Church’s Response Flashcards
disturbed the unity of the Christians and sowed the seed of confusion.
He managed to convince a few believers and went around continuously teaching his belief on Jesus being subordinate to the Father.
The First Ecumenical Council of Nicea, which was attended “by______ bishops” condemned______ as a heretic and affirmed its faith in Jesus as equal to the Father in the famous ________ of 325 A.D.
Nicene Creed
Through the council, “the bishops added the adjectives ___________ in speaking of the Son of God; that is to say that the Son is of the same substance (ousia) with the Father or consubstantial with him.
The Council affirms Jesus as fully divine, eternal, not made and truly human.
Council of nicea
the bishop of Alexandria, was responsible for the partial defeat of Arianism.
He was considered as “the greatest of the 4th century defenders of 1st Council of Nicea
The ______________ indeed re-affirmed Nicea and condemned Apollinarianism and Arianism.
Council of Constantinople
On the other hand,______, bishop of Alexandria, attacked the claims of Nestorius. An intelligent theologian who is faithful to Nicea
worked to emphasized the unity of divine and human in Christ” and strongly argued that the title_______ for Mary is “permissible.’
The __________ condemned the views of Nestorius and declared Mary as Theotokos
Council of Ephesus
Since heresy deliberately and clearly violated the teachings of the previous councils, “_________, the bishop of Constantinople had Eutyches condemned and excommunicated.”