
Vostè vol llegir un llibre?
Do you want to read a book? (formal)
Ell vol jugar a futbol.
He wants to play soccer.
Ella vol aprendre a cuinar.
She wants to learn to cook.
Nosaltres volem visitar Barcelona.
We want to visit Barcelona.
Vosaltres voleu escoltar música?
Do you all want to listen to music?
Vostès volen prendre un cafè?
Do you all want to have a coffee? (formal)
Ells volen anar a la platja.
They want to go to the beach. (masculine)
Elles volen comprar roba nova.
They want to buy new clothes. (feminine)
L’Hotel Central és molt confortable.
The Central Hotel is very comfortable.
Té molts bars i és possible prendre cafès excel·lents.
It has many bars, and it is possible to have excellent coffees.
El senyor Sugranyes viu a Sant Cugat, al carrer París.
Mr. Sugranyes lives in Sant Cugat, on Paris Street.
La senyora es diu Ballester.
The lady is named Ballester.
La Rachel parla anglès i francès.
Rachel speaks English and French.
Nosaltres parlem molt a poc a poc.
We speak very slowly.
Sí, parlo valència.
Yes, I speak Valencian.
Sí, parlo castellà.
Yes, I speak Castilian.
Vosaltres quina llengua parleu?
What language do you all speak?
El John és sud-africà i parla anglès.
John is South African and speaks English.
La Rachel visita Perpinyà.
Rachel is visiting Perpignan.
La televisió no funciona.
The television is not working.
El Pere i la Roser estudien francès a la universitat.
Pere and Roser are studying French at the university.
Tu visites el Museu Dalí de Figueres?
Are you visiting the Dalí Museum in Figueres?
Et presento un senyor marroquí que es diu Salim.
Let me introduce you to a Moroccan gentleman named Salim.
Els professors parlen molt.
The professors talk a lot.
Vosaltres què estudieu a la universitat?
What do you all study at the university?
Teniu algun llibre de català?
Do you have any Catalan book?
Què vols prendre?
What do you want to drink?
Jo, un cafè.
For me, a coffee.
Jo, un tallat.
For me, a tallat.
Què és això? Un tallat?
What is this? A “tallat”?
És un cafè amb una mica de llet.
It’s a coffee with a little bit of milk.
I com es diu un cafè amb molta llet?
And how do you say a coffee with a lot of milk?
És un cafè amb llet.
It’s a coffee with milk.
És clar.
Of course.
Com es diu en català ‘mouse’?
How do you say “mouse” in Catalan?
La sorpresa està en la caixa.
The surprise is in the box.
La rosa és vermella i bonica.
The rose is red and beautiful.
La persona està llegint un llibre.
The person is reading a book.
La discoteca està oberta aquesta nit.
The nightclub is open tonight.
El metro passa cada deu minuts.
The subway comes every ten minutes.
El meló està madur i dolç.
The melon is ripe and sweet.
El vi blanc és refrescant.
The white wine is refreshing.
El taxi espera davant de l’hotel.
The taxi is waiting in front of the hotel.
El notari signa el document.
The notary signs the document.
Ell viu al barri antic.
He lives in the old neighborhood.
El túnel connecta les dues ciutats.
The tunnel connects the two cities.
El problema necessita una solució ràpida.
The problem needs a quick solution.
La solució està en el llibre.
The solution is in the book.
El sistema operatiu és actualitzat.
The operating system is updated.
L’explosió sorprèn a tothom.
The explosion surprises everyone.
El clima és càlid en aquesta regió.
The climate is warm in this region.
La versió digital està disponible en línia.
The digital version is available online.
El cinema mostra una pel·lícula nova aquesta setmana.
The cinema is showing a new movie this week.
La ciutat té molts parcs i jardins.
The city has many parks and gardens.
El diploma s’entrega després de la cerimònia.
The diploma is handed out after the ceremony.
La veritat sempre surt a la llum.
The truth always comes to light.
El programa d’ordinador fa càlculs ràpids.
The computer program performs fast calculations.
