CNAF DEC22 Flashcards
Authorization for a flight SHALL be documented by a flight schedule or similar directive signed by a CO. It shall contain the following:
Names and flight function of all flight personnel
Designation of PIC/mission commander, and/or formation leader as appropriate
Chain of Command for form flights in the event of an abort by the designated flight leader
Aircraft Model assigned
Total mission or requirement code
Point of departure, destination, and en route stopover points
Date and time of estimated departure (ETD)
Estimated time en route (ETE) or estimated time of arrival (ETA)
Any Naval helo that is assigned the primary mission to operate as a rescue vehicle over water SHALL have what?
What if below 60*F
One aircrewman who is outfitted for water entry and has completed rescue swimmer school.
Note: Aircrewman shall be prepared for immediate water entry
Rescue Swimmer SHALL NOT be deployed below 60*F unless anti exposure suit is worn
Before commencing a flight plan, the PIC shall be familiar with all available information appropriate to the intended operation. Such information should include but is not limited to…
Delays (anticipated traffic)
Risk assessment
Alternatives available if flight cannot be completed as planned
Fuel Requirements
Terminal Instrument procedures
Weather reports and forecasts
Aircraft are authorized to operate and land at __ U.S military and Joint civil-mil airfields
When planning to operate at other than homefield, OLFs, or local training fields, PICs shall what?
When planning for operations at civilian airfields, PICs shall ensure what?
Aware of and meet airfield operating requirements
If necessary, satisfy PPR requirements.
(PPRs are not required for diverts/ emergencies)
Ensure runway length and runway and taxi load-bearing capabilities are adequate.
Ensure DoD contract fuel services are available if needed
When can you use civilian airfields? (MAT)
To Remain over night you need what?
Naval aircraft are permitted to operate at civilian airfields listed in the DoD Enroute Supplement when such operations contribute to
1. mission accomplishment
2. add value to training,
3. or are otherwise in the interests of taxpayer.
Required by mission accomplishment, and wing/group commander approval. RON is allowed if required for aircraft maintenance or following an emergency divert.
PICs SHALL ensure they are familiar with any _________, ___________ or ________ that apply at local civilian airfields.
Special procedures, practices, or rules
Responsibility for RON
Pilot in Command:
Unit COs:
Wing/group commanders
SHALL take proper measures to ensure safety of aircraft and classified equipment. When landing away from home base, senior naval aviator SHALL be responsible for all aircraft as if a detached unit operation was being conducted
shall ensure that appropriate security and force protection plans can be implemented whenever aircraft is left unattended away from homefield.
Shall only authorize planned RON stops at airfields where Security and force protection requirements set forth in applicable directives can be satisfied
Helicopter aircraft are authorized to land at other than airfield locations provided: MSL CO
A MILITARY requirement exists
Adequate SAFEGUARDS are taken to permit safe landing/takeoff without hazard to people or property
No LEGAL objection to landing
CO’s may waive the above if aircraft is engaged in SAR operations
When is a flight plan required?
A flight plan appropriate for the intended operation shall be submitted to the local air traffic control facility for
-all flights of naval aircraft except the following:
-Flights of operational necessity
-Student training flights under cognizance of CNATRA conducted within authorized training areas. (N/A)
Shore to ship/ ship to shore ops
(shore to ship) PIC shall file a Flight plan (DD-175 for IMC) or official flight schedule (annotated on the daily schedule).
(ship to shore)
-Ships shall relay flights plans to shore.
-Aircraft shall confirm flight plans with ATC as soon as practicable.
Timely handling of flight movement information for each shore/ship operation is essential
Flight suspense for SAR purposes becomes the responsibility of the destination activity after acknowledging receipt of a flight plan
Procedures for flights penetrating ADIZ are prescribed in FLIP (en route) IFR Supplement
For the submission of a flight plan the PIC is responsible to ensure what? WARP SWIM
Weather brief for each pilot in formation
Requirements (fuel,Wx)
Planning-preflight, NOTAMS, Wx reports, fuel, terminal inst procedures
Safety and orderly conduct of the flight
Weight and balance properly filed
Instrument rating (if any portion of flight will be IMC or in positive control area)
Manifest (passengers have been properly briefed)
DD-175-1 briefs are valid?
