Clinical anatomy of the lower limb Flashcards
What are the most common pelvic disorders?
Pelvic and actetabular fractures
What are the most common hip disorders?
Paeds: DDH, Perthes, SUFE
Trochanteric bursitis
Hip fractures
What are the most common knee disorders?
Arthritis Extensor mechanism injury Patellar instability Meniscal injuries Cruciate injuries Collateral ligament injuries
What are the most common foot and ankle disorders?
Ankle arthritis Talipes Equinus Tarsal coalation Hallux valgus Hallux rididus Morton's neurome Pes planus dusfuction Plantar fasciitis Ankle, MT fractures
What bone produces the medial malleolus?
What bone produces the lateral malleolus?
What is contained within the hind foot?
Talus and calcaneous
What is contained within the mid foot?
Navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid
What is contained within the forefoot?
MTs and everything else distal
What is the movement of the talus navicular joint?
Rotational movement
What is the movement by the tarsometatarsal joints?
Abduction and adduction
What is the function of the acetabular labrum?
Increases the amount the femoral head is capsured, important stabiliser
What is the main blood supply to the head and neck of femur?
Medial and lateral circumflex arteries
Mostly medial artery
A little from obturator artery
What muscles are the hip flexors?
Where does the iliacus originate and insert?
Origin: iliac crest
Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
Where does the psoas major originate and insert?
Origin: transverse processes of L1-5
Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
What are the secondary hip flexors and extensors of the knee?
Rectus femoris
Where does the rectus femoris originate and insert?
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: Tibia via patella tendon
Where does the sartorius originate and insert?
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: Tibia
What are the hip adductors of the hip?
Adductor brevis Adductor longus Adductor magnus Pectineus Gracilis
Where do the hip adductors originate and insert?
Origin: inferior pubic rami
Insertion: Linea aspea, pectineal line, tibia
What are the hip abductors?
Gluteus minimus
Gluteus medius
Tensor fascica latae
Where do the gluteus minimus and medius orginate and insert?
Origin: iliac wing
Insertion: greater trochanter of femur