L’actitud positiva ajuda a superar els reptes.
A positive attitude helps overcome challenges.
La professora explica la lliçó als estudiants.
The teacher explains the lesson to the students. (female)
L’home camina pel parc.
The man walks through the park.
La dona compra fruita al mercat.
The woman buys fruit at the market.
L’amic sempre escolta amb atenció.
The friend always listens attentively. (male)
L’amiga ve a visitar-te aquest cap de setmana.
The friend is coming to visit you this weekend. (female)
El gat juga amb la seva pilota.
The cat plays with its ball. (male)
La gata dorm al sol.
The cat sleeps in the sun. (female)
El cardiòleg revisa el cor del pacient.
The cardiologist checks the patient’s heart. (male)
La cardiòloga recomana fer exercici regularment.
The cardiologist recommends exercising. (female)
El sociòleg estudia la societat i la cultura.
The sociologist studies society and culture. (male)
La sociòloga analitza les dades recollides.
The sociologist analyzes the collected data. (female)
Un senyor ajuda a la senyora a creuar el carrer.
A gentleman helps the lady cross the street.
El conyac és una beguda alcohòlica destil·lada.
Cognac is a distilled alcoholic beverage.
Un tallat és un cafè amb una mica de llet.
A tallat is a coffee with a little bit of milk.
Un hotel ofereix allotjament i serveis als viatgers.
A hotel provides accommodation and services to travelers.
La cervesa és una beguda popular a les festes.
Beer is a popular beverage at parties.
L’aigua és essencial per a la vida.
Water is essential for life.
Vull una aigua.
I would like a water.
L’aeroport està a trenta minuts en cotxe.
The airport is thirty minutes away by car.
Un aeroport connecta les ciutats amb vols regulars.
An airport connects cities with regular flights.
Em pots donar una llet calenta, sisplau?
Can you give me a warm milk, please?
El convent acull les monjes en oració.
The convent welcomes the nuns in prayer.
La claredat de la lluna il·lumina el camí.
The brightness of the moon illuminates the path.
El teatre presenta una obra clàssica avui.
The theater presents a classic play today.
La gastronomia catalana és rica i variada.
Catalan gastronomy is rich and diverse.
La creació de l’artista és sorprenent.
The artist’s creation is astonishing.
La civilització antiga deixa importants restes arqueològiques.
The ancient civilization leaves significant archaeological remains.
El model d’aquest cotxe és molt popular.
The model of this car is very popular.
La llibertat d’expressió és un dret fonamental.
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right.
La solitud pot ser sanadora en alguns casos.
Solitude can be healing in some cases.
L’espectacle de dansa comença a les vuit del vespre.
The dance show starts at eight in the evening.
El tren arriba a l’estació puntualment.
The train arrives at the station on time.
L’oficina està tancada per vacances.
The office is closed for holidays.
L’art contemporani provoca debat i reflexió.
Contemporary art provokes debate and reflection.
El rock català té molts seguidors en aquesta zona.
Catalan rock has many followers in this area.
La compassió és una virtut important a cultivar.
Compassion is an important virtue to cultivate.
La vanitat pot ser un obstacle en les relacions personals.
Vanity can be an obstacle in personal relationships.
El restaurant ofereix plats típics de la regió.
The restaurant offers typical dishes from the region.
Pots repetir, sisplau?
Can you repeat, please?
Pot repetir-ho, si us plau?
Can you repeat it, please? (formal)
No ho entenc.
I don’t understand (it).
No t’entenc.
I don’t understand you.
No l’entenc.
I don’t understand you. (formal)
No ho sé.
I don’t know (it).
Com s’escriu ‘llengua’ en català?
How do you write “language” in Catalan?
Com es pronuncia això en català?
How do you pronounce this in Catalan?
Què vol dir ‘language’?
What does “language” mean?
Em pot explicar?
Can you explain? (formal)
Pot traduir?
Can you translate? (formal)
Què és això?
What is this?
Ho sento.
I’m sorry.
Ho sento molt.
I’m very sorry.