3 hrs past briefing/FWB delivery time or ETD plus 30 minutes
Flight Plans SHALL be based on the following:
The actual Wx at the point of departure at time of clearance
The existing and forecast Wx for the entire route of flight
Destination and Alternate forecasts +/- 1 hr of ETA
When do you need an alternate airfield?
Destination Wx is forecasted to be less than 3000/3 during the period 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA
If destination weather is 0-0 up to published mins your alternate must be:
3000 - 3 or better
If your destination weather is published mins up to 3000-3 you need what Wx at your alternate?
What is the note for choosing an alternate?
Non-precision: published mins + 300-1
Precision: published mins + 200 - 1/2
If an alternate airfield is required, it shall have a published approach compatible with installed operable aircraft navigation equipment that can be flown without the use of two-way radio communication whenever either one of the following conditions is met:
- The destination lacks the above described approach.
- The forecasted weather at the alternate is below 3,000-foot ceiling and 3-statute-mile visibility during the period 1 hour before ETA until 1 hour after ETA.
Except for emergencies, cases of operational necessity, and flights involving weather research/reconnaissance, Pilots SHALL not fly into WW unless one of the following exceptions apply: SLOVIRA
- Storm had not progressed as forecast.
-Local base CO and wing CO may continue operations provided they receive verification by FSS
-Outside of Local Area and in either case
-VFR filing is permitted if existing and forecast Wx for the route planned permits such flights (VFR filing in VMC)
-IFR flight is permissible in controlled airspace if VMC can be maintained, thus enabling the aircraft to detect and avoid thunderstorms - Radar is installed and operative, thus allowing for detection and avoidance of thunderstorms
- Aircraft performance characteristics of aircraft permit a flight altitude above storms
How much fuel are you required to plan for if alternate is not required?
Fuel to fly from takeoff to destination plus 10% of planned fuel requirements
How much fuel are you required to plan for if alternate is required?
Takeoff to approach fix of destination and thence to an alternate airfield + a 10% reserve of planned fuel requirements
In no case shall the fuel reserve be less than what?
Where else shall minimum fuel reserve requirements be displayed?
20 minutes of flight calculated for fuel consumption based on operation at planned flight altitude
Minimum fuel reserve requirements for specific model aircraft shall be contained in the appropriate NATOPS manual
When do you need position lights 30/3 ETH
Shall be displayed during 30 minute period before sunset to 30 minute period before sunrise or at any time visibility from the cockpit is less than 3 SM. During these times they shall be displayed:
1) Engines are running
2) Towed unless otherwise illuminated
3) Hazard while parked unless otherwise marked or illuminated
Position lights shall be displayed:
30 min before sunset and 30 min after sunrise or anytime visibility is less than 3 sm
Immediately before engine start and anytime the engine is running
When aircraft is being towed (unless otherwise illuminated)
When aircraft is parked and likely to cause a hazard
Anti-collision lights shall be used _____________.
Immediately before engine start and at all times during operation, except when the use of such lights adversely affects ground operations.
May be turned off during flight through clouds.
When can you secure the anti-collision lights?
when lights Adversely affects ground operations
Flight through clouds when light reflects into cockpit
Unusual maneuvers prohibited within B, C, and D airspace?
Unnecessary low passes
Unscheduled flybys
Climbs at steep angles
Practice approaches below mins (unless a landing is to be made)
Flat hatting (flight is conducted at a low altitude and/or a high rate of speed for thrill purposes) - Cathy
For Preflight: The Formation leader SHALL execute one flight plan for the entire formation and shall:
Sign flight plan as PIC
Ensure that Wx is briefed
Ensure valid instrument rating for all pilots
Ensure formation leader is briefed to include
-lost sight
-lost comms
Ensure maps, charts, and pubs are in possession of each pilot
Ensure formation integrity
Basically WARP SWIM + IIMC, Blind, Emergencies, Formation integrity
VFR mins for Class B?
