CLIPP 4 Flashcards
A BMI greater than the percentile for age is considered obese.
weight and height ages
weights or heights at which the patient’s weight or height would plot at 50th %tile
core ADHD sx
inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity that often lead to issues at home/school - need sx in 2+ settings, typically dx before 7 yo
what is one of the most common chronic health conditions in kids
when should objective vision and hearing tests start
vision - at 3yo
hearing - at birth and then resume at 4yo
ADHD and sleep hygiene
people w/ adhd might have poor sleep hygiene but aren’t overly tired
childhood depression can convert into
bipolar disorder
learning disorders manifest as and can lead to
problem involving academic skills - many states require documentation of normal IQ and discrepant academic performance , can lead to behavioral problems, screen for adhd and LD as they can have comorbidity
Oppositional defiant disroder vs conduct disorder
ODD - hostility towards authority, defiance, negativity
Conduct disorder - more severe, habitual rule breaking, aggression, stealing, truancy, lying, destruction
which other mental disorder has highest comorbid rates w/ adhd
what % of kids respond to adhd meds like sustained release methyphenidate
4 adverse effects of stimulants
appetiet suppression, slowing of grwhto velocity that diminished by year 3 but no compensatory mechanism seen, insomnia esp early on in meds, and tic disorder that can stop if you stop the med
cv risk with stimulants?
higher in adults probably, and also seen in kids w/ heart disease that is known.
children’s TOTAL MEDIA time should be limited to __ daily
1-2 hours of quality programming
avg child watches __ hr tv/day, and __ hr total media time/day
3, 6.5
what does maternal diabetes and high birth weight put you at risk for
is breastfeeding a risk factor for obesity
no - feeding helps prev obeisty
early menarche associated with
bmi >85th%