Clinical Flashcards
What does DAMNIT V stand for?
D - degenerative
A - anomalous
M - metabolic
N - nutritional
I - Inflammatory, infection, idiopathic
T - traumatic, toxic
V - vascular
What is the purpose of DAMNIT V?
To create a differential diagnosis list
What conditions can be confused with seizures?
What are some clinical signs of BSE in cattle?
What is BSE?
Why is it really hard to diagnose?
Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy - Mad cow disease
Clinical signs may not present until years after infection
What causes BSE?
What caused the BSE outbreak?
How are cattle tested?
Who do you report a suspected case to?
Proteins called prions, they are abnormal and harmful
Prions found in meat-and-bone meal from sheep and cattle that was prion infected
Once dead their brain is tested using the BSE rapid screening test (ELISA)
APHA (England, Scotland, Wales (NI is regional))