Classic Study of Sherif using GRAVE Flashcards
Sherif et al (1954/1961)
Generalisability - Weakness
The fact they were all white, middles class boy means that the results may not have been the same if girls had been the participants, or children from different ethnicities so it lack generalisability.
Sherif et al (1954/1961) - Strength
Application value of superordinate goals
Communities are brought together to provide safe environments for children that are bullied and change the behaviour of children that bully by The programme so reducing bullying.
Sherif et al (1954/1961) - Strength
High Ecological Validity
The study has high ecological validity as it is representative of a real-life situation. Sherif et al. (1954/1961) used a Boy Scout
camp in America which was realistic for the boys in the study.
Sherif et al (1954/1961) - Strength
Validity due to being unaware of the aim
In Sherif’s study the boys were not aware of the study so demand characteristics reduced increasing validity of the results.
Sherif et al (1954/1961) - Strength
Validity from supporting study about superordinate goals.
Lemmer and Wagner (2015) found that intergroup contact interventions resulted in improved attitudes toward other ethnicities, supporting the view that joining forces can reduce prejudice.
Sherif et al ( 1954/1961)
Ethics (Informed Consent) - Strength
Whilst the boys did not know about the study the parents all gave informed consent, knowing what would happen whilst the boys were at Robbers Cave, so the study can be deemed to be ethical as the boys were too young to give consent without the parents giving it.
Sherif et al (1954/1961) - Weakness
Ethics (Protection from Physical and Psychological Harm)
The fact the boys called each other names and some fought could have upset or hurt some of the boys at the camp, so it could be
argued the study was unethical as the boys were not protected from psychological and physical harm.