clinical psych 2 Flashcards
positive symptoms
excesses and distortions, incl hallucinations and delusions
beliefs contrary to reality and firmly held in spite of disconfirming evidence
thought insertion
a person may believe that thoughts are not his or her ow have been placed in his or her mind by an external source
thought broadcasting
a person may believe that his or her thoughts are broadcast or transmitted, so that others know what he or she is thinking
grandiose delusions
an eaggerated sense of his or her own importance power knowledge or identity,
ideas of reference
incorporating unimportant events within a delusioonal framework and reading personal significance into the trivial activities of others.
sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment
lack of motivation and a seeming absence of interest in or an inability to persist in what are usually routine activities, work or school or hobbies
a loss of interest in or a reported lessening of the experience of pleasure
consummatory pleasure
refers to the amount of pleasure experienced in the moment or in the presence of osmething pleasurable
anticipatory pleasure
amount of expected or anticipated plleasure from future ecents or activities
blunted affect
lack of outward expression of emotion
significant reduction in the amount of speech
sociogenic hypothesis
stress associated with poverty such as low education, limited opportunities, and stigma from others of high status contributes to development of schizoprenia?
social selection hypothesis
during the course of their deeloping illness, people with schizo drift into poor neighborhoods because their illess impairs their earning power and they cannot afford to live elsewhere
clinical high-risk study
a design that idetifies people with early attenuated signs of schizophrenia, most often mildre forms of hallucinations delusions or disorganization that nonetheless cause impairment
cognitive remediation training/cognitive enhancement therapy
treatments that seek to enhance basic cognitive functions such as verbal learning ability
delirium tremens
person becomes delirious as well as tremulous and has hallucinations that are primarily visal but may be tactile as well
synthetic narcotics acting on the same central nervous system receptors, substitute for the original
statistical significance
whether something has occurred by chance
clinical significance
whether a relationship between variables is large enough to matter
cross-sectional design
causes and effects are measured at the same point in time
high-risk method
only people with above average risk would be studied
the study of the distribution of disorders in a population
family method
to study a genetic predisposition among members of a family because the average number of genes shared by two blood relatives is known
index cases/probands
the collection of a sample of persons with the diagnosis in question
association study
examines the relationship between specific allele and a trait or behaviour in the population
process of facilitating adoption of efficacious treatments in the community, most typically by offering clinicians guidelines about the best available treatments along with training on how to conduct those treatments
analogue experiment
investigators attempt to create or observe a related phenomenon in the laboratory to allow more intensive study.
male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
deficient or absent sexual fantasies and urges
spectator role
being an observer rather than a participant in a sexual experience
paraphilic disorders
sexual attraction to unusual objects or sexual activities lasting at least 6 months
voyeuristic disorder
an intense and recurrent desire to obtain sexual gratification by watching unexpecting others in a state of undress or having sexual relations
exhibitionistic disorder
exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling stranger, sometimes a child
frotteuristic disorder
touching an unsuspecting person
sexual sadism disorder
inlflicting pain or psych suffering such as humiliation on another
sexual masochism disorder
being subjected to pain or humiliation.
dialectics behaviour therapy
combines client centred empathy and acceptance with cognitive behavioural problem solving, emotion regulation techniques and social skills training
externalizing disorders
outwardd directed behaviours such as aggressiveness noncompliance overactivity and impulsiveness
internalising disorders
inward focused experiences and behaviours
multi systemic treatment
involves delivering intensive and comprehensive therapy services in the community, targeting the adolescent, the family the school and in some cases the peer group.
joint attention
interactions that require two people to pay attention to each other, whether speaking or communicating emotion nonverbally, are impaired in children with autism
pronoun reversal
in people with autism, children refer to themselves as ‘he’ or she or you or even their own name
doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.
categorical imperative
an unconditional moral obligation which is binding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a person’s inclination or purpose.
the doctrine that the morality of an action is to be judged solely by its consequences.
is the normative ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action.
social selectivity
interest shift away from seeing hew social interactions to cultivating a few social relationships that really matter to us