Clinical Hematology Final Flashcards
Normal values for WBC
Normal values for RBC
Normal values for Hgb for females
Normal values for Hgb for males
Normal values for Hct for female
Normal values for Hct for males
Normal values for platelets
What factors increase the ESR?
anemia, infections, pregnancy, carcinoma, alcoholism, multiple myeloma, macroglobulinemia
What factors decrease the ESR?
polycythemia, sickle cell, spherocytosis
What is the chief use of the osmotic fragility test?
determines the ability of the RBCs to withstand hypo-osmotic solutions and membrane defects
What test is best to use to differentiate between homozygous and heterozygous sickle cell disease
Hub electrophoresis
How are reticulocytes stained?
new methylene blue
What is the use of the reticulocyte test to the physician?
to determine RBC production in certain disease states; diagnosing and monitoring anemia
In what condition would one expect to see an increased retic count?
hemorrhage, post-splenectomy, hemolytic anemias
In what condition would one expect to see a decreased retic count?
bone marrow suppression due to toxic environmental substances, chemotherapy, and radiation
Red cell morphology for increased MCV
Red cell morphology for decreased MCV
Red cell morphology for decreased MCHC
Red cell morphology for increased RDW
With what condition are burr cells associated?
toxic states, GI bleeding, and chronic renal disease or uremic poisoning
In what condition is punctate basophilia frequently seen
lead poisoning, increased erythropoiesis, various anemias and leukemia
With what condition are Heinz bodies most closely associated?
What is the most prominent feature in a blood smear from a patient with ABO HDN?
What values must be known in order calculate the MCV?
RBCs and Hct
What values must be known in order calculate the MCH?
RBCs and Hgb
What values must be known in order calculate the MCHC
Hit and Hgb
Describe the blood smear of IDA
hypo/micro, aniso and poik, target cells, burr cells, oval
Describe the blood smear of folic acid deficiency
macro/normo, oval macro, hypersegs, aniso/poik, pancytopenia, HJ bodies, NRBCs, basophilic stippling, cabot rings
What are the causes of aplastic anemia?
bone marrow suppression, failure or replacement
What is a common characteristic of all hemolytic anemias?
marked increase in retic count
What is an unusual finding that is a means of differentiating AIHA from other hemolytic anemias?
What is pancytopenia?
decreased concentrations of all blood cells
What is the appearance of a plasma cell?
eccentric nucleus, strongly basophilic cytoplasm
What are the distinguishing characteristics of Hodgkin’s disease?
leukocytosis and eosinophilia
What are the normal features from a newborn
NRBCs, polychromasia, immatures, ATLs
What serves to stain eosinophils for a eosinophil count?
What serves to lyse other WBCs in a eosinophil count?
What serves to lyse other RBCs in a eosinophil count?
propylene glycol
What condition cannot absolutely be diagnosed without a bone marrow aspirate?
pernicious anemia
What must be seen in a bone marrow aspirate to diagnose pernicious anemia?
What is the chief use of the LAP?
differentiation of acute and chronic leukemias, particularly CML
What is the most common leukemia in children?
Which leukemia frequently presents with a greatly increased platelet count?
How are PNH and PCH diagnosed in the lab?
What type of hemolysis is PNH?
What type of hemolysis is PCH?
Which layer of the blood is used for making and LE prep?
buffy coat
Which group of disorders is classified by the FAB?
What is the normal MCV value?
80-100 fL
What is the normal MCH value?
27-31 pg
What is the normal MCHC?
32-36 g/dL
What is the normal RDW?