3 SM and COC
VFR mins for class C?
3 SM and 500’ below, 1000’ above, and 2000’ horizontal
VFR mins for class D?
3 SM and 500’ feet below, 1000’ feet above, and 2000’ horizontal
VFR mins for class E?
<10000 ft MSL- 3 SM and 500’ below, 1000’ above, 2000’ horizontal
> = 10000 ft MSL - 5 SM and 1000 ft below, 1000 ft above, 1 SM horizontal
VFR mins for class G below 1200’ AGL Day? Night?
Day- 1 SM and COC
Night- 3 SM and 500’ below, 1000’ above, 2000’ horizontal
VFR mins for class G above 1200’ AGL but below 10000’ MSL Day? Night?
Day- 1 SM and 500’ below, 1000’ above, 2000’ horizontal
Night- 3SM and 500’ below, 1000’ above, 2000’ horizontal
When Wx encountered enroute will preclude compliance with VFR the PIC shall:
Alter route of flight so as to continue VFR
Remain VFR until IFR clearance is obtained
Remain VFR and land at a suitable alternate
Practice autorotations SHALL be conducted how? BCA*
Within the limits of the field boundary over a surface upon which a full auto can be safely completed
Has readily available crash, rescue, and fire fighting equipment
Require tower approval
Helicopters shall not exceed _______ AGL unless cleared by tower. They shall avoid _________.
Flying over areas at altitudes where their rotor wash could damage the aircraft, property or personnel
3000 ft avoidance of noise sensitive and wilderness areas must be complied with except when? (SIT)
SPECIAL use airspace
IR or VR route
Traffic pattern or approach pattern
Fuel dumping altitude
Whenever practicable, fuel SHALL not be dumped below 6000 ft above terrain.
Should weather or emergency conditions dictate jettisoning at a lower altitude, every effort shall be made to avoid populated areas
Should advise ATC
SOP: Non-emergency fuel jettison SHALL be performed over water and SHALL be at least 10 miles away from land
When can you drop/shoot through clouds?
Pilots of Naval Aircraft are authorized to expend ordnance, fire missile through clouds cover sufficiently extensive to preclude visual clearance of air and surface under following conditions
On the High seas- Clearance can be maintained by radar or other visual means.
Operational commander is responsible for safeguarding surface and air traffic
-In a warning area or NOTAM does not relive operational commander of this responsibility
Over land - the shot/drop must be over approved range. The range controller must approve it and is responsible to ensure protection of others.
Emergency jettison through clouds is
Permitted but pilot must take every precaution to minimize danger to other aircraft and persons/property on the surface
Define Minimum Fuel
Is an advisory term indicating that in the judgement of the pilot the fuel state is such that no undue delay can be accepted en route to the destination. It is not an emergency situation.
If need priority landing pilots should declare emergency fuel and give time remaining in minutes.
Both minimum fuel advisories and emergency fuel state shall be reported each time control is transferred to a new controller
Safety belts and shoulder harnesses shall be worn when?
Cabin seating requirements for helicopters may be eliminated when?
What are the guidelines?
What’s SOP say
Prior to takeoff and until completion of the flight except when necessary activities require temporary removal.
Operational environment or aircraft configuration/load requirements dictate for the accomplishment of essential training and operations with the following guidelines
-SPECOPS missions and training
-One part of the mission requires removal of seat/seatbelt/restraints but will use for all other phases of the mission
-Life saving efforts, Humanitarian and SAR operations
–Alternate means of restraint when seats are removed
-Only when tactical or procedural REQUIREMENT exist for the mission/tactical
SOP: seat and gunner’s belt SHALL be utilized to max extent possible. All occupants of the aircraft SHOULD be in crashworthy seats with seat and shoulder harness secured during takeoff and landings
Anti-exposure suits shall be provided when
For flight personnel of naval aircraft when in the event of a mishap there would be a significant risk of water entry and either of the following two conditions prevail:
1) Water temp is 50F or below
2) OAT is below 32F
If water temp is between 50* and 60*F the CO or OIC of the unit must determine whether anti-exposure suits are necessary
Crew rest includes free time for _______, _____________, _______ and shall include an opportunity for _____ for every ___ hour period.
