CNS Application: ADHD Flashcards
Efficacy for ADHD
In 2008 it was rated level 4 efficacy, efficacious but more recent random controlled trials support a
Level 5 efficacy, efficacious and specific
How was the diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) revised?
by providing examples pf symptom presentation
Increasing the age for symptom onset
reducing the required number of symptoms for adolescents and adults.
The CDC estimates what percent of school-aged children are medically diagnosed with ADHD in the United states?
The CDC estimates what percent of high school boys are medically diagnosed with ADHD in the United States?
Diagnoses rate of boys relative to girls for ADHD
Boys are 4-5 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD.
Why might girls be less diagnosed with ADHD than boys?
Boys often show greater severity of symptoms or greater degree of impairment than girls. Girls are more likely to show inattention and less likely to be diagnosed with a learning disability, comorbid depression, opposition defiant disorder or conduct disorder
Why might girls be less diagnosed with ADHD than boys?
Boys often show greater severity of symptoms or greater degree of impairment than girls. Girls are more likely to show inattention.
Girls are less likely to be diagnosed what CNS disorders than boys?
learning disability
comorbid depression
opposition defiant disorder or
conduct disorder
Almost 1/2 children with ADHD exhibit difficulty with what tasks?
interacting with clasmates
what percent of children with ADHD misbehave, frequently very seriously?
What is the aim of Theta/Beta training?
Down train theta and uptrain Beta amplitude.
What is the aim of SMR training?
increase SMR amplitude
What is the aim of SCP training?
Increase the amplitude of positive SCPs.
According to Lubar, Swartwood, and O’Donnell what icreased WISC-R and Test of varialbles of Attention (TOVA) scores?
reduced Slow EEG activity
- with reduced slow EEG activity full-scale WISC-R scores increased by ~ 12 points
- There was a correlation with an increase in TOVA scores and reduced slow EEG
Lubar followed 52 patients treated with NF for as long as 10 years. What were his findings?
Their improvements remained stable at follow ups on the Connors scale, used to measure attention.
Rossiter and La Vaque randomly assigned 46 subjects to either Ritalin or NF. What were there findings?
Both the group assigned to Ritalin and NF improved on TOVA measures of inattention, impulsivity, information processing, and response variability.
Linden, Habib, and Radojevic’s controlled study of 18 children demonstrated what with NF?
That by increasing Beta while suppressing Theta activity you increase intelligence scores and reduce inattention rates rated by their parents, when compared to a wait-list control group.
Thompson and Thompson reported successful treatment Of ADHD of 98 children and 13 adults over 50 minute session using what method?
Lubar’s ADHD protocol (reducing slow EEG)
In Thompson and Tompson’s study of ADHD that included 98 children, what percent used Ritalin before and after?
Before: 30%
After: 6%
Thompson and Thompson reported successful treatment Of ADHD of 98 children and 13 adults over 50 minute session using what method?
Lubar’s ADHD protocol (reducing slow EEG; theta-beta training)
In Thompson and Thompson’s study of ADHD patients what did they find in regards to Theta/beta ratios for the 98 children and 13 adults.
For children the Theta/beta ratio declined but not for adults
In Thompson and Thompson’s study of ADHD patients what did they find in regards to TOVA and Wide Range Achievement Test Scores?
Participants achieved impressive pre and post treatment gains on both TOVA and Wide Range Achievement Test scores.
Camp reported what based on his pre-treatment and post-treatment changes in 48 children on TOVA, parent ratings, teacher ratings, and ADHD scales?
That theta suppression biofeedback compared favorably with cognitive behavioral modification.
Kaiser and Othmer multi-center study involved 1,089 patients ranging from 5-67 years and demonstrated what?
That SMR-beta (reinforcing beta and SMR) NF training produced significant gains on TOVA measures of attentiveness impulse control and response variability.
SMR-beta training
Inhibiting Theta and high beta
Reinforcing the production of SMR and Beta
Carmody and colleagues randomly assigned 16 children (ages 8-10) to either EEG biofeedback or wait-list control condition. 8 were diagnosed with ADHD and the other 8 had no diagnosed disorder. Participants of both groups received 3-4 weekly sessions of EEG biofeedback for 6 months and completed 36-48 sessions. What were the results of this study?
The children diagnosed ADHD who received EEG biofeedback decreased impulsitivity as measeure sby TOVA and teacher ratings of attentiveness on the School version of the ADDES improved.
Selected QEEG measures did not consistently validate improvements by participants in the EEG biofeedback condition.
Monastra, Moanstra, and George compared 49 children with ADHD who participated in 1-year multimodal program (Ritalin, parent counseling, and academic consulation) with 51 children who participated in the program + NF training weekly (30 to 40 min using Lubar protocol with cash reward for increased frontal cortical arousal). What were their findings?
Both groups had significant improved performance on TOVA and Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale when medicated with Ritalin.
