Cognitive approach Flashcards
the cognitive approach argues that internal mental processes can be studied
cognitive approach focuses on how
our mental processes affect behaviour
cognitive processes
refers to how knowledge is gained and learned and retained
internal mental processes
humans are seen as info processors and the main concern is how info received from our senses is processed by the brain
looks at how cognitive functions work to help make sense of the world
internal mental processes examples
problem solving
act of drawing a conclusion from evidence and reasoning
we use clues from observable behaviour to build an explanation
inference needs to be informed by
a theoretical model that can make sense and combine evidence into an explanation
the mind is compared to
a computer, in the way information is processed
the CPU is the brain
the coding= info changed into a useable format
stores= sensory/LTM/STM
mental framework of beliefs and expectations that influence processing and interpretation of our world
how are schemas developed
from our experiences, upbringing and culture
schemas are useful as they help us to
make it easier to predict behaviour
schemas can be less helpful because
they lead to bias and generalisation
computational and theoretical models: development of AI
computational models allow ai to predict outcomes and simulate human-like tasks, aswell as letting AI adopt psychological principles to train the systems
computational and theoretical models: models are oversimplified
ignore social and environmental contexts, e.g., SLT = observation and social interaction, which are hard to model
involves elements like consciousness, free will= hard to replicate
theoretical models fail to capture the dynamic nature of the mind-MMM for oversimplifying memory
1860s Paul Broca
identified how damage to an area of frontal lobe permanently impairs speech production
fMRI and PET scans
describes locations and neurological basis of disorders and mental processing, eg Bruckner and Petersen could see the location of different types of LTM in the prefrontal cortex
OCD in PET scans
indicate high activity in the OFC, the area associated with conversion of sensory info into high thought processes
computer generated models in neuroscience application
analyse brain wave pattern of eyewitnesses to determine lies
speech production in the brain
Brocas area
language comprehension
werneiche’s area
right hand body movements
left motor cortex
episodic LTM
procedural LTM
emotional regulation
cognitive approach: machine reductionism
analogy means human emotion and motivation is ignored
e.g, studies show memory can affect emotions like anxiety on eyewitnesses
cognitive approach: scientific and objective methods
lab studies= reliable data, cognitive neuroscience combines biology and cognitive psychology= scientific
BUT inference- abstract, theoretical, studies artificial which makes it lack external validity
cognitive approach:real life application
dominant approach today
development of ai and robots AND principles also applied to CBT for depression and improvement of eyewitness testimonies