Circulatory System U6 Flashcards
- Stretch when ventricles eject blood from the blood from the heart; Take blood away from heart
Thick muscular; elastic walls
Found deep along bones
- Transport blood back to heart
- Thin walls; has valves
- On surface surround by skeletal muscle
Interconnect arteries to veins
Very thin walls
Everywhere (within a few cells of eachother)
Lymph (lymphatic fluid)
Colourless, watery collection of fluid - drain from tissues and cells
absorbed by lymphatic system - contains proteins, minerals, fats, damaged cells, cancer cells and foreign invaders
- Largest lump of lymphatic tissue
- Produces Lymphocytes and stores excess blood
- if blood pressure is high is stores blood
- if blood pressure is low adds blood to system
Thymus Gland; Tonsils and Appendix
- Bi-lobed structure - important in maturing of lymphocytes (becomes smaller age)
- Contain lymphoid tissue - might help remove invading organisms and viruses
Arterioles and Venules
Smaller Arteries and veins
Arterioles often equipped with sphincter muscle; dilate or constrict
Carotid Arteries
Branch off aortic arch - take blood to head
Chemoreceptors detect oxygen content - Pressure receptors detect blood pressure
Jugular Vein; Subclavian Arteries and Veins
No valves - Blood out of head to superior vena cava
Also branch from aorta - Blood to and from arm (brachial Artery)
Mesenteric Arteries; Hepatic Portal Vein; Hepatic Vein
Branch off aorta travels posteriorly - Brings blood to digestive system - brings nutrients from digestive system
Brings blood from digestive tract (hepatic = liver)
Brings blood from liver to posterior vena cava
Renal Arteries and veins; Iliac Arteries and Veins
- Takes blood to kidney - takes blood from kidney to posterior vena cava
- Oxygenated blood to legs, Deoxygenated blood to posterior vena cava
Anterior (Superior) and Posterior (inferior) Vena Cava
Largest Vein; Collects “spent” blood from smaller veins and carries to right atrium
Anterior is upper posterior is lower
Pulmonary Arteries and veins
Circut with trunk and arteries - Arteries bring blood to lungs to get oxygen, veins bring blood from lungs to left atruim with oxygen
Pulmonary Circuit
goes to and from lungs; - Right ventricle - pulmonary trunk - pulmonary arteries - lung capillaries - pulmonary veins - left atrium. Carbon dioxide rich blood gets cleaned; oxygen rich blood back to heart
Systemic Circuit
Left ventricle to right ventricle - oxygen rich blood to tissues - Carbon dioxide rich blood to heart
Oval opening
opening between 2 artia - covered by flap of tissue (like valve) - right atrium to left atrium - Bypass lungs
Arterial Duct; Umbilical Artery and Vein; Venous Duct
Pulmonary Artery and Aorta connection; bypass lungs
Takes waste to placenta from fetus - Takes nutrients to fetus from placenta
Connection vena cava and umbilical vein - bypasses liver
Components of Blood
55% plasma 45% Red cells (Enthrocytes) White Cells (Leukocytes) Platelets (Thrombocytes)
Components of Plasma
90% water; Proteins Albumen, Fibrinogen, Glubins; Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide; A.A glucose, fatty acids, glycerol; Salts; Wastes
Red Blood Cells
120 days; Produced in Redbone marrow; No Nucleus, biconcave; approx 200,000,000 hemoglobin in one RBC;
Blood clotting
Thromboplastin converts a blood protein (prothrombin) into Thrombin; Thrombin acts as enzyme, breaks off end of fibrinogen; Fibrinogen converted to fibrin; Fibrin forms net over leak, blood is trapped and forms clot
White Blood Cells
Larger than RBC; Have nucleus; no definite shape; Fights against infection;
produce 2 million a day; broken fragments of other cells; important in blood clotting
Blood clotting needs - Prothrombin, Fibrinogen, Platelets
Blood Types
8 possible O+, O-, A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+,
Antigen D - Rhesus Factor (- can donate to + but + can’t donate to -)
(If RH- mother carries a RH+ baby, not recommended to have another baby - if second baby is RH+ clumping will occur harming the baby)
Lymphatic System
Lymph - Colourless, watery fluid from tissues not reabsorbed by capillaries or veins. Returned to circulatory system later
Products of fat digestion absorbed by lacteals, lead to lymph nodes and vessels
Nodes produce lymphocytes (white blood cell)
Nodes act as filter and trap bacteria and other debris
Spleen; Thymus Gland; Tonsils and appendix; Lymphatic Tissue
- Largest lump of lymph tissue; produce lymphocytes and store excess blood
- Bi-lobed, important in maturing Lymphocytes - become smaller with age
- Lymphoid Tissue; remove invading organisms and viruses?
- produce lymphocytes and store excess blood
Lymph Vessels; Lymph Nodes; Lacteals
Similar to veins; fluid only flows in one direction
- Small oval/round tissue, filter fluids and produce lymphocytes
- Blind Sacs in villi of digestive system absorb products of fat digestion
Left and Right Atria; Left and Right Ventricles; Atrioventricular Valves
Right collects “Spent” blood, Left collects oxygenated blood
- Right Send blood to lungs; left sends blood to body
- Prevent backflow from ventricles to atrium; Right (tricuspid 3 cusps or flaps) left (bicuspid - two cusps)
Chordae Tendineae; Semi-lunar valves; Pulmonary Trunk; Septum
- keeps valves from inverting with force of blood flow
- Prevents backflow from right and left sides
- Receives blood from right ventricle to send to lungs
- Separated Left and Right side of heart
Systole; Diastole
- Contraction
- Relaxation
Cardiac Cycle
70 beats per min; lub-dubb sound from atrioventricular then semi-lunar valves closing; Intrinsic (beat of heart said to be) Beat controlled by Nodal Tissue
Sa Node; AV node; Bundle of HIS; Purkinje Fibers
- Upper right wall
- Bottom Right near septum
- Passes into ventricular septum; divides into 2 bundle branches
- Sometimes left and right bundles of HIS
Parasympathetic System; Sympathetic System; Pulse
- Slows heartbeat
- Increases Heartbeat during stress
- As blood pumped through arteries, wall swell and recoil
Hypertension; Hypotension
-High blood pressure (125/90)
Low blood pressure (90/60)