Meals, transportation and rest
8 hours of uninterrupted sleep
Flight crew ____________ not be scheduled for continuous alert/flight duty in excess of ________. If ________ is exceeded then ______ of continuous off duty time SHALL be provided.
18 hrs
18 hrs
15 hrs
Maximum recommended flight time for multi-piloted non-pressurized aircraft is:
1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, and yearly
When practicable flight personnel ___________ not be scheduled for more than _____ consecutive days.
1- 12
7- 50
30- 100
90- 265
365- 960
6 days
Consumption of any type of alcohol is prohibited within ____ hrs of mission brief or flight planning.
Flight crew __ ensure that they are what?
Flightcrew SHALL ensure that they are free of hangover effects prior to FLIGHT
Recommended maximum caffeine is ________
450 mg per day (3-4 cups of drip coffee)
Can you use illicit drugs?
Blood donation.
Combat, shipboard/operational missions?
No flights duties of 450 cc of blood taken within ________.
4 months apart
4 weeks prior to combat, shipboard, operational flights
4 days after blood donation. Before need medical permission.
Aircraft fuel purchase must be made somewhere with contract fuel unless: MEA
Mission required stopping at a facility without military or contract fuel services
flight terminated as a result of an Emergency
The flight terminates at an alternate in lieu of filed destination.
(Less than 20 years aviation service) Minimum flight hours? Semi-annual, annual?
Pilot- 40hrs, 100hrs
Night- 6hrs, 12 hrs
Instrument- 6 hrs, 12 hrs
50% of the hours must be First pilot time
Requirements to be HAC:
To be qualified as Helicopter Aircraft commander, the NATOPS manual SHALL establish the designation for particular model and individual SHALL:
Have completed requirements for and possess to an advanced degree of knowledge, proficiency, and capabilities of a 2nd pilot
Have a minimum of 500 total flight hours
Have 150 hours in rotary-wing aircraft
Have pilot hours in class and model required by the CO or higher authority and
Demonstrate the proficiency and judgement required to ensure successful accomplishment of all tasks of the unit mission
Demonstrate ability to command and train the officers and enlisted members of the flight crew
Demonstrate the qualities of leadership required to conduct advanced base or detached unit operations as OIC when such duty is required as part of the units mission or method of operation
Instrument minimums? 6 mo? 12 mo?
6 hrs, 6 non-prec, 6 prec
12 hrs, 6 non-prec, 12 prec
Non-essential flights? (ROHM)
The use of aircraft for nonessential flights shall not be authorized. Any flight open to misinterpretation by the public shall be avoided. Examples of flights that are considered nonessential are as follows:
-Flights of a routine business nature for which commercial or other military transportation could be more economically substituted.
-Flights for any officer or group of officers, the sole purpose of which is the convenience and/or prestige of officers concerned and not the performance of official duties or accomplishment of bona fide training
-Repeated flights to the hometown area of flight personnel concerned
-Flights coinciding with major sports events or civic celebrations
What is the purpose of orientation flights?
Typically one time events and not to be used to circumvent training and are used:
To familiarize people with an aircraft, its operations, capabilities, requirements, concept of employment, or limitations
To familiarize them with a base complex from the air for official purposes other than merely sightseeing or goodwill
To allow FAA personnel to perform official functions that require their infrequent embarkation on naval aircraft
To perform other military duties not assigned to the flight crew
Helicopter passenger over water flights are authorized provided the following restrictions..
