Colloquial Catalan Flashcards
Perdona, ets la Rachel?
Excuse me, are you Rachel?
Sí, sóc la Rachel Woodhouse.
Yes, I’m Rachel Woodhouse.
Hola, jo sóc la Sara Font.
Hello, I’m Sara Font.
Delighted. / Pleased to meet you. (female)
Igualment. Benviguda a Barcelona.
So am I. Welcome to Barcelona. (addressing a female)
Thank you.
Bon dia.
Good day. / Good morning.
Vostè és la senyora Garcia?
Are you Mrs. Garcia? (formal)
No, la senyora Garcia és ella.
No, Mrs. Garcia is her.
Jo sóc la senyora Mata.
I am Mrs. Mata.
I vostè qui és?
And who are you? (formal)
Jo sóc el senyor Massip de l’Hotel Central.
I am Mr. Massip from Hotel Central.
Molt de gust.
A great pleasure. / Pleased to meet you.
Qui ets?
Who are you?
Qui sou?
Who are you all?
Som la família Woodhouse.
We are the Woodhouse family.
Qui és ell?
Who is he?
Qui són?
Who are they?
Sóc la Marta.
I am Marta.
És el Joan.
He is Joan.
Són la Maria i el Pere.
They are Maria and Peter.
Welcome! (to a male)
Benvinguda i benvingut!
Welcome! (to a female and a male)
Excuse me, are you Rachel?
Perdona, ets la Rachel?
Yes, I’m Rachel Woodhouse.
Sí, sóc la Rachel Woodhouse.
Hello, I’m Sara Font.
Hola, jo sóc la Sara Font.
Delighted. / Pleased to meet you. (female)
So am I. Welcome to Barcelona. (to a female)
Igualment. Benvinguda a Barcelona.
Thank you.
Good day. / Good morning.
Bon dia.
Are you Mrs. Garcia? (formal)
Vostè és la senyora Garcia?
No, Mrs. Garcia is her.
No, la senyora Garcia és ella.
I am Mrs. Mata.
Jo sóc la senyora Mata.
And who are you? (formal)
I vostè qui és?
I am Mr. Massip from Hotel Central.
Jo sóc el senyor Massip de l’Hotel Central.
A great pleasure. / Pleased to meet you.
Molt de gust.
Who are you?
Qui ets?
Who are you all?
Qui sou?
We are the Woodhouse family.
Som la família Woodhouse.
Who is he?
Qui és ell?
Who are they?
Qui són?
I am Marta.
Sóc la Marta.
He is Joan.
És el Joan.
They are Maria and Peter.
Són la Maria i el Pere.
Welcome! (to a male)
Welcome! (to a female and a male)
Benvinguda i benvingut!
Com es diu?
What is your name? (formal)
Em dic Elena Pérez.
My name is Elena Pérez.
I el segon cognom?
And the second surname?
On viu?
Where do you live? (formal)
Visc a Girona. Al carrer Nord, número set.
I live in Girona. On North Street, number seven.
Té telèfon?
Do you have a telephone? (formal)
Sí, és el nou, set, dos, dos, quatre, set, vuit, vuit, dos.
Yes, it is nine, seven, two, two, four, seven, eight, eight, two.
Moltes gràcies.
Thank you very much.
Com et dius?
What is your name?
I els cognoms?
And the surnames?
Només tinc un cognom.
I only have one surname.
Sóc irlandesa.
I’m Irish. (female)
Tens telèfon?
Do you have a telephone?
Molt bé.
Very well.
De res.
You’re welcome.
Menorca té molts monuments prehistòrics.
Menorca has many prehistoric monuments.
Tarragona té molta influència romana.
Tarragona has a lot of Roman influence.
Tenen moltes cases.
They have a lot of houses.
Mallorca té molts hotels.
Mallorca has many hotels.
El Joan té molts telèfons. Dos mòbils i dos normals.
Joan has many phones. Two mobile phones and two regular phones.
La Rachel té molta disciplina.
Rachel has a lot of discipline.
D’on ets?
Where are you from?
D’on és vostè?
Where are you from? (formal)
Quina nacionalitat té?
What is your nationality? (formal)
Tinc nacionalitat americà.
I have American nationality. (male)
Tinc nacionalitat americana.
I have American nationality. (female)
Quina llengua parles?
What language do you speak? / Which language do you speak?
Parles català?
Do you speak Catalan?
Sí, parlo català.
Yes, I speak Catalan.
Sí, una mica.
Yes, a little.
No parlo català.
I don’t speak Catalan.
Visc al carrer Nord.
I live on North Street.
Viu a Madrid?
Do you live in Madrid? (formal)
Visc a París.
I live in Paris.
On vius?
Where do you live?
Visc a Glasgow.
I live in Glasgow.
Vius al carrer Santa Maria?
Do you live on Santa Maria Street?
Hola. Em dic Silvia Martínez.
Hello. My name is Silvia Martínez.
I vostè? Com es diu?
And you? What is your name? (formal)
Vius a Tarragona o a Girona?
Do you live in Tarragona or in Girona?
I tu?
And you?
Perdona un moment.
Excuse me for a moment.
Tens un número de telèfon de la Maria?
Do you have a phone number for Maria?
On viu vostè?
Where do you live? (formal)
Vostè té telèfon?
Do you have a phone? (formal)
Té un mòbil o és un telèfon convencional?
Do you have a cell phone, or is it a conventional phone? (formal)
Tens el codi territorial de Castelló?
Do you have the area code of Castellón?
Tenim dos telèfons i tenim dos números de telèfon.
We have two phones, and we have two phone numbers.
Jo no tinc telèfon.
I don’t have a phone.
Nosaltres tenim molts telèfons.
We have many phones.
Tenim tres mòbils i un normal.
We have three mobile phones and a normal one.
Només tenen un cognom.
They only have one surname.
Cognom és Smith.
Last name is Smith.
És la senyora García?
Is it Mrs. García?
Tu ets el Jordi Font?
Are you Jordi Font?
Benvingut, senyor Massip.
Welcome, Mr. Massip.
Vostè és el senyor Massip?
Are you Mr. Massip? (formal)
De primer cognom, Font, i de segon, Puig.
First surname, Font, and second, Puig.
I repeat.
Visc al carrer Blanc.
I live on White Street.
What is your name? (formal)
Com es diu?
My name is Elena Pérez.
Em dic Elena Pérez.
And the second surname?
I el segon cognom?
Where do you live? (formal)
On viu?
Do you have a telephone? (formal)
Té telèfon?
Yes, it is nine, seven, two, two, four, seven, eight, eight, two.
Sí, és el nou, set, dos, dos, quatre, set, vuit, vuit, dos.
Thank you very much.
Moltes gràcies.
What is your name?
Com et dius?
And the surnames?
I els cognoms?
I only have one surname.
Només tinc un cognom.
I’m Irish. (female)
Sóc irlandesa.
Do you have a telephone?
Tens telèfon?
Very well.
Molt bé.