Christian Beliefs Flashcards
What are the three main attributes that Christians believe about
- Omnipotent
- Omnibenevolent
- Omniscient
Why do Christians believe God is omnipotent?
God is all powerful, there is nothing he cannot do
God created the world from nothing
Why do Christians believe God is omnibenevolent?
God is all-loving, full of mercy and compassion
God so loved the world that he sent his only son so that people could have eternal
Who is the Trinity?
- God the Father
- God the Son
- God the Holy Spirit
What do Christians believe about the Trinity?
- There is only one God (monotheism)
- God exists as three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Each of these three are distinct from one and other, but each is wholly God.
- There are NOT three Gods.
Why do Christians believe in the Trinity?
- The way the Trinity works is supposed to be a mystery, but it helps with the
understanding of Gods qualities. - It is how God makes himself known in the world.
- It is called ‘the doctrine of the Trinity’
- It is a fundamental belief for all Christians.
Why is the Trinity important for Christians?
- Without the Trinity it is not possible to believe that Jesus is God. - This is one of
the most important Christians beliefs
What do Christians believe about the oneness of God?
They believe in monotheism
God is one
The oneness of God is seen in the Creeds, the decisions of Church Councils and the
writings of Church leaders
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Trinity?
- The Trinity works as one - yet each of the three persons has a special role.
a) God the Father created heaven and earth,
b) God the Son, Jesus, is the saviour of the world.
c) God the Holy Spirit guides, helps and inspires human beings
What are different understandings of the Trinity within
Mormons - believe that they are not one substance, instead they are three different
beings united in will and purpose
Jehovah’s witnesses - Jehovah is the one true God. Jesus is God’s Son. The Holy
Spirit is God’s power in the world and so is not a person
Unitarians - There is only one God. Jesus was a man whose teachings give him
moral authority but not divinity. There is no difference between God and the Holy
How do Christians show their belief in the Trinity through worship?
They say the Nicene Creed
They use the Sign of the Cross
Priests begin their sermons with the Sign of the Cross
Baptisms and Marriages are performed in the name of the Trinity
Priests bless a congregation at the end of services with the words ‘May the blessing
of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you now and for evermore’
What do Non-Literalist Christians believe about Creation?
- Nothing existed before God created the world - Creation Ex Nihilo
- Only God creates because he is omnipotent
- This belief can be found in the Bible in Genesis.
- They believe it is a symbolic story.
- The world was NOT created in 6 days exactly as it says
Which Catholic scholar talks about Creation ex nihilo?
St. Augustine
What happens in Genesis 1?
God creates the world in 6 days and rests on the 7th. He looks at all he has made and
sees that it is good. He creates humans on the 6th day.
What happens in Genesis 2?
Adam names all the animals in the world but is still lonely. God creates Eve from
Adams rib.
What do Literalist Christians (Creationists or Fundamentalists)
believe about the creation story?
- They believe that the Bible account is accurate and is exactly how the world was
created. - The world was created in 6 calendar days.
- They believe this because the Bible is the word of God and is never mistaken.
What do Non-Literalist Christians believe about the Big Bang?
- They believe in the Big Bang.
- The theory supports their believe of creation out of nothing.
- The Big Bang theory was put forward by a Catholic Priest.
- ‘Let there be light’ could be reference to the explosion.
- Science explains HOW the universe came about and Genesis explains WHY.
Is there a problem between science and religion?
- No - for Catholics there is no conflict.
2. Yes - for people who take the Bible literally (Creationists) there is a conflict.
What does Creation Ex Nihilo mean?
Creation out of nothing.
What does Genesis 1 each us about God and his qualities?
- God is transcendent - he exists outside of space and time (God created the heavens
and the earth) - Eternal - God already existed and has no beginning.
- Omnipotent - God can speak the world into creation and God creates from nothing
- only God can do this.
What does Genesis 2 tell us about Gods qualities?
- Omnibenevolent - God loved humans so much that he created a world that had
everything on it that they needed to survive. - Omnibenevolent - God doesn’t want man to be alone so he creates Eve.
- Omnipresent - God is involved in creation and he creates everything.
What do the Genesis creation stories tell us about human beings?
- Sanctity of Life - We are created last and are the high point of God’s creation.
- Humans were created in the image of God
- We were made Male and Female to have children.
- God gave us free-will.
- We were made stewards of creation.
What do Christians think about stewardship?
- We should all be stewards of creation.
- Christians believe God made humans superior to other animals by giving them
reason and free will and this is why they should look after the world. - Every individual has a duty to care for their neighbours around the world.
What is the incarnation?
- This means ‘made flesh’
2. The Christian belief that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine.
What does it say in John about Jesus as ‘the word’?
‘In the beginning there was the word…and the word became flesh and dwelled among
Jesus was there at creation and he became human. It is clear that ‘the word’ or Jesus is
a separate person from God.
What does John mean about Jesus as ‘the word’?
