Cognates & Refranes - Week 7 Flashcards
pfc) = motive as in ground or cause for something: “motivo de divorcio” ≠ motive as in reason for a crime; instead use “móvil”
Lo de menos:
that’s the least of it
pfc) = intoxicated generally, but usually means a medical or physical reaction to a poison or bad food. For intoxicated in the alcoholic or drug sense use “ebrio”, “borracho” or “drogado.”
pfc) = adjective as in “native language” ≠ noun “native” as in “a native of Mexico”
Más vale tarde que nunca:
Better late than never
pfc) = local in the sense of being close by. Also = store premise: “el local 12 del mismo edificio”
Hacer alarde de:
to brag, boast
fc) ≠ notice; instead use “aviso” =news. In singular means “a piece of news.”In plural means “the news”: “escuchó las noticias”
to brag, boast
Hacer alarde de:
fc) = reading ≠ lecture; instead use “conferencia” or “ponencia”
pfc) = to bother: “Pedro está molestando al gato” ≠sexually abuse; instead use: “abusar sexualmente” or “violar” (to rape)
to emphasize, to insist on
Hacer hincapié en:
fc) = default, as on a loan. ≠ in bad humor; instead use “malhumorado”
pfc) = poverty: “vive en la miseria—no tiene nada” ≠ suffering; instead use “dolor” or “sufrimiento”
Ir a medias:
to split
Ir al grano:
to go to the point
to get along well with
Llevarse bien con:
Hacer la vista gorda:
to wink at; to pretend not to see.
fc) = to present or insert an idea or object. ≠ to present a person to another; instead use “presentar”
pfc) ≠ matrimony as a legal state =married couple
so-and-so; John Doe
Fulano de tal:
Fulano de tal:
so-and-so; John Doe
fc) ≠ manifestation; instead use “expresión” =demonstration, especially political
Better late than never
Más vale tarde que nunca:
Hacer escala en:
to make a layover in
fc) ≠ notice; instead use “aviso” =news. In singular means “a piece of news.”In plural means “the news”: “escuchó las noticias”
Hacer hincapié en:
to emphasize, to insist on
to split
Ir a medias:
pfc) = way of doing something ≠ good habits or manners; instead use “modales”
fc) ≠ mandatory; instead use “obligatorio” =governor or political head
pfc) = motive as in ground or cause for something: “motivo de divorcio” ≠ motive as in reason for a crime; instead use “móvil”
fc) ≠ journey; instead use “viaje” = day’s work; short seminar or workshop