ONLY group receiving NF had improvements with out Ritalin.
A QEEG scan only showed reduced cortical potentials in children receiving NF
Parenting styles moderated behavioral symptoms at home but not school.
Fuchs, Birbaumer, and colleagues compared the efficacy of 3 months of sensoriomotor rhythm (SMR; 12-15 Hz) and beta 1(15-18 Hz) against methylphenidatein 46 ADHD children. What was the set up of this experiment?
The children were assigned to NF (22 children) and 12 were assigned to medication. Assignment was not random but up to the preference of parents.
Fuchs, Birbaumer, and colleagues compared the efficacy of 3 months of sensoriomotor rhythm (SMR; 12-15 Hz) and beta 1(15-18 Hz) against methylphenidatein 46 ADHD children. What was the results?
Both treatment groups improved on all TOVA subscales, and on speed and accuracy on d2 Attention Endurance test.
Teacher and parent rating of ADHD behaviors on the Iowa-Conners behavior Rating scale also improved for both groups.
What was Monastra’s efficacy rating of EEG biofeedback for ADHD in 2005?
Level 3 efficacy- probably efficacious
despite 75% improvement of patients reported in published studies they examined.
Why the 2005 efficacy rating of EEG biofeedback for ADHD by Monstra in 2005?
They concluded that more randomized, controlled group studies that control for therapist and patient characteristics were needed to calculate the % of patients diagnosed with ADHD who achieve these gains in typical clinical settings. This was the reason for a level 3 efficacy rating- probably efficacious.
Why the 2005 efficacy rating of EEG biofeedback for ADHD by Monstra in 2005?
They concluded that more randomized, controlled group studies that control for therapist and patient characteristics were needed to calculate the % of patients diagnosed with ADHD who achieve these gains in typical clinical settings. This was the reason for a level 3 efficacy rating- probably efficacious, despite 75% improvement of patients reported in published studies they examined.
In order for NF to produce clinical improvements for ADHD patients require at least ____ sessions and as many as ____ sessions.
atleast 20
and as many as 50
Gevensleblen and colleagues conducted multisite randomized controlled study of 102 children diagnosed with ADHD using NF training that combined what treatments?
blocks of theta/beta and slow cortical potential NF and computer-based attention skill training control.
Gevensleblen and colleagues conducted multisite randomized controlled study of 102 children diagnosed with ADHD using combined NF training methods. What were the findings?
Combined NF group was superior to control on patient and teacher ratings
both NF protocols produced comparable changes
Gains maintained at 6 month check up.
Sherlin, Arns, Lubar, and Sokhadze argued for what efficacy rating of EEG for ADHD?
Level 5 efficacy- Efficacious and specific
Sherlin, Arns, Lubar, and Sokhadze argued for what efficacy rating of EEG for ADHD?
Level 5 efficacy- Efficacious and specific
b/c it is safe and produces long term effects that last from 3 to 6 months and may produce clinical effects like stimulant medications.
When is it suggested that medication may be more appropriate to treat ADHD than NF?
When the primary symptom is hyperactivity
What does NF treat in patients of ADHD?
Inattention and impulsivity
Duric and colleages conducted randomized study of 91 children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD who were assigned to what treatment groups?
30 NF sessions,
methylpenidate, or
NF with metylpenidate.
Duric and colleages conducted randomized study of 91 children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD were assigned to 1 of three different treatment groups? What were the results?
Parent rating of core ADHD symptoms improved for all 3 groups and there were no group differencces.
NF achieved equal efficacy to methylphenidate
In 2012 the American Academy of pediatrics rated biofeedback for children and adolescent attention and hyperactivity behaviors as what efficacy?
Level 1- best support
Pigott, De Biase , Bodenhamer-Davis and Davis argued for what efficacy rating of EEG for ADHD in 2013? why?
Level 5- Efficacious and specific
Compared with stimulant medication, only NF demonstrated efficacy at 2-year-follow-up.
Meisel and colleagues reported a randomized controlled trial of 23 children diagnosed with ADHD who either completed 40 theta/beta NF sessions or were given methylphenidate. What were the results?
Both groups improved on parent and teacher ratings of functioning and core ADHD symptoms
Only NF group improved on academic performance at 6 month follow-up.
Arns and Strehl concluded what in 2013 in their review of recent studies?
that randomized controlled trials where theta/beta or slow cortical potential NF were active treatments and either cognitive or EMG biofeedback were controls, NF produced significant improvements in teacher ratings.
Steiner and colleagues conducted random control study of 104 children assigned to either NF, cognitive training (CT), or control conditions. At 6 month mark what were the findings?
NF group sustained greater gains on the Conners 3-P, Executive Functioning, Hyperactivity/impulsitivtity, and BRIEF subscales than the CT or control groups.
The NF group maintained their stimulant dosage while CT and control groups increased their dosage.
SMR training
Attempts to increase SMR amplitude and may inhibit theta and high beta.