Ship launches and recoveries shall be made during daylight hours. This constraint may be waived by strike group commander, amphibious squadron commander, OTC in cases of operational necessity
MEDEVAC , qualified Medical attendant that is current in water survival training and has been briefed on emergency egress procedures for that aircraft, may be transferred at night with approval from the ship’s CO
Does not preclude troop movement in support of amphibious exercises, VBSS level III, or SPECOPS training and operational missions
Aircraft commanders are required for which flights? (OAT-P)
Operational/tactical missions
Administrative missions in helicopters
Training flights, except those that are within the capabilities of pilots of lower classification and which, in the opinion of the commanding officer, are best suited to teach such pilots self-reliance and command responsibility
Flights in which PAX are involved
PICs may authorize other personnel or equipment to be in helo for:
- PIC/MC of naval aircraft (while absent from home unit) may authorize air transportation for personnel and/or equipment not otherwise qualified for government air transportation when required for the successful prosecution of SAR, MEDEVAC, or disaster relief
- This authority SHALL only be exercised when all practicable means of obtaining authorization from a competent authority has proven unsuccessful or unavailable
- let appropriate authority know as soon as practicable
What is PIC responsible for?
The safe, orderly flight of the aircraft and well-being of the crew
No one ____ be permitted to taxi a helicopter except ______.
those persons who are authorized to fly helicopters.
All orientation flights shall:
- Be flown by highly qualified personnel
- Be conducted in the local flying area and terminate at the point of origin
- Be performed during day VMC
- No forms flights unless required for a specific purpose and authorized by the Controlling Custodian
- Have no additional cost to the government
- If it has dual controls, can be flown by passenger during non critical phases of flight at discretion of PIC
SOP: no simulated emergencies, practice autos, intentional degradations, ordnance release SHALL be performed
Minimum flight crew requirements for multi piloted aircraft
- PIC possessing a valid instrument rating
- A copilot qualifies to perform all assist functions required, PQM if passengers aboard
- Other flight crew necessary for safe conduct of flight
Aircraft Operating Outside Published Hours / Closed Tower Operations
- Base CO may authorize to extend airfield operations beyond published hours
- Naval aircraft are permitted to operate from a closed tower airfield when both squadron CO and base CO have specifically authorized such operations
- Naval aircraft are also permitted to operate without crash crew being present with concurrence of squadron CO and base CO
Rules for landing at a closed airfield
It is prohibited except in case of an emergency
Filing by radio after takeoff is not permitted when?
When it will involve unauthorized IMC flight
Minimum altitude out of controlled airspace?
Designated mountainous terrain?
No less than 1,000’ above the highest terrain, surface of the water, or obstacle within 22 miles of the intended line of flight
No less than 2000’ above the highest terrain or obstacle within 22 miles of the intended line of flight
Min altitude in controlled airspace
No less than min enroute altitude or the altitude specified by the agency exercising control over the airspace concerned when operating in IFR conditions
Instrument takeoff minimum
Special- no minimum
Standard- published minimum for non precision approach but not less than 300-1, published for precision but not less than 200-1/2 for runway in use
Visibility reduction for helicopters
1/2 the visibility but not less than 1/4 mile or 1,200’ RVR
Shall not reduce copter approaches
Ceilings SHALL NOT be reduced
Approach criteria for multi piloted aircraft
If Wx below mins an approach shall not be commenced unless aircraft has the capability to proceed to a suitable alternate in the event of a missed approach
Criteria for continuing an approach to landing
Runway environment in sight and in their judgment a safe landing can be made
Controller shall issue instructions to execute a missed approach when: SAPRU
- Safe limits are exceeded or radical aircraft deviations are observed
- Position or identification of the aircraft is In doubt
- Radar contact is lost or malfunctioning radar is suspected
- Unsafe conditions observed from the tower prevent approach
Life rafts for overwater flights:
On overwater flights the number of persons shall not exceed the capacity of the life rafts carried except as dictated by operational necessity
Life rafts sufficient for all occupants SHALL be provided when there would be a significant risk of water entry in the event of a mishap
Securing an engine
Shall not be secured below 4,000’ AGL
Simulated emergencies with passengers
Simulated emergencies that may affect aircraft controllability shall not be conducted anytime passengers are aboard the aircraft
Released from briefing passengers while: STOP CO
Engaged in
1. SAR missions
2. TRANSPORTING large troop contingents… when no OPPORTUNITY is provided for aircraft to be shutdown prior to embarkation
3. Shipboard ops when landing are PRECLUDED
In these circumstances, the briefing shall be the responsibility of the cognizant local commander
Seats and safety belts required for everyone except:
Persons under 2 yrs of age
Time above 10,000’ and who gives that permission?
