class 11 Flashcards
Vulnerable population definition
specific groups that are at higher risk for poor health because of individual or socioenvironmental factors
Characteristics that creat feelings of vulnerability
-lack of power
-limited control
-disadvantaged status
-health risks
The capacity of people to cope effectively when faced with considerable adversity or risk
Vulnerability can be reveresed by increasing _____
Resilience is more likely to increase if CHN:
Places emphasis on strengths and assess of client
Factors predisposing to vulnerability (health inequities)
-social and economic factors
People who experience poverty are more likely:
-live in unsafe environments
-work high risk jobs
-eat less nutritious foods
-have multiple stressors
Canadian is ranked __ out of 35 industrialized nations
% of relative child poverty
Food security need of __% of food insecure Canadians are not met
Serious health hazards related to social environment
Homelessness, street crime, Mva, unemployment
Domestic violence
Violence or abuse that occurs between people who are related to each other or who have a relationship with each other
5 categories of domestic violence
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Emotional abuse
Financial abuse
Warning sign for abusive potentional of parents
-denial of pregnancy
-initially planned to put child up for adoption
-unresolved negative feelings of having a child
-fear have child not being perfect
-fathers rejects mother of child
-lack of social support
Poor impulse control of parents
-father maltreating mother
-substance misuse
Office of the child and youth advocate NL
An independent office of the house of assembly
Help children and youth in Newfoundland and Labrador independently standing up for their. Rights and interests in dealing with children serving systems
Offers individual and systemic advocacy
Offers education
Role of CHN with vulnerable populations
-well developed assessment skills
-current knowledge of available resources
-ability to plan care based on client concerns and receptivity help
-show respect for the client
CHNS assessment of vulnerable populations
-living environment
-neighbourhood surroundings
-perceptions of socio-economic resources
-congenital and genetic predisposition to illness
-preventative health needs
Vulnerable populations and community health nursing actions:
May see population in clinics, homes, schools, or at work
Regardless of setting actions remain the same:
-create a trusting environment
-show respect, compassion, and concern
-do not make assumption
-coordinate services and providers
-advocate for accessible healthcare services
-focus on prevention
-Know when to “walk beside” client and when to encourage them to “walk ahead”
-know what resources are available
-develop your own support network
of homeless in Canada
150 000-300 000
Absolute homelessness
Refers to people who are perpetually homeless
Sheltered homelessness
Emergency shelters, either occasionally or regularly, for sleeping purposes
Hidden homelessness
By sleeping in their vehicles and/or use a couch or other temporary sleeping arrangement at a friend’s home
Indigenous population and CHN
Historical patterns of trauma and oppression have left many indigenous people in Canada mistrustful of authorities and community health care providers
Chief Public health officer
Provides minister of health and the president of PHAC with public health advice that is developed on a scientific basis