Christian Matters of Life and Death Flashcards
Who proposed the Big Bang Theory?
George Lemaitre
What occupation did George Lemaitre have?
Catholic Priest
Define the Big Bang Theory?
A scientific theory regarding the origin if the universe which suggests that Universe had expanded from a single dense point, around 13.7 billion years ago.
How would Christians who are in support of the Big Bang Theory respond to these statements?
‘The Bible is the word of God and should be taken literally, the Genesis creation story said that God created the universe in 6 days. The Big Bang Theory opposes this’
- The Genesis creation story is a metaphor.
- It’s main message is God created the universe.
- It is possible that God created the universe via the Big Bang,
- This could be a reference to ‘let their be light’.
- George Lemaitre did not think his theory disproved the existence of God.
Why do Christians value the Universe?
- It’s God’s creation and he continues to sustain it
- It reflects God’s love and power
- Gift from God to humanity
What are the two Christian views of their responsibility in the Universe?
Minority: Commodity
Majority: A place to be looked after and cared for.
What is the Sanctity of life?
-Belief that life is created by God and was made Holy by him, therefore should be cared for and treated with respect.
What teachings support the Sanctity of Life?
Humans are made in the image of God.
God breathed life into humans
God planned each person before they even existed.
Every part of a person’s life was designed by God
The human body was designed to be a special dwelling for the holy spirit.
Why is the Sanctity of life important?
- God cares for humans who are able to form a relationship with him.
- All people are made in the image of God and loved by God unconditionally. This means all people should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race, gender, background, or age.
Define survival of the fittest?
Survival of the fittest is the idea that members of a species that are best suited to the environment survive.
Why do some Christians accept the Theory of Evolution?
- Christians believe that the Genesis creation story in the Bible is a metaphor. It’s main message is that God created the Universe and all life in it.
- Theistic evolution - God designed the universe and the Earth to be this way for a purpose.
- If Darwin’s theory of natural selection is to be accepted, it is because God oversees this natural process. God created nature along with everything else.
- Christians have put forward the theory of intelligent design, that everything is planned and designed by God, and that each and every change that takes place is the direct working of God in creation.
Why do some Christians oppose the Theory of Evolution?
- The theory of evolution challenged the idea that God is the designer of the universe and that the beauty, order, and complexity of the universe is evidence of this (the design argument).
- The idea that living things adapt to their environment was opposed to their belief that God had created the perfect environment for them.
- The Bible says humans were created on the sixth day of creation, ‘in his own image’, not over a period of millions of years.
- The genesis creation story in the Bible is the word of God and should be taken literally.
- Human life is holy and valuable to God. This is undermined by the fact that humans share a common ancestry with apes.
What is the General Synod?
General Synod is the national group within the Church of England that debates issues relating to Christian beliefs and practices.
What was the purpose of Special Agenda IV Diocesan?
- 2010
- A document created by the General Synod aiming to show that the Christian teachings on creation and the theory of evolution are not conflicting ideas but are compatible.
Why do Christians believe Science is important?
They believe Christianity explains why it happened, but Science explains how it happened.
Who first proposed the theory of Evolution?
Charles Darwin
What was Charles Darwin’s book called which explained his theory?
On the Origin of Species
Define Abortion?
Abortion is the deliberate ending of a pregnancy through surgical or medical means.
In what circumstances is abortion permitted?
- If two doctors agree that there is a risk to the physical or mental health of the mother, baby or existing children in the family.
- In the first 24 weeks of pregnancy is allowed
- If the Mother’s life is in danger
- If the child will have a severe disability, which could significantly lower the quality of life of the child.
Timeline of the development of a foetus?
- Conception- the sperm and egg fertilise to form an embryo
- 6-8 weeks- the embryo becomes a foetus. The heart forming and brain is in the process of formation and heartbeats and neural signals can be sensed. Some people consider this to be the time when a foetus is alive.
- 22-24 weeks- The foetus has a chance of surviving outside the womb
Define pro-life?