Shall not exceed one hour and altitude shall not exceed 13,000’
CO/OIC or mission commander determined it is mission essential
VFR mins for Class G more than 1200’ AGL and at or above 10,000’ MSL
5SM and 1000’ below, 1000’ above, 1 SM Horizontal
In the tactical environment, military exigency may require ___ from instructions/procedures contained here.
Deviation from specified flight and operating instructions is authorized ________.
On-site deviations
in emergency situations when, in the judgement of the pilot in command, safety justifies such a deviation
This instruction is not intended to cover.. (C,R,G)
Not intended to cover every contingency that may arise, every rule of safety or good practice
Naval aircraft shall be operated in accordance with applicable provisions of FAR, Part 91, except:
Where this manual prescribes more stringent requirements
Where exemptions or authorizations issued to the Department of the Navy/DOD permit deviation from the FAR
Where can exemptions to FARs applicable to DOD aircraft be viewed?
They may be viewed on the FAA Automated Exemption System website.
Any NATOPS product user who notes a deficiency or an error is obligated to do what?
Submit a change recommendation
(Emergency and Humanitarian Operations) What emergencies are naval aircraft allowed to participate in?
Who must be notified?
Who will be under control
-Naval aircraft operations are authorized for emergencies such as forest fire, SAR, major calamities, and humanitarian reasons involving life-threatening circumstances.
-Notification SHALL be made to CNO or CMC and local commander but without delaying action when time is an essential factor
-Squadron commander and OIC will operate under Joint Task Force Commander assigned.
Can an aircraft be assigned to a specific individual?
Does this mean I can have my name on it? :(
Unless authorized by the Secretary of the Navy, no naval aircraft will be assigned to a specific individual nor SHALL any individual require a specific aircraft or crew be made for exclusive use.
This does NOT preclude the display of pilot, crew, and support personnel names on the aircraft
When can a Naval aviator fly aircraft of another service?
When the other service has no objection
Can you have Civilian Law enforcement officials (LEOs) in the Helicopter?
Who authorizes it?
NASTP requirement?
-yes, Embarkation of civilian LEOs is authorized for helicopters, tiltrotor, and non-ejection seat aircraft.
-Authorization is delegated to numbered fleet commanders and type commanders
-LEO personnel should comply with aeromedical and survival training requirements when time and facilities permit
Personnel authorized to pilot naval aircraft?
Regular and Reserve Personnel
Other Military personnel
Civilian Aircraft pilots
Foreign Military Personnel
What are the prerequisites for personnel participating in Orientation flights?
- Shall receive an appropriate physical screening or examination
- Completion of Naval Aviation Survival Training Program (NASTP) unless waived by designated approving authority
- For aeronautically designated personnel, the appropriate non-aircrew NASTP training for that class of aircraft shall be required
- NASTP training is valid for a period of 90 days
- All midshipmen participating shall complete appropriate midshipmen NASTP training
- Non-DOD personnel are required to sign an air transportation agreement when flight originates in a foreign country
- foreign nationals need permission from the director of Naval Intelligence if classified info can be accessed
- Parental/legal guardian approval for anyone under 18
- An orientation flight briefing
OTC embarked
Wing, group, or squadron commander, if embarked on a mission involving aircraft of their command, retains full authority and responsibility regarding command, including the mission in which participating
The pilot in command SHALL occupy a flight control station when?
