Class 18 - Muscle Tissue pt. 3 Flashcards
Anaerobic fermentation
Enables cells to produce ATP in the absence of oxygen
Inefficient - Yields little ATP per glucose
Produces lactate - must be disposed of by liver
Aerobic fermentation
Produces much ATP. Does not generate lactate. Requires continual oxygen supply
Modes of ATP synthesis during exercise (4)
- Aerobic respiration - uses oxygen reserve from myoglobin, gone in ~4 secs
- Phosphagen system - combination of ADP and CP; nearly all oxygen storage for short bursts of activity
- Anaerobic fermentation
- Aerobic respiration - oxygen from cardiopulmonary function
ATP sources for immediate energy (short, intense exercise) + 2 enzymes
- Oxygen briefly supplied by myoglobin
- Make ATP by borrowing phosphate groups from other molecules and transferring them to ADP
—creatine kinase
In immediate energy (phosphagen system), transfers P from one ADP to another to make ATP
Creatine kinase
For immediate energy (phosphagen system), obtains P from phosphate-storage molecule creatine phosphate (CP) and gives it to ADP to make ATP
Short-term energy ATP sources (1)
- Anaerobic fermentation - muscles obtain glucose from blood/their own storage.
30-40s of maximum activity
Anaerobic threshold - point at which lactate becomes detectable in blood
Glycogen-lactate system - pathway from glycogen to lactate
Long-term energy ATP sources (1)
- Aerobic respiration - after 40s, cardiorespiratory system delivers oxygen fast enough to meet muscles’ ATP demands
Reaches steady state at 3-4 min, where aerobic ATP production keeps pace with demand
For 30 min: energy equally from glucose and fatty acids
After 30 min: fatty acids more significant fuel
Causes of fatigue in high-intensity exercise (2)
- Potassium accumulation - In T-tubules, reduces excitability
- ADP and P accumulation - slows cross-bridge movements, inhibits calcium release, decreases force production in myofibrils
Causes in fatigue in low-intensity (long duration) exercise (3)
- Fuel depletion - glycogen and glucose levels decline
- Electrolyte loss - Na+ and K+ loss through sweat decreases muscle excitability
- Central fatigue - When less motor signals issued from brain; brain cells inhibited by muscles’ released ammonia
Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max)
The point at which the rate of oxygen consumption plateaus and does not increase further with added workloads
Major determinant of one’s ability to high-intensity exercise for more than 4-5 min.
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) (4)
Elevated rate of oxygen consumption following exercise
- Aerobically replenish ATP (and CP stores)
- Replace oxygen reserves on myoglobin
- Provide oxygen to liver which is disposing of lactate
- Provide oxygen to many cells that have elevated metabolic rates after exercise
Can last an hour
Slow oxidative fibers (4)
- Adapted for endurance (aerobic respiration)
- Important for muscles that maintain posture (contract constantly)
- Thin cells with abundant mitochondria, capillaries, myoglobin, myosin with slow ATPase, and SR slowly releasing calcium
- Grouped in small motor units controlled by small, easily excited motor neurons (precise movements)
Fast glycolytic fibers
- Adapted for quick responses; anaerobic fermentation
- Abundant in quick, powerful muscles (eye, hand muscles, gastrocnemius, biceps brachii)
- Myosin with fast ATPase, large SR with quick Ca2+ release
- Strong, thick fibers; low myoglobin
- Large motor units controlled by larger, less excitable neurons (powerful movements)
Factors affecting muscular strength (7)
- Muscle size - thicker muscles form more cross-bridges
- Fascicles arrangement - pennate stronger than parallel, parallel than circular
- Size of active motor units - larger the motor unit, stronger the contraction
- Multiple motor unit summation - simultaneous activation of more units increases tension
- Temporal summation - The greater the frequency of stimulation, the stronger the muscle contraction
- Length-tension relationship
- Fatigue
Resistance exercise vs. endurance exercise
Resistance - Growth from cellular enlargement, muscle fibers synthesize more myofilaments and myofibrils grow thicker
Endurance - Improves fatigue resistance of muscle. Increases skeletal strength, red blood cell count, and oxygen carrying capacity of blood. Enhances cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system function
Unique features of cardiac muscle cells (5)
- Receive innervation from automatic nervous system
- Cells contract in unison
- Endomysium (NO peri- or epimysium)
- Limited mitosis, heal by fibrosis
- Autorhythmic - contract rhythmically and independently
Features of smooth muscle cells (4)
- Varying innervation; some none and others from autonomic nervous system
- Capable of mitosis and hyperplasia - regenerate well
- Slower contractions but can maintain for long period of time
- Forms layers within walls of all hollow organs - propel contents, modify pressure/blood or airflow, allow fine control
Smooth muscle myocyte structure
- Fusiform shape
- Single central nucleus
- Thick and thin filaments, not aligned (no striations)
- Z discs absent, replaced by dense bodies
2 types of smooth muscle
- Multiunit - Individual myocytes respond independently of all others. Occurs in largest arteries and air passages.
- Unitary (single-unit) - myocytes coupled by gap junctions, contract as a unit. Most common type
Stimuli which can excite smooth muscle (5)
- Autonomic nerve fibers and neurotransmitters
- Chemicals - hormones, oxygen, low pH
- Temperature
- Stretch (stomach)
- Autorhythmicity - some single unit smooth muscle cells in digestive tract depolarize at regular intervals
Features of contraction and relaxation in smooth muscle (5)
- Always triggered by Ca2+, energized by ATP, and achieved by sliding filaments
- Gets most calcium from ECF via gated Ca2+ channels
- No troponin, calmodulin instead
- Contraction SLOW compared to skeletal muscle
- Latch-bridge mechanism resistant to fatigue - myosin heads don’t detach from actin immediately, maintains continual tonic contraction (smooth muscle tone)
Smooth muscle response to stretch
- Can open mechanically gated calcium channels in sarcolemma, causing contraction (peristalis=contraction in response to food/feces)
- Stress-relaxation response - Helps hollow organs gradually fill. When stretched, tissue briefly contracts then relaxes
- Contracts forcefully even when greatly stretched - allow hollow organs to fill and dispel contents
- Exhibits plasticity - adjusts tension to degree of stretch
Reasons smooth muscle can contract when stretched
- No Z-discs for thick filaments to butt against
- Thick/think filaments not arranged in sarcomeres, so no issue with too little cross-bridge overlap
- Thick filaments of smooth muscle have myosin heads along entire length, so cross-bridges can form everywhere
Muscular dystrophy
Group of hereditary diseases in which skeletal muscles degenerate and weaken, and are replaced with fat and fibrous scar tissue
Mutation in dystrophin, so actin not linked to sarcolemma and cell membranes are damaged during contraction
Myasthenia gravis
Autoimmune disease in which antibodies attach neuromuscular junctions and bind ACh receptors together in clusters.
Effects usually first appear in facial muscles; drooping eyelids and double vision.