Cognitivie-Perceptual Approaches Flashcards
Integration/interpretation of sensory impressions received from the environment into psychologically meaningful info
Ability of brain to process, store, retrieve and manipulate info. Involves skills of understanding, knowing, ability to judge/make decisions and overall environmental awareness
Aka tactile agnosia. Inability to recognize objects forms shapes and sizes by touch alone. Failure of tactile recognition although sensation is intact.
Ideational Apraxia
Breakdown in knowledge of what is to be done/how to perform. Lack of knowledge regrading use of an object. Sensorimotor system may be intact. Tx: step by step instructions, HOH, opp for motor planning/execution
Motor Apraxia or Ideomotor Apraxia
Loss of access to kinesthetic memory so that purposeful movement cannot be achieved because of ineffective motor planning although sensation, mvmt and coordination are intact. Tx: gen verb cues, decrease manipulation demands, HOH or visual cues.
LT Memory Loss
Lack of storage, consolidation and retention of info that has passed thru working mem. Includes inability to retrieve this info
ST Memory Loss
Lack of registration and temporary storing of info received by various sensory modalities. Includes loss of working mem
Body Scheme D/o
Loss of awareness of body parts as well as the relationship of the body parts to each other and objects - includes body neglect and asomatognosia
Spatial Relations Impairment
Diff relating objects to each other or to self 2nd/to a loss of spatial concepts. Tx: Use acts that challenge underlying spatial skills and that req discrim of L and R
Body scheme d/o that results in diminished awareness of body structure and failure to recognize body parts as ones own
Topographical Disorientation
Diff finding ones way in space 2nd/to mem dysfun or an inability to interpret sensory stim
Unilat body neglect
Failure to respond to or report unilat stim present ed to the body side contralat to lesion. Tx: Provide bilat acts, guide affected side thru act & increase sensory stim to affected side
Unilat Spacial Neglect
Innatten to or neglect of stim presented in extrapersonal space contralat to the lesion - can include near or far. May occur I-ly of visual deficits. Tx: provide graded scanning acts, grade from simple to complex, anchoring, usse manipulative tasks w scanning acts & use external cues
Figure Ground Dysfun
Inability to distinguish foreground from background
Unawareness of motor deficit. May be related to lack of insight.
Continuation or repetition of a motor act (premotor) or task (prefrontal). Tx: Bring to consciousness level, redirect attn, engage in tasks that req repetitive actions
Acquired inability to perform calculations
Alexia vs Agraphia
Acquired inability to read vs write
Anomia vs Agnosia
Loss of ability to name objects or retrieve names of ppl vs Loss of ability to recog objects, persons, sounds, shapes or smells where specific sense is not defective nor is there sig memory loss
Allens Cog Level Test
Pops w psych d/o, ABI or dementia. Screening tool to eval cog level - leather lacing increasing in complexity. 6 levels
Arnadottir Occ Therapy Neurobehavioral Eval (A-ONE)
Adult pops presenting w cog/percp deficits - admin must complete training. Structured BADL/mobility skills observation to detect dysfun. 2 scales: Fx’al I scale - 0=unable & 4=I & Neurobehavioral Impairment scale - 0= no impairment & 4= unable to perform
Pops 3yrs+ regardless of dx. Admin must complete training. Examines competence in 2-3 familiar/chosen BADLs/IADLs. Choose from list of over 80 standardized tasks. 16 motor and 20 processing skills assessed. 1=deficit & 4=competent.
Behavioral Inattention Test
Pop for adults w unilat neglect. Examines presence of neglect and impact. 9 Activity based sub-tests & 6 Pen/paper subtests.
Catherine Bergego Scale
Standardized checklist to detect presence and degree of unilat neglect during observation of everyday life situations. Also measures self awareness of behavioral neglect. Fx’al scale of 10 everyday task items used.
Cognisant Neurobehavioral Cog Status Exam
Explores, quantifies and describes performance in central areas of brain-behavior relations. Includes level on consciousness, orientation, attn, language, constructional ability, memory, calculations and reasoning - less than 45min
Exec Fx’al Performance Test (EFPT)
Assesses fx’al deficits during performance of real world tasks: cooking oatmeal, making a phone call, med mngt & paying bills. KTA is precursor
Lowenstien OT Cog Assessment (LOTCA)
Pops ppl w stroke, TBI or tumor. Measures basic cog fx’s that are prereq for everyday task mngt. 20 subtests in 5 areas: orientation, visual, spatial perception, visual motor org and thinking ops. 1=low & 4=high
Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) or Folstien Test
Brieft 30pt questionnaire to screen for cog impair. Commonly used to screen for dementia.
Montreal Cog Assessment (MoCA)
Screening instrument for cog dysfun. Assesses: attn/concentration, exec fx’s, mem, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking calcs & orientation. Approx 10 min - tot of 30pts - 26 or above is norm
Rivermead Behavioral Mem Test
Utilized for persons w mem dysfun. Indicates appropriate tx areas. Monitors mem skills thru-out rehab program. 11 categories w 9 subtests. 0-9 severe impair mem, 10-16 mod impair mem, 17-21 poor mem and 22-24=norm
Rivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery
Pop for 16yrs+ who are experiencing visual-percpetual deficits after head injury or stroke. 16 performance tests that assess form/color constancy, object completion, figure ground, body image, inattn, and spatial awareness. Scoring bases on accuracy and time for task completion
Remeidal/Restorative/Transfer of Training Approach
Focuses on restoration of components to increase skill. Deficit Specific, targets symptom causes. Emphasizes performance components. Assumptions: improves in performance will result from increased skills; cerebral cortex is malleable/can reorg & utilizes tabletop/computer activities
Compensatory/Adaptive/Fx’al Approach
Involves repetitive practice. Emp on modification & intact skill training. Activity choice driven by pt. Treats symptoms not the cause. Uses techs of environmental adaptation & compensatory strategies - maybe caregiver drivemn. Tx is task specific and uses fx’al tasks.
Info Processing Approach
Provides info on how the individual approaches the task. Investigates how performance will change w cueing - standardized cues given. Investigative Q’s asked.
Dynamic Processing Approachg
Emp transfer of info from one situation to the next. Utilizes varying tx environments. Practice of targeted strategy w varied task situations. Emp metacog skills. Transfer of learning must be taught from one situation to next and does not happen automatically and occurs thru graded task series. Therapist uses awareness questioning
Quadrophonic Approach
Based on remeidation & info processing/teaching-learning theory. Micro-perspective: eval of mngt of performance component subskills & Macro-perspective: eval of use of narratives, interview, real-life occs. Makes use of info processing, teaching/learning, neurodev & biomechanical eval theories.
Neurofx’al Approach
Based on learning theory. Specifically used for individuals w acquired neurolog impairments. Focus on retaining real world skills rather than cog-percep processes. Uses overall adaptive approach but incorps some remedial approaches. Tx focused on training specific fx’al skills in true contexts.
Cog Disabilities Model
Orig developed for ppl w psychosco dysfun, currently also used w ppl w neurolog dysfun/dementia. Describes cog fx on continuum of 1 (profound impairment) to 6 (norm). Once level is estab, routine tasks are presented that have been adapted. Focus placed on adaptive approaches & strengthening residual abilities.