During Critical Phases of Flight
-takeoff/landing/form/FCF/degraded aircraft/EPs
Crew composition for FCFs?
Shall be conducted with the minimum crew required for safe flight. All flight personnel shall be fully qualified in accordance with CNAF and NATOPS
Can passengers be carried on FCFs?
Shall not be carried
Weather for FCFs?
Can Unit Commanders change this?
Should be conducted during daylight hours within the local flying area in VMC
Yes, if necessary to accomplish the assigned mission, they can authorize checkflights under different conditions if in their opinion the flight can be conducted with an acceptable margin of safety.
Those portions of the FCF that are considered critical shall be conducted where?
In the vicinity of a suitable landing area
Define a cross-country flight
Any flight that either does not remain in the local flying area or remains in the local flying area and terminates at a facility other than an active military facility
When are you required to wear an LPU? 3 things
-Inflatable life preservers shall be worn during all flights originating from or terminating on ships or landing
-Life preservers shall be worn when operating from aerodromes in the vicinity of coastal waters or when operating from inland aerodromes where takeoff, route of flight, or approach path is over water
-Life preservers shall be worn when mission requirements dictate operation over water below 1,000 feet exclusive of normal departures or approaches
How often are you required to re-qualify NASTP?
Every 4 years
What is required to hover overwater at night/low vis*
Night/low visibility hover operations over water shall be conducted using aircraft equipped with operable automatic hover systems on all occasions when a natural horizon visible from the cockpit is not available to assist the pilot in establishing/maintaining a stable hover.
Deviation from CNAV Authorized for (2 things)
-In tactical environment, military exigency may require on-site deviations from instruction/procedures contained here.
-Authorized in emergency situations when, in the judgement of the pilot in command, safety justifies such a deviation
Flag or general officer embarked
The PIC of an aircraft with a flag or general officer eligible to assume command at sea or in the field embarked as a passenger shall be subject to the orders of such flag or general officer.
When such an embarked passenger exercises authority to command the aircraft, that passenger thereby assumes full responsibility for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight. Flight violations, accident reports and things arising from flight will be directed at flag or general officer.
Embarked passenger SHALL give due consideration to the judgment of the PIC regarding items of flight safety such as hazardous weather and crew limitations
Use of a qualified lookout in lieu of a copilot
Shall be limited to flights conducted under VMC
Cross Country Flights Requirements
Ensure these flights contribute to the mission of the command and the naval service, achieve training requirements, and can be completed safely
NATOPS Purpose
Positive approach towards improving combat readiness and achieving substantial reduction in aircraft mishaps
FAR Exemptions (DDAMN)^
-Drug Interdiction deviation for Altitude: allows operations at altitude other than those prescribed while engaged in drug interdiction operations only to max extent necessary to PID and maintain VID PROVIDED aircraft has an on-board observer and operable Mode C transponder
-Drug Interdiction deviation for lighting: exemption granted to DOD aircraft engaged in drug interdiction provided on-board observer plus an additional resource to detect all aircraft operating in vicinity (radar or spotter aircraft)
-Alternate Requirements: per CHP 4 of CNAV
-MTR: exemptions from altitudes to be maintained to the extent necessary to conduct MTR training
-NVD, lights-out operations : pre-defined area with an active NOTAM, below 500’, provided each aircraft has dedicated on-board observer to identify non-participants or is escorted by properly lighted aircraft
Explanatory information about a operating procedure, practice or condition that may result in injury or death if not carefully observed or followed
Explanatory information about an operating procedure, practice or condition that may result in damage to equipment if not carefully observed or followed.
