CLEP History Review Flashcards
What is the Wade-Davis Bill?
Required 51% of the 1860 voters in each S. state to take an “ironclad” oath of allegiance
What is the 13th Amendment and when was it ratified?
The abolishment of slavery was ratified in December 1865
What was the Freedman’s Bureau?
An organization that helped newly freed S. slaves adjust to life after slavery
Which two groups did the S. think were opportunists?
The N. carpetbaggers and Scalawags
What were the Black Codes and which president enforced them?
Laws that limited rights and liberties for slaves were passed by President Johnson
What did the black codes force African Americans to do?
Become sharecroppers
What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Bill?
It gave the Federal government the right to supervise civil rights and make sure that all individuals, including AA, had life, liberty, and property
What was the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867?
Military supervision of state governments
Divided 10 unreconstructed states into 5 military districts
What was the Credit Mobilier Scandal?
Involved the N. Pacific Railroad
Allowed those involved to amass fortunes by gaining money that was intended to fund the construction of the railroad
What was the 15th Amendment?
Prohibits states from denying citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or condition of servitude
Who were the redeemers in the South?
Southern wing of the Democratic Party that sought to regain their political power and enforce White supremacy
Was the Civil Rights Act of 1875 successful? Why or why not?
No, because it lacked strong enforcement regulations
What is the significance of the Panic of 1873?
It was a 6-year depression
What was the Compromise of 1877?
Remove all military from the South
Leads to diminishing Freedman’s Bureau
What was the Homestead Act of 1862?
Gave 80 million acres to settlers to encourage settlement in the West
What was the Dawe’s Act of 1887?
Allotted some reservation lands to Indians to try and assimilate them
What happened in Holden vs. Hardy (1896)?
Court upheld a law regulating miners’ working hours because long workdays increased potential injuries
What is the Interstate Commerce Act 1887?
The federal government can regulate interstate trade in public interest
Created Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Who found the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?
Samuel gompers
What is the Haymarket Affair
3k workers gather to protest police brutality
What was the Homestead Strike?
Workers went on strike at Carnegie’s steel factory in 1892 because of wage cut
Where were the immigrants from in late 1800s?
North and Western Europe
British Isles, German States, France, Scandinavia, Ireland
Where were the immigrants from the late 1800s and early 1900s?
South and Eastern Europe
Italy, Russia, Poland, Austria-Hungary, Greece
What is the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883?
Established a merit-based system for most federal government positions
What was the case of Munn vs. Illinois?
The court upheld the principle of state regulation of railroads
What was the Wabash Case?
The court declares that only Congress can limit the rates of interstate commerce
Distinguish between protective tariffs and revenue tariffs
Protective tariffs = high tariffs to keep foreign goods outs
Revenue tariffs = low tariff that encourages the import of foreign goods so that US can tax them and government can get revenue
What is the Bland-Allison Act of 1878?
Authorized the Treasury to buy $2 mil to $4 mil worth of silver each month
What was the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890?
Increased monthly purchases to $4.5 mil
What did President Hayes do?
Attempted to overhaul the spoils system
Ended reconstruction in the S.
What did President Garfield do?
Wanted to reduce tariffs and increase relations with Latin America
Was assassinated
What did President Arthur do?
Signed the Pendleton Civil Service Act
What did President Cleveland do?
Expanded civil service, vetoed private pension bills, and urged Congress to out tariffs
What did President Harrison do?
Used bribery and multiple voting to win Indiana and NY
Supported civil service reform
Signed Dependent’s Pension Act (provided aid to injured war veterans)
What was the result of Plessy vs. Fergurson?
Separate but equal
Which segment of the American population drove the creation and success of the People’s Party in the early 1890s?
What were the results of Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”?
He was a muckraker that revealed the corruption of the meat packing industry which led to federal and state laws regulating meatpacking
What was the 19th Amendment and when was it ratified?
Gave women the right to vote and was ratified in 1920
Who were the Rough Riders?
They were led by Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish-American War in Cuba
What is the significance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in 1911?
Enforced laws like fire safety, factory inspections and sanitation, and employment rules for women and children
What was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?
Established the US central banking system, the Federal Reserve System
Created framework for Federal government to supervise and control the money supply
What was Roosevelt’s Square Deal?
His domestic program included conservation of natural resources, corporate law, and consumer protection
Signed legislations like factory inspections, child labor, and business regulation
What was the Payne-Aldrich Act?
Endorsed by Taft which raised tariffs rates over 900 products
What is the Foracker Act of 1900?
Established Puerto Rico as an American territory with its own civil government
Who won the 1920 election?
President Harding but later had a heart attack and Coolidge became president
What was the Teapot Dome scandal?
Albert B. Fall was convicted of bribing oil companies and became the first presidential cabinet member to go to prison
What was the purpose of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act
Issued by President Herbert Hoover to provide relief, create jobs, and support agriculture
What were FDR’s new deal goals?
Bank reform, job creation, economic regulation, and regional planning
What was the Wagner-Peyser Act?
Created the US Employment Services, promising states matching funds if they created local employment opportunities
What was the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)?
It was a federal agency tasked with planning and developing floor control, reforestation, and hydroelectric power
TVA workers erected series of dams to harness Tennessee River in creation of hydroelectric power and also taught farmers crop rotation
What was the Townsend Plan?
Recommended paying every citizen over 60, who retired from work, $200 a month
What is the Wagner Act?
Ensures workers’ right to organize and bargain collectively
What was the downside of the Enabling Act?
It gave Hitler power to make all laws for German for the next 4 years
What was the Munich Pact?
Leaders of Britain, France, and Italy agreed to the German annexation of Sudetenland in exchange for a pledge of peace
What was the Nixon Doctrine?
The US would continue to assist its allies but would not assume responsibility for defending the entire non-communist world
What was the Carter Doctrine?
The US would regard any attempt to interfere with its interests in the Middle East as an act of aggression to be met with force if necessary
What was the Bush Doctrine?
The belief that the US has the right to protect itself from terrorist acts by engaging in pre-eruptive wars or ousting hostile governments
What were the Stonewall riots?
Rise of gay liberation movement
The Progressives were not Isolationists (t/f)
Which president was involved in the Watergate Scandal?
President Nixon
What made the 1928 election special?
It was the 1st election that featured a Roman Catholic as a candidate