Coasts - Blyth Investigation Flashcards
Stranger Danger,
Working In Water,
Getting Lost.
Location Of Blyth?
Town southeast of Northumberland, England,
Lies on East Coast,
South of River Blyth,
13 miles Northeast of Newcastle.
37,339 people.
Collect things in a regualC systematic manner,
E.g. every 10 seconds or every 10 metres.
What Did We Measure Using Systematic Sampling?
Groyne impact survey,
We measured the length of the groyne and then took the beach height measurements at 10 equally spaced intervals.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Systematic Sampling?
More straight forward than random sampling,
Grid doesn’t have to be used,
Good coverage of the Sri day area can be more easily achieved than using random,
However, it is more biased because not all points have an equal chance of being selected,
Nah lead to over or under representation of a particular pattern due to this.
Stratified Sampling?
To split your sample into groups of classifications,
E.g. pick places on a map.
What Did We Use Stratified Sampling For?
Beach profile locations,
Where we went on the beach.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stratified Sampling?
The locations we went to were where the beach changes,
Ensure that similar sites are used throughout the width of the beach,
Other sampling techniques such as systematic and random will miss significant locations (points on the beach),
This can generate more representative results,
However, sub-sets (places where beach changes) must be known in order for this to work,
Can be hard to stratify questionnaire data.
Random Sampling?
Method where all members of a group have an equal and independent chance of being selected.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Random Sampling?
Can be used with large sample populations,
Avoids bias - all items being studied have an equal chance of being selected,
However, can lead to poor representation of the overall pattern,
May be practical constraints in terms of time and available access to parts of the study area.
What Did We Use Random Sampling For?
Selecting the material for the sediment size and shape surveys.
How Did We Do Coastal Defence Quality Survey?
Selected 4 sites using stratified sampling to investigate coastal defences on Blyth,
Scored them 2, 1, 0, -1, -2,
Defences were judged on cost, aesthetics, ecological value,
Gave total score out of 14 for each site,
Primary research.
How Did We Do Groyne Impact Survey?
Used compass, tape measure, record sheet and camera,
Use compass to identify and record each side of groyne,
Systematic sampling to identify 10 study sides across length of each groyne,
Meter ruler used to measure top of ground to the sand,
This shows the sand should be higher on the side where long shore drift Is taking place,
Take photos to illustrate difference in the sediment levels,
Repeat for each groyne.
Sediment Size And Shape Survey?
Random sampling used to select 10 pieces of sediment at each side,
100 square quadrat and random number table to pick sediment,
Select 10 pieces of sediment at each study location,
Use callipers to measure the long axis of stone and record in cm,
Use power scale of roundness to identify the shape and roundness of each stone.
Longshore Drift Survey?
Measured the drift for 1 minute,
Did this by placing float into breakwater zone at the start point,
Started the stopwatch as I did this,
Observed and timed to the floats distance travelled over the 1 minute,
Repeat 2 more times at each site,
Calculate MEAN distance.
Beach Profile Survey?
Complete 1 beach profile at all 3 study sites,
Place ranging pole at the water and another one where the angle of the beach changes,
Use a clinometer to measure the slope angle,
Do this at all the slopes in the beach site till you reach the beach ending,
Record this,
Ensure bearing is take from a point on the ranging pole that is eye level with the person on the clinometer,
Annoyed Photo Of Beach Site?
Complete two annotated field sketches which highlight the impact of sea defences,
1 done on Blyth beach and 1 done on Collywell Bay,
This is done to compare with geology map and results.
Geology Investigation?
Use BGS website to find map which matches Blyth beach,
Add layer of data (using GIS) to find bedrock in that area,
Compare results with field sketched and other data,
Secondary data.
Flood Risk Investigation?
Use the Environment Agency website to find a map that matches our study location,
Add GIS data to show local flood risk in area,
Compare results.
Ways Of Representing Data?
Proportional circles,
Located flowline,
Annotated photos,
Beach profile on graph paper,
Located bar chart.
Sediment Size Results Of The Fieldwork?
Sediment size decreased as we moved South along beach,
Site 1, average was 5.67cm and at site 3, average was 2.14,
This is because longshoremen drift was moving material South along the beach,
Material at site 3 had travelled far and undergone attrition.
Sediment Shape Results Of The Fieldwork?
Site 1, average shape was sub rounded and at site 3, average was rounded,
Became more rounded as we went south,
This is because of attrition in longshore drift.
Longshore Drift Results Of The Fieldwork? Yeah
Longshore drift was going South along the beach,
We know this because at two sites, the float was placed into sea and travelled south,
However, at one of the sites, the float traveled north. This is likely because of waves refracting as they approached the groynes or wind,
This site^ was an anomaly result.
Geology Of Coastline Results Of The Fieldwork?
BGS map showed the coastline is discordant,
Less residents rock has been eroded faster to create bags and more resistant rock creates headlands.
Rock Names On Blyth?
Less Resistant Rock is mudstone, siltstone,
More resistance rock is sandstone.
Errors Of The Fieldwork?
Low number of sites investigated,
Sampling, operator and measurement errors,
Quality of equipment may be poor,
Difficult to measure beach profile because it was difficult to see where the beach changed,
Float drifted to North on one of the sites due to waves and wind.
Measurement Error?
Mistakes made when someone is collecting the data.
Operator Error?
Differences in results due to different people collecting data.
Sampling Error?
Where a sample is biased because some element of the population are less likely to be included than others.