CN Components/Location of nerve cell bodies Flashcards
CN I, Olfactory (SSA)
CN I location of nerve cell bodies
olfactory epithelium
CN II, Optic (SSA)
CN II location of nerve cell bodies
Optic Canal
Extraocular muscles
CN III, Occulomotor (GSE)
Extraocular muscle- superior oblique
CN IV, Trochlear (GSE)
CN IV location of nerve cell bodies
Superior orbital fissure
Motor to muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani
V3, Mandibular branch of Trigeminal (SVE)
CN V location of nerve cell bodies
V1 and V2: trigeminal ganglion
V3: Pons
Extraocular muscles, lateral recti
CN VI, Abducens (GSE)
CN VI location of nerve cell bodies
motor to muscles of facial expression and scalp; stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric
CN VII, Facial (SVE)
Sensory from cornea, skin of forehead, scalp, eyelids, nose, and mucosa of nasal cavity and paransal sinuses
V1, Opthalmic branch of Trigeminal (GSA)
Sensation from skin of face over maxilla, including upper lip, maxillary teeth, mucosa of nose, maxillary sinuses, and palate
V2, Mandibular branch of Trigeminal (GSA)
Sensory to area of ear
CN VII, Facial, (GSA)
taste from anterior two thirds of tongue and palate
CN VII, Facial, (SVA)
parasympathetic to lacrymal, sbumandibular, and sublingual glands
CN VII, Facial (GVE)
CN VII SVE location of nerve cell bodies
CN VII SVA location of nerve cell bodies
Geniculate ganglion
CN VII GVE location of nerve cell bodies
Presynaptic: Pons
Post synaptic: pterygopalatine ganglion; submandibular ganglion
Organs of hearing and balance
CN VIII, Vestibulocochlear (SSA)
CN VIII location of nerve cell bodies
vestibular ganglion and spiral ganglion
Motor to all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue (except palatoglossus)
CN XII, Hypoglossal (GSE)
CN XII location of nerve cell bodies
Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
CN XI, Spinal Accessory (SVE)
CN XI location of nerve cell bodies
Spinal cord
Motor to stylopharyngeaus, assists with swallowing
CN IX Glossopharyngeal (SVE), medulla
Parasympathetic innervation to parotid gland
CN IX Glossophayrngeal (pGVE), presynaptic= medulla, post synaptic = otic ganglion
Sensation from parotid gland, carotid body and sinus, naso- and oro- pharynx, and middle ear
CN IX Glossopharyngeal (GVA), superior ganglion
taste to posterior third of tongue
CN IX Glossopharyngeal (SVA), inferior ganglion
Cutaneous sensation from external ear and sensation to posterior third of tongue
CN IX Glossopharyngeal (GSA), inferior ganglion
motor to muscles of pharynx (except stylopharyngeus), intrinsic muscles of larynx, muscles of palate (except tensor veli palatini), and stirated muscles in superior two thirds of esophagus
CN X Vagus (SVE), Medulla
Parasympathetic innervation to smooth muscle and glands of trachea, bronchi, digestive tract, coronary arteries, and nodes of conduction system of heart
CN X Vagus (pGVE), Presynaptic = medulla, postsynaptic = neurons in or near viscera
Sensation from base of tongue, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, heart, esophagus, stomach, and intestine to left colic flexure
CN X Vagus (GVA), inferior ganglion
Taste from epiglottis and palate
CN X Vagus (SVA), inferior ganglion
Sensation from auricle, external acoustic meatus, and dura mater of posterior cranial fossa
CN X Vagus (GSA), superior ganglion
GSA = General Somatic Afferent (4) + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
V (V2 and V2 supply sensation to face) TRIGEMINAL: SPINAL, MAIN, OR MESENCEPHALIC
VII (sensory to area of ear)
IX (sensation from external ear and sensation to posterior third of tongue
X (Sensation from auricle, external acoustic meatus, and dura mater of posterior cranial fossa)
SSA = Special Somatic Afferent (3) + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
II (vision) OPTIC
VIII (hearing and balance) VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR
GVA = General visceral afferent (3) + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
VII (not commonly listed, but transmit sensation from the viscera over the fibers of facial nerve) NUCLEUS SOLITARIUS
IX (Sensation from parotid gland, carotid body and sinus, naso- and oro- pharynx, and middle ear) NS
X (Sensation from base of tongue, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, heart, esophagus, stomach, and intestine to left colic flexure) NS
SVA (3) Special visceral afferent + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
VII (taste anterior 2/3 of tongue) NS
IX (taste posterior third of tongue) NS
X (taste from epiglottis and palate) NS
GSE = general somatic efferent (4) + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
III (Extraocular muscles) OCCULOMOTOR
IV (Extraocular muscle- superior oblique) TROCHLEAR
VI (Extraocular muscles- lateral recti) ABDUCENS
XII (Motor to all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue (except palatoglossus) HYPOGLOSSAL
GVE or pGVE = General visceral efferent (parasympathetic) (4) + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
III (parasympathetic to smooth muscle in eye) EDINGER-WESTPHAL
VII (parasympathetic to lacrymal, sbumandibular, and sublingual glands) SUPERIOR SALIVATORY
IX (parasympathetic innervation to parotid gland) INFERIOR SALIVATORY
X (Parasympathetic innervation to smooth muscle and glands of trachea, bronchi, digestive tract, coronary arteries, and nodes of conduction system of heart) MOTOR NUCLEUS OF VAGUS NERVE
SVE = special visceral efferent (5) all arch muscles + BRAIN STEM NUCLEUS
V (Motor to muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani) MOTOR NUCLEUS OF V
VII (motor to muscles of facial expression and scalp; stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric_ FACIAL NUCLEUS
IX (Motor to stylopharyngeus) AMBIGUUS
X (motor to muscles of pharynx (except stylopharyngeus), intrinsic muscles of larynx, muscles of palate (except tensor veli palatini), and stirated muscles in superior two thirds of esophagus) AMBIGUUS
XI (Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius) SPINAL ACCESSORY