Class Notes: October 2nd (The Motivated Self) Flashcards
Characteristics of a mentally healthy person (Two).
· Close contact with reality
· Accurate perception of reality
Shelly Tailor
Did an interview study with women with breast cancer.
How did they make sense of the experience?
What struck her, was women were often finding another person or a situation that is worse than ours.
Often doing social comparison but comparing women whose situation is worse than theirs.
Illusions and Wellbeing (1988)
- Self evaluations
- Perceptions of control
- Risk assessment
Self serving bias for casual attributions
· oh wow, I guess I’m not so smart, or I didn’t study enough/ vs I got some really tough questions, I didn’t get sleep) -Make me feel better.
· Talents are unique, weaknesses are common.
· We have a more objectively positive view of ourselves
Better then average effect
· Self ratings are greater than observer ratings of self traits.
· People tend to rate themselves above average- but everyone can’t be above average.
How do we construe our sense of personal control?
· Integral to more theories of self esteem and well being
· But ideas of control may be an illusion
· If a dice Is in your hand, you are more sure you can win, then if someone else is rolling the dice.
· Same thing with lottery, more sure lottery ticket will win if you scratch it off as opposed to a machine.
Risk Assessment (Optimistic Bias with future life events)
· People assume negative events will happen more to others.
· People assume more positive events will happen to them.
· What constitutes unrealistic optimism?
How do we use these theories to improve happiness?
More you attribute wins to yourself and failures to external factors, the happier you are.
How does the bias of attributing wins to you and losses to external factors help you?
This bias makes you happy, and happy people help others.
How do we use emotions to create Productive work?
Positive emotions and views of the self correlates with intellectual functioning.
Negative expectations and symptom onset
(HIV study)
Many people HIV positive
If they have expectations (negative – if they think they’ll have it)
Men who were bereaved (Partner passed) and had negative expectations about disease progression- Were more likely to show onset of symptoms.
Realistic expectations and the course of AIDs study
Men who had more realistic expectations died on average 9 months earlier
· Ones with more hopelessly optimistic view “This isn’t happening to me” “I can’t die” died 9 months later.
Illusions and Men at risk for aids
Aids specific optimism
-I feel safe because I have developed an immunity
-Think my immune system is more capable then other gay men.
This predicted their health in the following months
Unrealistic optimism is NOT associated with risky behaviour (ex. Men wont go out and have risky sex thinking they’re fine)
· At least in this context
· Smokers think they wont get cancer/ and smoke anyway
What is Self enhancement associated with?
· Less cardiovascular reactivity to the stress
Chinese born Canadians and self enhancement!
Write in Chinese and in English about your traits.
· People used more positive self descriptions in English vs equal positive and negative in Chinese.
· Chinese: lower self esteem, more collective self descriptions.
In Hong Kong and self enhancement!
· Writing in English: More desirable traits
· Better then average affect: Stronger in English
· However, even though its less, the effect is still there in Chinese.
Self enhancement and cultural differences. (Compared to Siblings)
· Americans show self enhancement effect for siblings.
· Japanese people have no bias for them vs their siblings. Often also assume more negative future events will happen to them opposed to their siblings.
What is Feeling Holier than Thou?
· We think we will give more to charity then we do.
· We expect to be more cooperative in the prisoner’s dilemma game.
· Base rate info
-Influence on self / prediction of others
below average effect.
Better then average effect = Because its things we are able to do, and assume we are even better.
So he came up with an idea, what about things that are harder to do
Assume if we can do it, the task is easier.
Think the more difficult task is not as hard for anyone else, and you just don’t get it.
In certain cultures, some traits may have more or less importance, why?
· Loyalty: more valued in collectivist societies.
· More important you consider the traits = bigger the self enhancement effect
Are Illusions to some extent universal?
Yes! Culture amplifies the visible effects.
How do Indigenous people in Northern Canada use traits?
· “We don’t compare”
· But when you ask someone there for something “Ask him, he’s the best” <- comparison
What is Comparative ability Judgements?
· Egocentric process
· Above average if absolute skills high, but below average if requirements for success are low
· Below average if absolute skills are low
What is the relationship between bias and accuracy?
Estimated vs actual contributions to the group (team success)
Marc: thinks hes responsible for 90% or group success
Pierre: thinks hes responsible for 70% or group success
Daniel: thinks hes responsible for 50% or group success
This totals to more then 100%
Other observers may say Marc did 60%, Pierre did 30% and Daniel did 10%
· Their relative position is spot on! Marc thinks he did the most and he did! Daniel thinks he did the least, and he did do the least!
Good luck,
Thank you