Class 6 - Human Tissues pt. 2 Flashcards
Connective tissue + 5 types
Most abundant and variable tissue, more matrix space.
Most cells not in direct contact with each other.
Highly variable vascularity
- fibrous
- adipose
- cartilage
- bone
- blood
8 functions of connective tissue
- Binding of organs - Connect bones and muscles, skin to muscle, hold organs in place.
- Support - Internal framework of organs
- Physical protection - Cushion delicate organs
- Immune protection - Attacks foreign invaders.
- Movement - Bones provide lever system, cartilage involves speech
- Storage - Maintain stores of fat, calcium, and phosphorus
- Heat production - Metabolism of brown fat generates heat
- Transport - Blood transports gases, nutrients, wastes, hormones, blood cells
Components of fibrous connective tissue (6)
- Fibroblasts - Produce fibers and ground substance matrix
- Macrophages - Arise from monocytes; phagocytize foreign material; activate immune system (antigens)
- Leukocytes (white blood cells) - Immune defense
- Plasma cells - Arise from lymphocytes and synthesize antibodies
- Mast cells - Secrete heparin to inhibit clotting; histamine to dilate blood vessels.
- Adipocytes (fat cells) - Clustered in some fibrous tissues = adipose tissue
3 fiber types of fibrous connective tissue
- Collagenous (white fibers) - Tough, flexible, stretch-resistant. Tendons, ligaments, and deep skin layer
- Reticular - Thin collagen fibers coated with glycoprotein. Framework of spleen and lymph nodes, part of basement membranes under epithelia.
- Elastic - Thinner, allows stretch and recoil.
Components of ground substance (3)
- Glycosaminoglycans
- Proteoglycans
- Adhesive glycoproteins
Loose fibrous connective tissue + two types
Mostly ground substance in space surrounding cells.
- Areolar - Abundant blood vessels, all six cell and fiber types; underlies epithelia in serous membranes, between muscles, passageways for nerves/blood vessels
- Reticular - Has fibroblasts, forms supportive stroma (framework) for lymphatic organs. Found in lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow
Dense fibrous connective tissue + 2 types
Mostly fibers in space surrounding cells.
- Regular - parallel collagen fibers, compressed fibroblasts nuclei. Tendons attach muscles to bones and ligaments hold bones together. Withstands stress from one direction.
- Irregular - Randomly arranged. Collagen fibers and few visible cells. Withstands stress from all directions. Located in deep skin layer and capsules around organs
Adipose tissue (fat) + 2 types
Space between adipocytes occupied by areolar tissue, reticular tissue, and blood capillaries.
Body’s primary energy reservoir.
Fat recycled continuously
- White adipose tissue - Most abundant. Provides thermal insulation. Cushions organs (eyes, kidney). Secretes hormones that regulate metabolism.
- Brown adipose tissue - Mainly in children/infants. Color from blood vessels, mitochondria, mitochondrial enzymes. Heat generating.
Cartilage tissue + 3 types
Stiff connective tissue with flexible, rubbery matrix. Gives shape to ear, nose tip, larynx.
Avascular, diffusions brings nutrients/waste
Matrix rich in GAGs and contains collagenous fibers
1. Hyaline - clear, glassy. Eases joint movement, holds open airway, moves vocal cords, growth of juvenile long bones.
Locations: articular cartilage, costal cartilage, trachea, larynx, fetal skeleton
- Fibrocartilage - Large coarse bundles of collagen fibers. Resists compression and absorbs shock.
Locations: Pubic symphysis, menisci, intervertebral discs. - Elastic cartilage - covered with perichondrium, flexible elastic support.
Locations: external ear and epiglottis.
Bone (osseous tissue) + 2 forms
Calcified connective tissue that composes the skeleton.
- Spongy bone - Delicate slivers and plates. Head of long bones and in middle flat bones (sternum)
- Compact (dense) bone - Calcified tissue with no visible spaces. External surface of all bones
Features of compact bone (6)
- Central (osteonic canal) - Passage running longitudinally along bone shaft, contains blood vessels and nerves
- Concentric lamellae - Ringlike layers of bone surrounding central canal
- Osteon - Central canal and its surrounding lamellae
- Osteocytes - Mature bone cells within lacunae between lamellae.
- Canaliculi - Delicate canals radiating from each lacuna to its neighbors, allowing osteocytes to contact each other.
- Periosteum - Tough fibrous connective tissue covering whole bone
Fluid connective tissue that travels through tubular blood vessels. Transports cells and dissolved matter from place to place.
Contains formed elements suspended in a liquid ground substance called blood plasma
What formed elements include (3)
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells) - Transport O2 and CO2z
- Leukocytes (white blood cells) - defend against infection/disease
- Platelets - Cell fragments involved in clotting. No nuclei
Ability to respond to stimuli by changing membrane potential.
Most developed in nervous and muscular tissues.
In nerve cells —> transmission of signals
In muscle cells —> Contraction/shortening of cell
Nervous tissue + 2 components
Specialized for communication by electrical and chemical signals.
- Neurons (nerve cells) - detect stimuli, respond quickly, transmit coded info
- Neuroglia (glial cells) - Protect and assist neurons.
Muscle tissue + 3 types
Specialized to contract when stimulated, exerting physical force.
- Skeletal - Long fibers, most attaches to bone, multinucleated, striations, voluntary
- Cardiac - Heart wall, short and branched, one nucleus, intercalated discs join cardiomyocytes end to end, striated, involuntary
- Smooth - short fusiform cells, one nucleus, most is visceral (walls of hollow organs), no striations, involuntary.
3 Features of cartilage tissue
1. Chondroblasts - Cartilage cells that produce the matrix
- Chondrocytes - Cartilage cells trapped in lacunae
- Perichondrium - Sheath of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds elastic and most hyaline cartilage (not articular). Contains reserve of chondroblasts for future.