Cognition and Memory Flashcards
Taking information in and processing it
Maintenance rehearsal
Repeat the info over and over to try to remember
Grouping information together that needs to be remembered so we can remember it
Elaborative rehearsal
Add meaning or detail to help remember the info better
Mnemonic devices
Strange or unusual associations to help us remember info better
Method of Loci
Remembering info by visualizing it in various familiar places
Serial position effect
Tend to remember the first and last pieces of info the best
Proactive interference
Old info blocks new info from being remembered
Retroactive interference
New info blocks old info from being remembered
Sensory memory
A very short piece of sensory info
Visual sensory memory
Photographic memory
Short term memory
Brief store house for info
15-20 seconds
5-7 items
Working memory
Another name for short term memory
Long term memory
Relatively permanent store house for all types of memory
Long term potentiation
Neural connections that get stronger with each time we process and use a piece of info in our memory
Explicit/Declarative Memory
Meteorites you must use effort to recall
Nondeclarative/implicite memory
Memories that do not take effort to recall
Procedural memories
“How to” memories
Semantic memory
Episodic memory
Memories of your life
Flashbulb memory
Vivid powerful memories tied to an emotion or stress
Stores your short term memory
Balance and long term memory
Remembering info without any cue
Given options from which to choose the right answer
Giving you background info/gets you back into the right mindset to recall info
Deja vu
Feel like something has happened before
Mood congruent memory
We tend to remember things at times when we felt a similar mood
State dependent learning/the encoding specificity principle
More likely to remember info if we are in the same mental “state”
Anterograde amnesia
Can no longer from any new memories
Retrograde amnesia
Cannot remember anything from your past
The controversial idea that we can block out unwanted memories
Source amnesia
You remember info, but inaccurately remember where you learned it
Misinformation affect
When conflicting info is given after an event, it affects our memory of the event itself
The act of creating a false memory
Forgetting curve
After learning info if it isn’t practiced we rapidly forget
Spacing effect
Practice info a bit over time to aid in remembering that info
Automatic processing
Encoding like muscle memory
Effortful processing
Takes time and effort to encode the info
Visual encoding
The process of encoding images and visual sensory info
Acoustic encoding
The use of auditory stimuli or hearing to implant memories
Semantic encoding
The processing and encoding of sensory input that has particular meaning or can be applied to a context
A way of measuring retention by measuring how much faster one relearns material that has been previously learned and forgotten
Pioneered the experimental study of memory and cognition
The idea of short term memory and 5-7 items stored
Misinformation effect and confabulation
Atkinson and shiffrin
The idea of memory storage
Insight learning
When one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem
Overall categories that ideas/objects/ events fit into
The main example of each concept for an individual
A problem solving strategy where you try every possible solution and you eventually get the answer but it’s slow
A problem solving strategy that uses a rule of thumb or a shortcut to find the answer, it is faster but can easily lead to mistakes
The aha moment of understanding
The phenomenon where so,etching new and valuable is formed, it does not need to be a tangible object but it still holds value
Availability heuristic
A problem solving strategy when we make a decision based on information that most readily comes to mind
Representativeness heuristic
A problem solving strategy based on a stereotype or generalization
A cognitive bias where you think you were right all along
Confirmation bias
A cognitive bias where you tend to think so,thing is true even though it isn’t
Fixation/mental set
We can only think of one way to solve a problem
Functional fixedness
We can only think of a normal use for an object
Belief perseverance
Clinging to ones initial belief even though contradicting evidence has been discovered
A cognitive bias where you react to a certain situation the way it is presented to you