Brain Flashcards
Identify 1-7 and distinguish which is Grey matter and which is white
Grey Matter
1. Cerebral Cortex (neocortex)
2. Cingulate Gyrus
3. Basal Ganglia: Caudate Nucleus
White Matter
4. Cerebral White Matter
5. Corpus Callosum
6. Internal Capsules
7. Ventricles - Lateral Ventricles
Where has this transection been taken from?
The cerebral hemisphere of the telencephalon
Identify structures 1-7 and distinguish between the grey and white matter
Grey Matter
1. Cerebral Cortex (neocortex)
2. Cingulate Gyrus
White Matter
3. Corpus Callosum
4. Internal Capsules
5. Ventricles - Lateral Ventricles
6. Rhinencephalon - Hippocampus
7. Rhinencephalon - Fornix
What main features does this transection include?
What structure is 1-7 located in?
What structure is 8-12 located in?
Mamillary Nucleus + Piriform Lobe
The cerebral hemisphere of the telencephalon
Identify structures 8-12
- Thalamus
- Interthalamic Adhesion
- Hypothalamus
- Mamillary Body
- Third Ventricle
Identify structures 1-8
- Cerebral cortex (neocortex)
- Cerebral white matter
- Ventricles - Lateral Ventricles
- Rhinencephalon - Hippocampus
- Hippocampus
- Medial Geniculate Nucleus
- Brachium of Rostral Colliculus
- Mesencephalon (midbrain)
What main features does this transection include?
What structure is 1-5 located in?
What structure is 5-7 located in?
What structure is 8 located in?
Oculomotor Nucleus and Red Nucleus
The cerebral hemisphere of the telencephalon
Identify structures 1-4
- Cerebral Cortex (neocortex)
- Cerebral White Matter
- Mesencephalon (midbrain)
- Metencephalon (hindbrain)
What main features does this transection include?
What structure is 1-5 located in?
What structure is 5-7 located in?
What structure is 8 located in?
Caudal Colliculus and Pons
Identify structure 1
- Mesencephalon (midbrain) – cerebellum
Identify structures 2-12
- fourth ventricle
- lateral recess & foramen choroid plexus
- pyramidal tract
- medial lemniscus
- facial nucleus
- spinal tract of V
- nucleus of spinal tract of V
- caudal cerebellar peduncle
- vestibular nuclei (medial + lateral)
- reticular formation
- Cranial nerve - glossopharyngeal/vagus n.
What main features does this transection include?
What structure is 1 located in?
What structure is 2-12 located in?
Facial Nucleus
Identify structures 1-4
- Central Canal
Grey Matter - Dorsal Horn
- Ventral Horn
White Matter - White Matter
What main features does this transection include?
What structure is 1-4 located in?
Spinal cord segment (C-2)
Central Canal
What takes in visual information taken?
What is it made of and what is the key component?
At the retina
Several layers - the key component being the photoreceptors
What are photoreceptors?
Bits of information telling you if light is being received or not
When visual information is taken in what path does it take to reach the association cortex of the brain?
Photoreceptors in retina take in information, this moves through the retina into thee visual pathways, it then reaches the occipital cortex/visual cortex, once it has reached here it moves to the association cortex
What are the 3 most basic layers in the retina and what occurs at them?
- Ganglion cells (produce a white matter tract - optic nerve - that transmits info to the brain)
- Bipolar cells, Amacrine cells, Horizontal cells (allows processing to occur at retina before transmission to the cortex a the cells connect the photoreceptors to each other)
- Photoreceptors (converting a photon of energy into membrane depolarisation and action potential)
what are the names give to the relationships at the receptor level and the ganglion cell layer?
one-one relationship
multimodal relationship