CM Pulmonary Exam Flashcards
What are the components of a lung exam?
Inspection, Palpation/Percussion, Auscultation, Special Tests
Why might a child cry on inspection?
Stranger anxiety, pain, or respiratory distress
What is important about the patient’s position of comfort?
How they sit may indicate if they are trying to open their airways, a sign of respiratory distress
What is important about how a patient talks?
A patient that struggles to talk may be in respiratory distress
Why do patients take the tripod position?
Lean forward with their hands rested on their arms and legs to try and use accessory muscles to facilitate respiration, a sign of respiratory distress
Why do patients exhale through pursed lips?
Pursed lip exhalation creates a positive back pressure that stents airways open and keeps them from collapsing
What is a normal respiratory rate in an adult?
10 - 14 breaths per minute
What is a normal neonate respiratory rate?
30 - 60, but may be irregular and periodic
What is a normal respiratory rate in young children?
20 - 40 breaths per minute
What is a normal respiratory rate in older children?
15 - 25 breaths per minute
What should be considered in terms of chest expansion?
Depth, asymmetry, and hyperinflation
How do the mechanics of breathing differ in children?
Chest wall is more cartilaginous and therefore more complaint, while intercostals are less developed, so children rely on diaphragm/abdominal breathing to some extent
What is nasal flaring?
A sign of respiratory distress, where the nares are dilated to improve airflow
What is head bobbing?
A sign of respiratory distress in infants
Why does grunting occur?
Attempt to raise expiratory pressure to keep airways open
Why do retractions occur?
Indicate that accessory muscles are being used during respiratory distress, such as tracheal tugging and intercostal contraction
What is percussion?
Tapping on the chest wall to gain information about the tissue underneath
Do you percuss on ribs or between ribs?
Percussion occurs between ribs
What part of which finger should be used during percussion?
Use the distal joint of the middle finger of one hand, and tap on that joint with the middle finger of the other hand
Should you percuss over scapulae?
What is a normal lung percussion note?
What does hyperresonance indicate?
Extra air that produces a louder, lower sound on percussion indicates emphysema or pneumothorax
How would emphysema sound on percussion?
Hyperresonant, due to extra air
How would pneumothorax sound on percussion?
Hyperresonant, due to extra air