CLIPP 20 Flashcards
nature of tension headaches
episodic, worse throughout day, band like with accompanying tenderness of posterior neck
most common cause of recurrent headache in kids
classic vs common migraine
classic = w/ aura common = w/o aura - is most common type seen in kids
signs of increased ICP in terms of HA sx
HA + projectile vomiting, HA worsening w recumbency, HA awaken from sleep, HA worse w/ valsalva/cough,
headache in child w/ photo and phono phobia
could be migraine but also could be meningitis/encephalities
dennie’s lines
nfraorbital transverse creases and are associated with mild chronic inflammation of the conjunctivae, as in allergic conjunctivitis
Refers to the fine granular appearance of the palpebral conjunctivae resulting from edema and hyperplasia of the papillae.
Cobblestoning of the pharynx occurs with chronic nasopharyngeal drainage of allergic rhinitis and represents areas of lymphocytic hyperplasia
romberg test
The Romberg test is performed by asking the patient to stand with feet together and arms extended anteriorly, palms upward.
Romberg test is abnormal (+) with eyes opened and eyes closed.
cerebellar pathology
the Romberg test will be + only with eyes closed; vision helps the patient compensate for the loss of sensation
dz resulting in abnormal position sense
things causing pseudo tumor cerebri
Tetracycliens, vit A, galactosemia, hypothy, obesity,
dx criteria pseudotumor cerebri
Increased intracranial pressure (with associated symptoms such as headache and vomiting)
Normal brain anatomy
Normal cerebrospinal fluid.
The diagnostic test is an elevated CSF opening pressure during a lumbar puncture.
major sequelae of PTC
blindness resulting from transmission of elevated CSF pressure to the optic nerve sheath.
when would you not need brian mri in context of bad headache
normal physical and neurologic examinations and lack of symptoms associated with increased intracranial pressure
lack of coordination of muscle movements and is a non-specific neurologic sign which can result from dysfunction in various parts of the nervous system that coordinate movement, such as the cerebellum, the inner ear, and the dorsal columns.
Ataxia can be congenital or acquired.
most common cause of acute cerebellar ataxia in kids
post infectious cerebelitis aka acute cerebellar ataxia, happens in 1-3yo, dx of exclusion, follows a viral infxn like vaicella or cocksackie and leads to AI demyelination of cerebellum.
- will see vom, nystag, ataxia suddnely but few if any systemic sx
- csf can show pleocytosis, w maybe high prot
- most kids recover on own within a few months
infectious cerebellitis
fever often , as well as AMS
-can be bacterial or viral
types of meds that can lead to ataxia and how it presents
xposure to a medication such as an anticonvulsant, or to a toxin such as alcohol (or even to sedating anthistamines) can lead to acute ataxia.
The ataxia may be accompanied by nystagmus and dysmetria and is usually bilateral, owing to diffuse involvement of the cerebellum including the vermis and the cerebellar hemispheres.
opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome
araneoplastic syndrome that occurs most often with neuroblastoma, generally occurs in the younger child (6 months-3 years).
Ataxia is accompanied by intermittent jerking movements (myoclonus) and erratic, jerky conjugate movements of the eyes (opsoclonus).