CLIPP 2 Flashcards
autism screening timeline
@ 18 months and @ 2 years of age
mandated developmental screening at these ages
@9, 18 and 30 month checkups
do not give this type of milk until ___ age because ___
regular cow’s milk until 12 months because it can –>colitis/anemia (cow’s milk protein is okay)
caloric daily intake of 1-2month olds and daily average weight gain, as compared to caloric need for preemies and very low birth weight babies
- 100-120 cal/kg/day, 20-30g gain per day
- preterm needs 115-130 cal/kg/day
- VLBW needs up to 150 cal/kg/day
palmar reflex and when it goes away
will grasp anything placed in palm. goes away at 3-4 months, key is it must go away for grasping voluntarily.
plantar reflex and when it goes away
toes flex when you touch ball of foot. goes away by 8 months and key is it must go away before first steps
babinski and when it goes away
stroke lateral aspect of plantar foot–>fanning of toes. goes away at 1-2 years
asymmetric neck reflex and when it goes away
turn baby’s head to one side –>ipsi arm extends while contra arm flexes and it key for visual coordination. goes away at 6 months
moro and when it goes away
drop the head and then there is symmetric abDUction and extension of arms, and then ADDuction of the arms, goes away at 4 months
babies sleep through night by the age of ____
4-6 months
can start babies on soft rice cereal w/ spoon at age of __
4 months
must drink ___ oz of formula or milk/day otherwise should supplement with __ of __
32 oz (1quart), vit d 400units
big car seat milestones
under 2y- rear and back facing carseat
over 4 years - booster seat front facing
over 8 years - booster or regular if outgrown booster
over 13-front or rear
these 3 vaccinations are recommended on __ dose schedule over the age of __ months
2, varicella, MMR, hepA over the age of 12 months
# of doses over the first 5 years: DTaP IPV Hib PCV13 MMR Varicella RotaV HepA HepB
DTaP (5) IPV (4) Hib (3 or 4, depending on the vaccine manufacturer) PCV13 (4) MMR (2) Varicella (2) RotaV (2 or 3, depending on the vaccine manufacturer) HepA (2) HepB (3)
influenza shot recommendations
6 - 59 months, and anyone who takes care of kids of that age, plus kids under 19 years
-should be given during flue season (i.e. someone who is 6 months old in march probably should wait til 9 month old appt in september to get shot)
double their birth weight by __ months and triple by __
4-5 months, triple by 12
red reflex in babies is substitute for ___ and in different color skin babies can appear different but as long as there is no ___ its fine and lack of red reflex means ___
fundoscopic exam
white spots, asymmetric coloration
-glaucoma, cataract, chorioretinitis, rb
gross motor at 2, 4, 6, 9 months
head up at 45/headup, roll over/sit w/ head steady, sit/rollover, pull to stand/stand holding on
fine motor at 2, 4, 6, 9 months
follow to/past midline, follow to 180/grasp, look for dropped yarn/reach, take/pass 2 cubes
cognitive/linguisitic/communication at 2, 4, 6, 9 months
laugh/vocalize, turn to rattling sound/laugh, turn to voice/rattling sound, dada/mama/nonspecific / single syllables
social/emoitional at 2, 4, 6, 9 months
smile sontaneously/responsively, regard own hand, feed self/work for out of reach toy, wave bye/feed self
____ is prelude to stranger anxiety
stranger recognition
how often should new foods be added to a 6 month old’s diet
every 5-7 days
acetaminophen and vaccines
lowers Ab response thus only should be given if needed
at 12 months these are some key developmental milestones
standing alone, many walk well. good pincer grasp. says mama dada and 1-2 other words. hands parent book to read, points when wants something, can imitate things, play ball with examiner
in dark complexion patients, where should you look for pallor?
nail beds, conjunctiva, mucous membranes
fatty liver dz on exam
palpable liver edge, not a whole abdominal mass
wilms tumor age, sx, mass characterisitcs
3yo, often incidental and typically no LAD or jaundice but 50% have abd pain, htn or vomiting, smooth and typically won’t cross midline
most common asymptomatic mass dx in kids under 2yo and is in chest, abdomen or neck and often can be asymtomatic or have fever, pallor or weight loss
best choice for 1st imaging study in infant abd mass
NB imaging and path
Histopathology reveals “small round blue cells” or small, uniform cells containing dense, hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm, forming small cell rosettes.
Urinary HVA/VMA will be elevated in 90-95% of cases.
A CBC may reveal anemia or other cytopenias that are secondary to bone marrow infiltration.
CT scan may reveal calcifications and a heterogenous mass with cystic areas representing either hemorrhage or necrotic tumor.
Metastases are primarily to regional lymph nodes and to the liver, bone marrow, and skeleton.
Chest radiograph will reveal any lymph node involvement in the chest or additional tumors that may present in the posterior mediastinum.
hepatoblastoma imaging and path
Radiograph of abdomen will demonstrate hepatic enlargement with hepatic tumors.
