Cognates & Refraned-Nov 10 Flashcards
fc) ≠ refund; instead use “devolver”
= consolidated or redrafted
REGULAR (pfc) = periodic and normal
Also = average, ordinary, moderate
RELACIÓN (pfc) = relationship
≠ relatives; instead use “parientes”
RELEVANTE (fc) = outstanding
≠ pertinent or appropriate; instead use “pertinente”
REMARCAR (fc) = to mark again.
≠ to remark as in make a statement; instead use “decir,” “notar,” “observar”
REMOVER (fc) = stir
≠ take away; instead use “retirar” or “quitar”
RESISTIR (pfc) = resist as in temptation
Also = to stand something, endure, bear: “resisto bien el frío”
RESORTE (fc) ≠ vacation resort
= metallic spring of a vehicle or coil.
Refranes / frases hechas
Poner la mesato set the table
Ponerse coloradoto blush
Ponerse de acuerdoto come to an agreement
Por adelantadoin advance; beforehand
Por casualidadBy chance
Quedar bien conto make a good impression on