In the beginning there was the word - Jesus was there before the world began
The word was with God - Jesus was with God
And the word was God - Jesus was God
He was with God in the beginning - Both Jesus and God were there at the start
Through him all things were made - Through Jesus all things were made
Without him nothing was made that has been made - Without Jesus nothing was
made that has been made
What happened at the Last Supper?
The 12 and Jesus were all together eating.
Jesus took the bread and wine and blessed them. He broke the bread and
said ‘This is my body.’ He took the cup and said This is my blood which is poured for
Jesus later revealed that He knew one of them would betray him and that Peter
would deny knowing him in the next few hours
What happened when Jesus was praying in Gethsemane?
Jesus took Peter, James and John to pray
Jesus prayed to God to change his plan and asked for God to remove the cup away from him (The cup of suffering)
Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake with him, but none could and they left
Jesus alone with his troubles
Jesus was betrayed by Judas’ kiss.
He was abandoned by his disciples in his time of need.
What can we learn from Jesus praying in the garden?
It emphasises the solitary path Jesus endured as the Messiah
Jesus was alone
His disciples abandoned him
What is ‘The Passion’?
In Christianity ‘passion’ means suffering
It describes the final suffering of Jesus as he was taken to Golgotha, crucified, and
died, then rose from the dead.
What happened at Jesus’ resurrection?
On Sunday morning Mary Magdalene, Mary (James’ mother) and Salome went to
anoint Jesus’ body.
The stone had been rolled away
Two young men were standing there who said Jesus had risen from the dead (two
They flee from the tomb and tell the disciples
Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus
They return to the 11 disciples and tell them, Jesus then appears and how them his
hands and feet
What is the ascension?
When Jesus was taken up to heaven 40 days after his resurrection. During the 40 days, he taught his disciples and told them he would send the Holy Spirit into the world to help them spread the word of God.
Today, Christian’s remember Ascension on Ascension Sunday with worship and prayers.
Why is the ascension important to Catholics?
Jesus’ mission on the earth was complete
He had completed everything God the Father wanted him to.
Jesus returns to heaven to prepare a place for his followers.
Jesus’ ascension prepared the way for the Holy Spirit to come.
What is the meaning of salvation for Catholics?
Catholics believe Salvation is part of God’s plan.
Original Sin brought the need for salvation to repair our broken relationship with
Jesus offers salvation and we were saved by his life on earth, death, resurrection
and ascension into heaven.
‘Dying he destroyed our death, in rising he restored out life’
‘lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world’
What do Christians believe about Salvation?
Humans rejected God by their sins; humans are so important to God that God
sent Jesus to free humans from the effects of sinfulness.
Their relationship with God depends on Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
Without it, they cannot be close to God or obtain forgiveness for their sins.
They need to repent of their sins, asking God for forgiveness, and accept Jesus
Christ as Son of God and saviour of the world
What is the role of grace in redemption/salvation?
Grace is the love and mercy shown by God because God wants people to have it,
not because they have done anything to earn or deserve it, because he WANTS to
give it.
Christians believe they do not deserve it but they are given it freely and they must
freely accept it from God.
What does Jesus teach us about what God is like and how to live?
God is a loving Father
Love is at the heart of the gospels
God has a special place for the poor and needy
Jesus showed God’s care by healing the sick
Jesus spent his whole life with the poor and needy.
What do Christians believe about life after death?
Jesus rose from the dead and there will be life after death.
They believe in eternal life.
They will have a spiritual resurrection body given by God.
What do Christians believe about the survival of the soul?
It is a non-physical thing which lives on after death.
Most Christians believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe that when the
body dies, the soul leaves the body to live with God.
Other Christians say the body and soul are one and cannot be separated. After
death the soul is temporarily apart from the body, but then the body and soul will
be reunited on Judgement day.
What do Christians believe about Judgement?
When a person dies, God passes judgment on their soul.
Each person is responsible for their own actions.
There will be a final judgement ‘judgement day’ when the whole of creation will be
What do Christians believe about heaven?
A person who has lived a holy life will be rewarded with eternal happiness in
Heaven is described in the Bible as a ‘banquet’ or ‘feast’
The Bible teaches there is no sadness, suffering or pain in heaven.
Christians believe it is a holy, happy and peaceful place to be with God.
It is beyond human experience.
What do Christians believe about Hell?
It is a place where unrepentant sinners go after death.
It is often thought of a place where eternal fire burns and you suffer.
It is a place of eternal separation from God.
What do Catholics believe about purgatory?
The world to come will be different from now - so we need to prepare for that
We need to transfer from sinful to pure.
This happens in purgatory - it means to cleanse and get rid of sin.
Purgatory is a place where we prepare for heaven
Catholics believe you can help souls in purgatory by praying for them
What does St Paul believe about the soul?
Our soul gives us our identity.
As our earthly bodies are body and soul, so are our heavenly bodies
What is moral evil?
Evil that is result of human actions, for example murder.
What is natural evil?
Evil that is naturally occuring in the world and cause suffering, for example earthquakes and diseases.
What is the problem of evil? What is this point of view defined as?