Holding the belief that the foetus has the right to life.
What denominations take a pro-life stance?
Catholic Christians and most Evangelical Protestants
How does the Christian belief on the Sanctity of Life demonstrate a pro-life attitude towards abortion?
- The sanctity of life means that human life is sacred and holy.
- All human life should be protected and valued. God has a plan for every human life, and he is the only one who has the right to take a life.
- Life begins at the beginning of conception.
- This means that abortion is wrong and in essence a form of murder, which is forbidden by the Bible.
How can you apply situation ethics in the context of abortion?
For example, where the pregnancy is the result of rape or if the baby is likely to be born with a serious disability, the loving and compassionate action would allow abortion to take place.
Define Pro-choice?
Holding the belief that mothers should be able to choose whether to have an abortion. This is supported by more liberal Christians
How does the Christian belief on Free Will demonstrate a pro-choice attitude towards abortion?
God gives all humans free-will, therefore women should have the right to choose what to do with her own body.
How may Pro-choice respond to the Christian belief on the Sanctity of Life supporting a pro-life attitude towards abortion?
There are many situations where the Christian belief on the Sanctity of Life is contradicted and ignored, such as in the circumstance of war.
How do Prolifers respond to this Prochoice argument:
-A foetus is not a person until it can survive outside the womb, so abortion before 24 weeks are not taking a life.
Every foetus has the potential for life,
and by 6-8 weeks their heart and brain is fully formed and heartbeats and neural signals can be sensed,
therefore some consider this the time which babies are truly living.
Thanks to the exponential progression of modern medicine, babies can survive outside the womb at younger and younger ages.
For example, two babies James Gill and Curtis Means had both survived after only being in the womb for 21 weeks.
How do Prolifers respond to this Prochoice argument:
-A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her own body.
Both the woman and foetus are human therefore the woman’s right should not outweigh the rights of the foetus.
How do Prolifers respond to this Prochoice argument:
-If a baby will not be wanted when it is born, it is better for it to not be born at all.
Adoption is an alternative to abortion. The baby could find happiness with a different family.
Do Christians believe in life after death? Why or why not?
- Yes
- The bible promises an afterlife
- God created life to have a purpose and significance, therefore would surely want humans to continue to live beyond the grave.
- Jesus’ ressurection demonstrated that life after death is possible and guaranteed life after death for all those who believed in him.
Why do some people believe in reincarnation? How do Christians respond to this interpretation?
- They can remember a past life
- Christians reject this idea, as they believe each person has only 1 life on Earth.
Some people believe in the paranormal and believe in the ability to contact the supernatural. How do Christians respond to this interpretation?
-Christians believe there is an important spiritual element to life, however do not believe in the paranormal.
How does the thought of life after death provide comfort for non-religious people?
They believe that their loved ones are in a better place, therefore a common phrase said is “they are with the angels now”.
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
His death and resurrection freed humanity from sin and enabled people to live forever with God.
Why is life after death important and significant for Christians?
A belief in life after death gives Christians joy and hope for the future, even in difficult times.
Christians believe after death, God will judge them on how they lived their lives in this world. This impacts their everyday decisions.
How do Christian’s respond to this statement?
The afterlife is a made-up concept to comfort people who have lost their loved ones.
- The bible proves that the after-life is real and the bible is the word of God, therefore can not be wrong.
- Providing comfort doesn’t mean it’s false.
How do Christian’s respond to this statement?
There has never been any physical evidence of Heaven or Hell, or the afterlife. Space journeys have demonstrated that Heaven is not above the Sky as previously believed.
Christianity is a religion of faith and belief. The Bible state that Heaven and Hell is real, therefore this must be true, as the Bible is the word of God.
How do Christian’s respond to this statement?
Some people argue that heaven and hell were invented to control people’s behaviour. Heaven is promised as a reward for the good and just, whereas hell is used to frighten people into behaving correctly.
