3-50 Flashcards
Structure of SAR (1.2)
Rescue Coordination Center aka sect 14
SAR mission coordinator- directly assigns roles and plans
On scene commander- generally first person on scene or most capable
SRU- effects the rescue
Hand signals
Swimmer Ok
Swimmer Not OK
Move in for pick
Cleared to go
You have control
Swimmer okay: hand up Day & Night
Swimmer not okay: waving hand D waving smoke or blue strobe N
Move in for pickup: thumb up D wave chemlight N
Cleared to go: cirlce hand and point forward
You have control: tap head and point fwd
Litter: big L
Multiple rescues short haul
Sea state greater than 2
Night imc
more than 25yds between survivors
Direct deployment shalls
Shall not if parachute attached
Shall only be used if crew seems safest method
Quick strop shall only be used with Tri SAR
Shall only be used on neck spinal neck injury if normal recovery isn’t the safest method
More in NATOPS look it up
Direct deployment shoulds
Should not be used when?
Used in extreme situations: surf zone, heavy seas, high winds, swift seas, ice
Should not be used on ejected aviator
Short haul parameters
Survivors 30 ft AGL, below safe single is recommended
Sierra’s use 40/40
Night consideration for the litter
Litter shall be illuminated
-head and foot
-two attached to each strap
Hook with two chemlights
At end of quick strop
Litter considerations
Trail line deployed with weight bag
Feet first into the aircraft
Takes time to assemble
Deploy liferafts altitude and airspeed
10/10 or 15/0
Jammed hoist general
Jammed hoist procedures
Lower survivors of possible
Safety belt aft to fwd over hoist
Chicago grip
Short haul
Freyed hoist
Quick splice procedures
Lower survivors
Cut below with pneumatic hand tool
Quick splice
Remember safety stops not available
What if fuel in water
Static discharge or smokes may ingnite
Stay 1 rotor distance from downwash and chute
Inanimate objects
RS shall not be req to enter water
Mk25/mk50 considerations(natops)
Smoke is caustic, avoid breathing
Mk25 shall not be launched from hover, cap may impact aircraft
Should not fly over mk50 due to second ignition and fumes coming up to 50ft
Tgt rise during a hover?
20 C engine degradation salt encrustation
40C indicative of eng perf degradation and possible compressor stall
Multiple survivors and litter
Not possible if litter is req