If God is omnibenovolent, omnipotent and created a good world, why does evil and suffering
If God was omnipotent - he would have the power to remove suffering from the
world. Why does he not?
If God was omniscient - he would know that evil was happening and want to stop
If God was omnibenevolent - he would love humanity enough to stop evil, but yet Evil does exist.
Does God exist or is he not who we think he is?
This is called the inconsistent triad!
How would Christians respond to the problem of evil, what would they say is the cause of evil?
- Free Will
2. Original Sin
How does free will help Christians respond to the problem of evil?
- Free-will is a gift from God
- Humans can choose between good and evil.
- When we choose evil, it causes suffering.
- Humans are to blame as they abuse their free will.
Problem with this - it doesn’t give a reason for natural evil.
How does Original Sin help Christians respond to the problem of
- As a result of Original Sin pain and suffering and natural suffering were
introduced into a perfect world. - Since Adam and Eve all humans have original sin and the tendency to go against
God. - Original Sin reminds us we all share a responsibility for the evil and suffering in
the world.
What is the inconsistent triad?
As there is clear evidence and experience of evil, either God is not all-powerful (ie He cannot stop evil) or God is not loving and good (ie He does not love us or care enough to stop evil). This is known as the inconsistent triad.
Who came up with the idea of the Inconsistent Triad?
David Hume and Mackie
What arguments would Christians usually put forward for the
reason evil exists in the world?
- Evil is a test by God to test the faith of Christians
- Evil helps us to be better people
- Evil is a consequence of free will
What do Hick and St Iranaeus think about why evil exists in the
- Humans were made in the image of God, but are not perfect.
- they need to grow to become spiritually perfect. They do this through suffering- as
a way to develop. - Through free will we can make the right choices.
- This is called soul making and explains why God allows natural evil, it helps
people grow and become better people.
What are the Biblical responses to the problem of evil and
Job suffers in the Bible
Job realises that God is so great he should not question God.
We cannot know God’s plan
How does the Father in the trinity influence the lives of Christians today?
Christians pray to the Father in the knowledge that he is omnibenevolent and cares for his creation and is also omnipotent and powerful enough to answer their prayers.
How does the Son in the trinity influence the lives of Christians today?
Christians follow the example set by Jesus in their own lives and look up to him as a role model.
They worship to express their thanks to Jesus for the sacrifices he made for humanity.
How does the Holy Spirit in the trinity influence the lives of Christians today?
The Holy Spirit helps Christians to understand the idea that God is always present in the world. This is a source of strength to most Christians as they feel God is always with them.
A brief overview of the creation story?
Day 1: Heavens, Earth, Light, Dark Day 2: Water, Sky Day 3: Land, plants Day 4: Sun, Moon, Stars Day 5: Fish, Birds Day 6: Land animals, humans
A brief overview of the Garden of Eden story?
- God creates man
- God places man in the Garden of Eden
- God commands the man not to eat from the tree of knowledge.
- God uses a rib from man to create woman
- Woman and man eats the food from the tree of knowledge.
- God banishes woman and man
Why do Christians believe incarnation is important?
- Jesus came into the world to restore the relationship between humanity and god.
- This means that the incarnation allows Christians to have a relationship with God
- By experiencing what it is like to be human, God showed he could understand and identify with humankind.
- The incarnation shows that God loves the world and everyone in it.
Why is the death of Jesus by crucifixion significant?
- Jesus’ death by crucifixion on the cross was proof of his humanity. It confirms that he was truly God incarnate.
- Jesus’ death was a sacrifice that brought about the forgiveness of humanity’s sins. It helped to restore the loving relationship between humanity and God.
- Today, Christians remember the crucifixion on Good Friday with worship, hymns and prayers.
Why is Jesus’ resurrection significant?
- Jesus’ resurrection was proof that his teachings are true and that he is the son of God.
- Jesus’ resurrection was proof that life after death is possible. Christians believe that if they have faith in Jesus and follow teachings then, like him, they will be reunited with God in heaven after they die.
- Today Christians celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
What were the consequences of Jesus’ sacrifice?
Christians are now able to:
- have a relationship with God
- Be saved from the power and consequences of sin
- Enter heaven when they die
How does salvation and atonement influence the beliefs of Christians today?
Christians try to:
- live a good and moral lives following the example of Jesus
- avoid sinning
- repent and ask for God’s forgiveness when they do sin
Define salvation
Being saved from sin
Define atonement
Restoring relationship between God and people
Define eschatology
The study of life after death
What is the importance of Life and Death?
- Christians can be with God forever
- Faithful people are rewarded with God
- Death is not the end
- There is hope for the future
Define omnibenevolent, omniscient, omnipotent?
- All-loving
- All knowing
- All powerful
How do Christian’s reduce suffering?
- Intercession (praying for God to help those who are suffering)
- Showing everyone compassion, kindness and love as you don’t know what they are feeling or experiencing
- Doing your part to make the world a better place, for example volunteering or through charity.
What is the vale of soul making?
the theory that evil has to exist so that humans can develop their souls by living and becoming good, moral people