Cognition, consciousness, and language Flashcards
Piaget’s stages of life:
-Child learns to manipulate environment to fit their physical needs/ coordinates sensory input and motor function
-Marked by circular reactions (doing the same thing over and over)
-Key milestone: object permanence
Sensorimotor (birth-2)
Piaget’s stages of life:
-Marked by symbolic thinking (the ability to pretend, make believe and use the imagination)
-Egocentricism (only able to think of themselves, not other people’s feelings/needs)
-Inability to comprehend conservation (ex: physical amount of something staying the same even if the shape changes)
Preoperational (2-7)
Piaget’s stages of life:
-Marked by the ability to understand conservation (ex: physical amount of something staying the same even if the shape changes)
-Can think logically as long as that thinking is done with concrete objects in front of them
Concrete-operational (7-11)
Piaget’s stages of life:
-Marked by the ability to start thinking abstractly
-Hypothetical reasoning begins (the ability to think methodically and manipulate information to get an answer)
Formal operational stage (11-on)
What is the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence?
Crystallized intelligence is used when you apply knowledge you already have to solve problems
Fluid intelligence is used when you use creativity or new knowledge to solve new/novel problems
The tendency to approach problems the same way every time is known as ____
Mental set
You’re giving something functional fixedness if you’re unable to _____
Think of new ways to use the tool for a job it’s not normally intended for
What is disconfirmation vs. confirmation bias?
The disconfirmation bias says you will throw out information that doesn’t lead to the correct solution
The confirmation bias says you will focus on information that fits your beliefs even if it’s not true
The base rate fallacy occurs when ____
You ignore data in favor of stereotypical factors
(Ex: thinking someone is a lawyer just bc you heard they liked political activities in school, even though you know they came from a pool of engineers)
Deductive reasoning is the same as ______ processing (using information you already have to appraise the situation and draw a conclusion)
Inductive reasoning is the same as ______ processing (gathering all the information in front of you and then using that to form an opinion or plan)
The ______ refers to predicting how often something occurs based on our own ideas about the frequency
Availability heuristic
The _____ refers to categorizing items based on their stereotypical, prototypical or representative image (Ex: Overestimating how often a coin will land heads up)
Representative heuristic
This type of high energy wave occurs when you’re awake or actively attending to something
This waves are slower and more synchronized, so they occur when you’re awake but resting with your eyes closed
This stage of sleep is marked by theta waves that are slow in frequency but high in voltage and occur when you’re dozing off
First stage
This stage of sleep is marked by theta waves with sleep spindles and K complexes (single, high freq. wave) and occurs during deeper sleep
Second stage
This stage of sleep is marked by delta waves that are very slow, have a very low frequency and high voltage, and only appear a few per second. This stage is also for the deepest sleep
Third stage
____ is interspersed between NREM sleep and occurs when you’re paralyzed, but have the same arousal levels as you would when you’re awake
A sleep cycle in adults lasts for ____ minutes and follows this pattern: ____
90 minutes
1,2,3,4 (REM)
Dyssomnia’s are sleep disorders that make it difficult to _____
Stay asleep, fall asleep, or avoid sleep (Insomnia, narcolepsy)
Parasomnia’s are sleep disorders that are marked by ____
Abnormal movements or behaviors (Sleep walking)
This language theory says that language acquisition is driven by the baby’s interaction with other caregivers who reinforce the correct use of language
This language theory by B.F. Skinner says that language acquisition is based on operant conditioning. As the caregiver speaks, the baby learns the language and then is rewarded for pronouncing things correctly
Learning theory
Noam Chomsky is responsible for the _______ theory, which states babies are born with the ability to understand all language and prune down to the sounds they need for their native language. The most sensitive time for this is 2-puberty
Broca’s aphasia is non-fluent. How does this affect the person’s speech?
They are unable or have extreme difficulty producing spoken language
Wernickes aphasia is fluent. How does this affect the person’s speech?
They are able to produce spoken language, but they won’t make any sense