Explanatory information about an operating procedure, practice or condition that must be emphasized
used when application of procedure is MANDATORY
used when application of procedure is RECOMMENDED
used when application of procedure is optional
indicates futurity and never indicates any degree of requirement for application of procedure
Orientation Flights: who can the unit commanding officer authorize to participate
Active Duty Personnel
Orientation Flights: who can the Type Wing Commander/Air Wing commander or higher authorize to participate
Federal employees and civilian contractors
Embarkation of Passengers
- No person SHALL be enplaned nor cargo embarked on a naval aircraft unless authorization was granted by competent authority
- Reporting Custodian for helicopter unit may authorize personnel to be embarked as passengers onboard their aircraft
- Delegated to OIC when deployed/embarked
PIC blurb 3.7.1
- Pilot in command is the pilot responsible for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight and the well being of the crew
- In the absence of direct orders from higher authority cognizant of the mission, responsibility for starting and continuing a mission with respect to weather or safety of the aircraft rests on the PIC
- The authority and responsibility of PIC SHALL NOT be transferred in flight.
- It SHALL NOT be transferred except for emergency, operational necessity, or as directed by Commanding Officer
- PIC is independent of rank or seniority to others persons (with 2 exemptions)
Can PIC authority and responsibility be transferred?
- The authority and responsibility of PIC SHALL NOT be transferred in flight
- It SHALL NOT be transferred except for emergencies, operational necessity, or as directed by Commanding Officer
PIC is independent of rank or seniority to other persons except for … (2 things)
- Wing, Group, Squadron commander involved in a mission involving aircraft of their command, retain full authority and responsibility regarding command including the mission in which they are participating
- Flag or General Officer Embarked
Decision Making
The ability to chose a course of action using logical and sound judgment based on available information
The ability to participate and maintain a position until convinced by FACTS that other options are better
Mission Analysis
The ability to develop short-term/long-term/and contingency to coordinate crew/aircraft resources
Adaptability “Semper Gumpy”
Ability to alter course based on new information, maintain constructive behavior under pressure and adapt to internal/external changes
Situational Awareness
The degree of accuracy to which ones perception mirrors reality
ORM Process
- Identify Hazard
- Assess Hazard
- Make risk decision
- Implement Control
- Supervise
Three Levels of ORM
- Time Critical
- Deliberate
- In-Depth
Nonstandard Operations (HSM-C0)
Defined as an urgent requirement exists to fly a short notice mission in support of
1. Humanitarian
3. State requirement
4. Contingencies
Commander (0-8) exercising operational control is responsible for risk assessment
State Aircraft
DOD aircraft are U.S State aircraft when operating in international airspace.
State Aircraft
DOD aircraft are U.S State aircraft when operating in international airspace.
Manifest Requirements and Exemptions (SLOP)
All persons aboard other than flight personnel are passengers and SHALL be manifested as such
1. Engaged in SAR
2. Lifting reconnaissance parties
3. Outposts during field problems
4. Patrols
are released from manifest responsibilities when there is no proper agency with whom a passenger manifest could be deposited
Formation Flight Lighting
To extent necessary for safety, lighting configuration may be varied (one of our FAA Exemptions). Normally all aircraft in the flight SHALL have external lights on and at least one SHALL have lights on bright and anti-collision ON
Lights Out operations
All participants must be positively deconflicted
Aerial Photography
Approved EKBs can increase SA in VFR/IFR. Use of devices for any purpose other than mission accomplishment is prohibited
SHALL NOT perform unless authorized by squadron CO
-Requires authorization from ATC
-WX: 500-1
-Aircraft remain COC
-Instrument rated both pilot and aircraft (unless CNATRA helo)
Who can grant permission to fly below 500-1 in SVFR
-Aviation Commanding Officer may authorize helicopter special VFR in conditions below 500-1 for missions of operational necessity
-Outside of controlled airspace, helo may be operated below 1200’ AGL, clear of clouds, below 1 sm visibility if operated at a speed that allows pilot adequate opportunity to see and avoid
General Flight Personnel - Operational Necessity
Except for emergency and operational necessity, number of persons aboard engaged in flight operations SHALL be limited to those required to properly operate the aircraft and accomplish the mission