CM Flashcards
Rheumatic fever, HD- Eti
- Uncommon in US, rate before 4, after 40.
- Age 5-15
Rheumatic fever, HD- Sx
- Fever: 2-3 weeks post infection
- Carditis
- Carey-coombs mid-diastolic murmur
- Erythema marginatum- ringed macule
- subcutaneous nodules
- polyarthritis
- Sydenham chorea- involuntary mvmnt of face, tongue, arms
Rheumatic fever, HD- Dx
- Jones criteria + strep infection
- ESR indicates inflammation
- Increasing titers of antistrep Abs
Rheumatic fever, HD- Tx
- Rest until pulse, ESG, ECG normalize
- Salcylates (aspirin), penicillin, prednisone
Jones Criteria:
1 required + 2 major + 0 minor OR 1 required +1 major + 2 minor
Jones criteria- Required
Evidence of antecedent Strep. infection- Abs, culture, scarlet fever
Jones criteria- Major
- Carditis
- Polyarthritis
- Chorea
- Erythema marginatum
- Subq nodules
Jones criteria- Minor
- Fever
- Arthralgia
- Prev rheumatic
- Acute phase reactants- ESR, CRP, leukocytosis
- Prolonged PR interval
Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Rigidity and deformity of valve cusps
- Valvular stenosis and/or regurg
- Mitral, aortic, tricuspid- rarely pulm.
NY HF classification-
Classify extent of heart failure based on physical activity, angina & SOB
NY HF- Stage 1
Cardiac disease, no symptoms, limitations
NY HF- Stage 2
Mild SOB, angina, slight limit with activity
NY HF- Stage 3
Marked angina due to symptoms, comfortable only at rest
NY HF- Stage 4
Severe limitations. Symptoms at rest, bed bound
Left heart failure
- Due to systolic or diastolic dysfunction
- Low cardiac output, congestion,
- Dyspnea: Elevated pulm venous pressure