Client Care Flashcards
How do the RICS Rules of Conduct relate specifically to client care?
- Rule 1 – declaring conflicts of interest, referral fees.
- Rule 2 – Ensuring work is only delivered by those who have the necessary experience.
- Rule 3 (generally).
- Rule 4 – Treating clients with respect and meeting individual client needs with regard to special considerations.
At Herriot Hospice, what were your client’s responsibilities with regard to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and the Building Regulations 2010?
- The building was located within a Conservation area and planning permission was required for some aspects of the works, including replacement of external doors and windows.
- The alteration works were subject to Building Regulations approval, including aspects relevant to means of escape and compartmentation.
- I walked the client through the process of ensuring Building Regulations compliance for the works, including the appointment of an Approved Inspector to oversee and sign off the works.
What should be included within a client brief?
- Date.
- Surveyor’s name.
- Client name.
- Statement of the problem or instruction.
- Aims.
- Proposed solution or service.
- Pricing.
- Deadlines.
What should a comprehensive set of Terms of Engagement include?
- Client identity.
- Surveyor responsible for the work, including their qualifications.
- Scope and nature of work.
- Limitations (including liability caps).
- Data protection policy.
- Due diligence undertaken, including what will not be checked and what assumptions will be made.
- Fee basis.
- Reference to the firms Complaints Handling Procedure.
What example behaviours allow surveyors to provide a high standard of client care?
- Clear communication using agreed methods.
- Understanding client objectives and requirements.
- Active listening.
- Responding promptly to queries.
- Feedback e.g. project reviews, satisfaction survey
- Regular reporting – discuss at outset and raise potential delays or issues in advance (and ideally over the phone first).
- Avoid technical jargon for lay clients. Consider sending out an RICS Consumer Guide to explain complex matters.
- Consider cultural differences and translation if appropriate.
- Consider neurodiversity, disability and diverse user needs, including braille, large print or accessible document formats.
What must you do before accepting an instruction from a prospective client?
- Establish if there are any conflicts of interest.
- Undertake relevant due diligence (identity checks etc – check companies house and identification documentation).
- Money laundering checks.
- Ensure the client is fully aware of the terms of engagement and services to be provided.
- Confirm whether any referral fees apply (e.g. referral fee to agents for recommending your firm for surveys.
- Ensure work can be carried out to the required level of service and within timescales agreed.
- Consider whether the instruction is ethical (ethics decision tree – sufficient facts? Is it legal? Is it in line with RoC? Have you consulted with the appropriate people to make an informed decision? Do you have clear reasoning in reaching your decision?
Are you aware of any templates provided by RICS regarding terms of service?
- Standard Form of Consultant’s Appointment.
- RICS Standard Form of Consultant’s Appointment is intended to be used for the more complex, medium or large ‘normal’ type service project appointments.
What is the definition of a stakeholder?
Individuals or groups who have an interest in a project or instruction because they are involved or affected by the outcomes.
What are KPI’s and how can they be used?
- Key Performance Indicators.
- They can be used to monitor performance, progress or costs. They provide a helpful client feedback mechanism.
Can you provide an example of a quality / business management system and what procedures may be included?
- ISO 9001 - the international standard that defines the requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS). A Quality Management System enables organisations to manage their processes and systems in order that customer and other stakeholder requirements can be achieved. At its core is the principle of continuous improvement.
A suggested procedure within a QMS could be:
- Conflicts of interest checks.
- Customer due diligence process.
- Critical task checklists for files.
- Data handling and security processes.
- Process to check the quality of work.
- Billing process.
- Complaints handling process, including feedback of lessons learnt.
What is the definition of a complaint?
- Any expression of dissatisfaction.
- Complaints generally arise when expectations are unmet e.g. timing, scope of work or misunderstanding. This is why having a clear client brief and Terms of Engagement is so important.
What is your firm’s complaints handling process?
Stage 1
- Acknowledge complaint within 7 days.
- Issue a copy of the CHP to the complainant.
- Inform PII provider of the complaint.
- Pass complaint on to the complaints handling officer.
- Respond to a complaint within 28 days.
Stage 2
- Third party independent redress mechanism (approved by RICS).
- Property Ombudsman.
What are RICS regulated firms required to do regarding complaints handling procedures?
- Firms must have a written complaints handling procedure (CHP).
- The CHP must be agreed with the PII provider.
- Firms must keep a complaints log.
What should a firm’s CHP be in order to be effective?
- Fit for purpose – reflects the size and structure of the business.
- Available to all staff – intended to provide clarity and consistency to staff and clients.
- Understood by all – keep records of staff training.
- Readily shared with complainants or potential complainants – supplying a copy should be routine.
- Regularly reviewed at a senior level – record evidence of review, including details and review date.
- Agree with PII brokers/provider(s) – should reflect processes that do not compromise PII cover.
- Include independent redress if the firm cannot resolve the complaint.
How may a CHP operate?
- Surveyors can deal with dissatisfaction, but serious issues will need to be referred to the firms CHP, particularly if a complaint is received in writing from a client.
- Complaint received.
- Consider whether the PII provider needs to be informed (check the policy).
- Recorded and receipt acknowledged (seven days).
- Passed to complaints handling officer who investigates.
- Correspondence with the client to outline issues and course of action (if you cannot give a complete response immediately, then an update should be issued within 28 days).
- Outcomes recorded and communicated to the client.
- Lessons learnt shared internally.
If a firm cannot resolve a complaint, what should happen?
ADR can be pursued using a mechanism approved by the RICS Standards and Regulation Board.
What ADR mechanism may be appropriate for a surveying firm?
- Consumer redress (customer complaints) – Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), The Property Ombudsman, The Property Redress Scheme, Financial Ombudsman Service.
- Business to business (B2B) redress (contractual disputes) – Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), RICS Dispute Resolution Service (DRS).
What RICS guidance is available that related to complaints handling?
Complaints Handling (1st Edition, July 2016) – Professional Standard
Which of the rules of conduct relate to transparency of fees and services to be provided?
- Rule 1 - being open and transparent about fees and services.
- Rule 3 - inform clients promptly and seek their agreement if terms of engagement of fees may change.