- Even if heaven and hell are used to control people’s behaviour, this does not mean heaven and hell do not exist.
- Some conservative Christians argue that warning people about the possibility of hell is the loving thing to do. Other more liberal Christians would differ by arguing that by using hell as a method of frightening people into becoming a Christian is not an action that would be approved by Jesus.
What are the two types of active Euthanasia?
Voluntary and Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Define Voluntary Euthanasia?
When a person’s life is ended painlessly at their own request
Define Non-voluntary euthanasia?
When a person’s life is ended painlessly because there are reasonable grounds to do so, but they are unable to ask it for themselves.
Is Euthanasia legal in the UK?
Define passive euthanasia, is this legal?
Passive euthanasia is the intentional ending of one person’s life by another, motivated solely by the best interest of the person who dies, through the deliberate withholding of a life-preserving substance or procedure.
What is the official term for passive euthanasia?
Non-Treatment decision
Why do Christians oppose Euthanasia?
- Opposes the principle of the Sanctity of Life
- It is viewed as murder, which is forbidden in the Bible
- Only God has the authority to take life
- Terminally ill patients can still worship God and show people God’s love
- The slippery slope argument demonstrates that if Euthanasia were to be legalised, it could led to, for example, infanticide being legalised.
Define Hospice care?
Hospice care is a type of health care that focuses on the palliation of a terminally ill patient’s pain and symptoms and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs at the end of life.
What is the negative about Hospice care?
Expensive to manage
What are non-religious views in support of Euthanasia?
- When a person feels that their quality of life has become too low and unbearable to live, it allows them to choose how and when they die.
- It allows patients who are suffering and know that there is no hope for improvement to have a gentle, pain-free, dignified death.
- Saves medical costs and allows doctors to focus their attention on patients who have a chance of recovery.
- Relieves family of emotional and financial burdens.
What are non-religious views in opposition to Euthanasia?
- No one has the authority to life away, or to make the judgement that a person’s life is not worth living.
- Life is the most valuable possession a person owns and shut not be ended prematurely.
- Legalising euthanasia could pressure patients to choose it even if there is the smallest chance of recovery as they do not want to become a financial burden to their families.
Do Humanists accept Euthanasia?
They would refer to Fletcher’s principle of Situation Ethics to make an informed decision.
What would Christians use as an alternative to Euthanasia?
They would recommend for those who are suffering to go to Hospice or Palliative care as it would provide them with high-quality pain relief, care and love.
Why do Catholics always oppose Euthanasia?
As they follow the ideologies of Natural Law ( a set of moral principles based on the idea that people should choose to do good actions that comply with God’s wishes)
Give some examples of threats to the natural world?
- Animal cruelty
- Air, water, and land pollution
- Waste disposal
- Global Warming
- Deforestation
- Overuse of Natural resources
What do Christian believe their responsibility is for the environment?
- God has given them the responsibility of looking after the natural world.
- God has given humans the power and authority to make a positive difference to the natural world.
- God has made humans stewards of the Earth, which requires them to look after it for the next generation.
When looking after the environment what type of approach do Christians take?
A utilitarian approach
Define utilitarianism
Mill’s principle of Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number.
As ______ of the Earth, Christians must care for ______.
- stewards
- animals
How may Christian care for animals?
- Protecting the natural habitats of animals
- Challenging animal abuse/cruelty
- Campaigning against animal experimentation
- Becoming a vegetarian/vegan
- Supporting conservation of species
What Christian charities focus on the welfare of animals?
- Anglican Society on the Welfare of Animals
- CreatureKind
What situation may Christians agree to Animals being used for human benefits?
- For food
- Medical research
Define assisted suicide?
Where a person is helped to end their own life, popular in places where euthanasia is illegal.
What is the Christian Declaration on Nature, Assisi 1986?
- 1986, Assissi, Italy
- A meeting between the leaders of the 5 major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism) to discuss how their faiths could combine to help the natural world.
- Topics such as stewardship, were declared as crucial