CT scan will show tumor and origin of tumor.
Chest CT is indicated to look for pulmonary metastases.
Diagnosis is dependent on histologic examination.
Laboratory studies of liver function are usually normal but liver enzymes and bilirubin may be elevated in 20% of cases.
Alpha-fetoprotein levels will be increased in most patients.
wilms imaging and path
Ultrasound may identify the mass as intrarenal.
On CT scan the mass may be heterogenous with areas of low density representing necrosis. A pseudocapsule may be observed because of the sharp demarcation between tumor and normal renal parenchyma.
Pulmonary metastases may be identified on chest radiograph.
CT scan of the chest is indicated to visualize areas of lung below the level of the dome of the diaphragm.
Laboratory findings may include hematuria.
teratoma imaging and path
Teratomas and germ-cell tumors are best identified with CT scan.
Tumors appear as well-defined masses with both solid and cystic components.
Teratomas are identifiable on plain x-ray only if calcified components, such as teeth or bony fragments, are present.
Constipation causing a palpable abdominal mass can readily be identified on plain radiographs of the abdomen.
No other radiographic evaluation is necessary.
benign renal mass work-up
Hydronephrosis can be diagnosed with ultrasound.
Voiding cystourethrogram will demonstrate any ureteral obstruction or vesicoureteral reflux.
stage 4s NB prognosis
though it has spread (
Localized primary tumor as in Stage I or II with dissemination limited to liver, skin or bone marrow.) , these stage of tumors spontaneously regress often, due to embryonic nature of the tumor cells.
Stage 4S neuroblastoma is a special category that is reserved for infants less than 12 months who have resectable primary tumors and metastases to the liver, skin, and bone marrow. Overall survival is over 85 percent.
NB staging
1: only area of origin
2: extends beyond area of origin, not cross midline. 2b if involves ipsi nodes
3: croses midline or mets to regional LN
4: disemminated
4s: localized with dissemination limited to skin, liver or BM and may regress
key favorable prognostic factors in NB
Non-amplification of the n-myc oncogene
DNA index > 1
Favorable histology (Shimada classification)
Age < 1 year. - infants over 18 mons don’t fair as well
(LAD is not necessarily a bad prognostic factor due to chemo tx these LN i.e. regional LAD is not necessarily awful)
genetics of NB
rarely genetic, it is AD with low pentetrance IF it is the familial form and passed along in gametes not in somatic cells (most forms of nb are sporadic and in somatic cells)
expressivity vs penetrance
penetrance, which refers to the likelihood of the gene generating its associated phenotype at all. In contrast, expressivity refers to the influence of an expressed gene at the level of particular individuals. Expressivity can therefore be used to characterize qualitatively or quantitatively the extent of phenotypic variation within a particular genotype
brainstem auditoriy evoked acoustic emission test indicaiton
brain-stem auditory evoked potential hearing test (BAER) may be indicated in infants who fail to meet language milestones if they cannot cooperate with other more comprehensive testing.
age 1
At age one year, gross motor skills include pulling to stand, standing alone, and perhaps first steps. Fine motor skills including putting a block in a cup and banging 2 cubes held in hands. At this age a child should be able to imitate vocalizations/sounds and babble. The majority of children this age will know 1 or 2 words in addition to “mama” and “dada.” Social-emotional milestones at age one year are waving bye-bye and playing pat-a-cake. Running, building towers of blocks, removing clothing, and a 6-word vocabulary are more advanced skills than a 12-month-old would be expected to have.
15 months
At 15 months of age, a child should be able to stoop and recover and walk well, put a block in a cup, have a vocabulary of a few words, wave bye-bye, and drink from a cup. Running, building towers of blocks, removing clothing, and a 6-word vocabulary are more advanced skills than a 15-month-old would be expected to have.
18 months
At 18 months, a child should be able to walk backward, and 50–90% of children can run at this stage. An 18-month-old should be able to scribble, build a tower of 2 cubes, have 3-6 words in her or his vocabulary, and be able to help in the house and remove garments.
2.5 year
At 2 ½ years of age, kids can jump up and throw a ball overhand. They can build a tower of 6–8 cubes, point to 6 body parts, name 1 picture, put on clothing, and wash and dry their hands. Sammy is only able to build a tower of 2 cubes, can remove his clothing but does not yet put clothing on, and his vocabulary is limited to 6 words—leading us to believe he is not 2 ½ years old.
At age 3, children can balance on each foot for 1 second, wiggle their thumbs, name 4 pictures, name 1 color, name a friend, and brush their teeth with help. Sammy’s vocabulary is only 6 words, he is not able to name a friend, he is only able to stack 2 cubes, and he has just starting running, but is unable to balance on each foot for 1 second.
beckwidth wiedmann syndrome associations
Wilms’ tumor is commonly associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, a genetic overgrowth syndrome. Other features that may be seen in children with this syndrome include omphalocele, hemihypertrophy, hypoglycemia, large for gestational age, and other dysmorphic features.