Clin - Stupor and Coma Flashcards
requirements for consciousness
1) arousal (level of alertness, ability to interact w/ environment)
2) awareness (know what’s going on)
which state of altered consciousness is represented by mental blinding, increased sleep, and arousal to mild stimuli (voice)
what is battle’s sign
a bruise behind the ear that indicates a fracture at the bottom of the skull, typically temporal bone fx
what does a general examination of a stupor/coma patient entail
1) vital signs (respiratory rate and pattern)
2) skin
3) breath odor
4) signs of trauma (raccoon eyes, battles sign, CSF leak)
5) CSF stiffness
if a stupor/coma patients presents with HTN, what are some considerations
- pheochromocytoma
- drugs (amphetamine, cocaine, PCP)
- increased ICP
- PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome)
if a stupor/coma patients presents with hypotension, what are some considerations
- addison’s
- sepsis
- drugs (beta blocker, Ca2+ blocker, TCAs, lithium, sedatives, opioids)
if a stupor/coma patients presents with hyperthermia, what are some considerations
- infection
- heat stroke
- drugs (amphetamines, TCAs, cocaine, salicylates, neuroleptics)
- serotonin syndrome
- central hemorrhage
if a stupor/coma patients presents with hypothermia, what are some considerations
- hypothyroid
- hypoglycemia
- drugs (opioids, sedatives, barbiturates, alcohol)
During a general medical exam of the skin of a patient with impaired consciousness what should be considered with cold, puffy, yellowish appearance?
myxedema coma
During a general medical exam of the skin of a patient with impaired consciousness what should be considered with purpura?
- meningococcal meningitis
- TTP (Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
- vasculitis
- aspirin OD
During a general medical exam of the skin of a patient with impaired consciousness what should be considered with rash?
meningitis, viral encephalitis, rickettsia
what should you consider when a stupor/coma patient comes in with breath odor that smells like:
- dirty restroom
- fruity
- musty
- onion
- garlic
- dirty restroom: uremia
- fruity: ketoacidosis
- musty: hepatic failure
- onion: paraldehyde (rare tx for seizures)
- garlic: organophosphates (insecticides, herbicides, sarin)
list the bilateral supratentorial causes of coma
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
- multiple infarcts
- venous thrombosis
- cerebral edema
- acute hydrocephalus
- multiple mets
list the SUBtentorial causes of coma
- pontine hemorrhage
- basilar artery occlusion
- central pontine myelinolysis
- cerebellar hemorrhage/infarct
- cerebellar/brainstem neoplasm
- cerebellar abscess
describe the caloric stimulation test and what nerves it tests
1) pour cold water in left ear –> eyes should slowly move to right and quick movement to the left (left nystagmus)
2) pour cold water in right ear –> eyes should slowly move to left and quick movement to the right (right nystagmus)
coma pt: eyes will deviate away and then stay there
nerves 8 (stimulation from the water to the brainstem), 6 (abducting the eye), 3